Category Archives: Blogging


Is It Time to Quit Your Job?

It used to be common for someone to stay in a job for 20 to 25 years and then retire. But now, a person who’s been at the same job that long is as rare as a unicorn. So, how long is too long nowadays—and is it time for you to quit?

“Years ago, a colleague of mine who had held the same title for a number of years went to HR to discuss why she wasn’t getting promoted,” Jen Hubley Luckwaldt wrote on The HR person replied: “People really only have your job for two years, max. Then they leave and go somewhere else. You’ve been here, what, six years? That’s too long. I don’t know what to tell you,” Luckwaldt wrote.

“The norm is for people to move around a lot more than they did a few decades ago,” said Marie McIntyre, a career coach and author of “Secrets to Winning at Office Politics.” “I think when you’re looking at resumes now, it’s kind of unusual to see a resume where someone has been with the same company for 15 to 20 years.”


In fact, the average employee tenure was 4.6 years last year, according to the Labor Department.

The pros of moving around include getting a raise, which McIntyre estimates is often around 15 to 20 percent, building your industry experience and broadening your network.

Nowhere is the longtime employee more rare nowadays than on Wall Street.

“Large banks have shown no loyalty to their employees and have let go of long time and short time people over the past few years, so there isn’t any stigma either way,” one former Wall Street trader said.

“One piece of advice I got a long time ago, ‘Do you have your resume ready at all times? No? Your CEO does.'”

Close your eyes and imagine ten more years at the same job you have now…

“Companies used to have more clear paths to leadership without additional education or outside experience. You could increase your responsibilities each year,”

Matt Wallaert, a 30-year-old behavioral scientist at Microsoft said. “But that job structure has changed: It is very common for people to reach a ceiling where they can’t climb any higher, simply because there is nowhere else for them to go.”

So, they’ll have to go somewhere else to get that higher-level job, that different experience or education in order to advance.

Still, he suggests the right answer is “if.” If you’re still being challenged, if your compensation is fair, if your responsibilities continue to increase, then it’s OK to stay at the same job a long time.

McIntyre agrees. While changing jobs every four or five years tends to be viewed as a plus nowadays, if you stay at one company for 10 years or more but get promoted three or four times, that looks good to prospective employers.

However, she cautioned that sometimes, employers are dubious of long-timers and their ability to adapt to a new environment. There’s a risk that they’ll keep saying: Well, when I was at X company, we used to do it this way.

And, of course, “long time” is relative to the industry. In the tech world, McIntyre said, six months is a long time to be at one job, while in government, five years is “still regarded as kind of new to people who’ve been there longer!”

McIntyre said she’s definitely seen an uptick in people looking for a new job as the economy improves.

“The most-visited page on our website this quarter was ‘Job Hunting When You Have a Job,” she said. “That’s the first time ever!” The site, which has been around since 2005, typically sees the most traffic on its performance pages such as “How to Ask for a Raise.”

“People hate feeling trapped,” McIntyre said.” I think during the down economy, a lot of people just felt trapped.”

And, she’s seeing her clients get more job offers.

“I don’t get as many letters anymore about how bad the economy is!” she said. “It’s more about job-search strategies.”

So, how do you know if it’s time to leave your job?

Amanda Augustine, a job-search expert offers these sure signs:

  • You dread going to work in the morning.
  • You truly dislike the type of work you’re doing.
  • You can’t shake the feeling that you just don’t fit in at the company.
  • You are getting passed over for promotions.
  • The work has become so routine you could do it in your sleep.
  • You have serious concerns about the financial stability of your organization.

McIntyre adds that if your boss screams, yells and curses at you often, it’s also time.

And, if you’re a boss wondering if your employees are looking for a job right now, the answer is yes. Seventy-four percent of employees admitted that they have looked for a new job while at work, according to a recent survey from Right Management.

So, uh, how exactly do you that? First of all remember this:

Luckwaldt said first, don’t use company equipment. Just assume that your employer is tracking your Internet wanderings. It’s better to set up email alerts from various job sites and check your email on your phone.

And, the former trader adds, get out there networking like your life depends on it and have your resume handy at all times. If you’re out there looking, you never know when it’s “go” time!

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Why Do Some People Achieve Their Goals

Some People Achieve Their Goals

These barriers to success are easy to overcome, but only when you know they’re there. Why do some people achieve their goals while others fail? I believe it’s because successful people manage to overcome five barriers that, in many cases, guarantee failure. Here are those barriers and how to overcome them:

1. Uninspiring Goals

When most people set goals, they envision a “thing,” such as a particular amount of money, an object (like a new car), or a specific achievement (like writing a book). Unfortunately, these “things I’m gonna get or do” goals don’t appeal to the core of what motivates you, because they miss the point that what you’re actually seeking in life and work is the POSITIVE EMOTIONS that you believe those things will produce.

Fix: Rather than envisioning a “thing” as your goal, envision–with all the strength in your imagination–how you will feel when you achieve the goal. That way, you’ll be inspired to do whatever it takes (within legal and ethical bounds) to achieve that goal.

2. Fear of Failure

If you’re afraid of failing, you won’t take the necessary risks required to achieve your goal. For example, you won’t make that important phone call, because you’re afraid that you’ll be rebuffed. Or you won’t quit your dead-end job and start your own business because you’re afraid that you might end up without any money.

Fix: Decide–right now!–that failure, for you, is a strictly temporary condition. If things don’t go the way you’d like, it’s only a setback that, at most, delays your eventual success. In other words, accept the fact that you’ll sometimes fail, but treat that failure as an unavoidable (yet vital) component in your quest.

3. Fear of Success

In many ways, this fear is even more debilitating than the fear of failure. Suppose you achieved something spectacular, like enormous wealth. What if it didn’t make you happy? What then? What if you ended up losing all of it? What then? Would your friends start acting weird? Would your family be envious? Such thoughts (and they’re common) can cause even a highly motivated person to self-sabotage.

Fix: Decide that you’re going to be happy and grateful today and happy and grateful in the future, no matter what happens. Rather than focus on possible problems, envision how wonderful it would be to be able to help your friends and family achieve THEIR goals. (Hint: Watch the last season of the TV series Entourage!)

4. An Unrealistic Timetable

Most people vastly overestimate what they can do in a week and vastly underestimate what they can do in a year. Because of this, most people try to cram too many action items into the short term rather than spacing out activities over the long term. The inability to get all the short-term steps accomplished creates discouragement and the impression that the final goal is slipping away.

Fix: As you list the activities and steps required to achieve a goal, schedule only the 20% of the activities that will produce 80% of your results. (I explain more about this in the post The Secret of Time Management.) Beyond that, set ambitious long-term timetables, but always leave some “wiggle room” when you plan short term.

5. Worrying About “Dry Spots”

It’s easy to get discouraged when you reach a point at which nothing you do seems to advance you toward your goal. For example, suppose you’re trying to master a certain skill. You make swift progress at first but then, after a while, it seems as if you’re not doing any better, or maybe a little worse. Some people use these “plateaus” or “dry spots” as an excuse to give up and therefore fail.

Fix: Whenever you reach a plateau or dry spot, it’s time to celebrate rather than give up. A plateau is almost always a sign that you’re on the brink of a major breakthrough, if you just have the patience to stick with it and trust that you’ll eventually achieve your goal.

 Will You Achieve Your Goals?

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Build A Successful Business

Reasons Why You Will Never Build a Successful Business

This article title above might sound provocative or offensive but if you can keep an open mind, you will come to appreciate my point of view. Sorry if the truth that you will never build a successful business hurts; but i just want to be straight and clear, no sentiments.

Starting a business is like building a ship and embarking on a voyage, armed with a plan, a map and a team. You will have to sail against storms, unpredictable weather and uncertainty. If your ship sinks, it’s either you quit or you swim back to shore, build a new ship and sail again.” – Ajaero Tony Martins

I believe you have heard several times that entrepreneurship is a process; a journey, not a destination. In an article i wrote on this blog, i explained the step by step phases of the entrepreneurial process; a process through which every entrepreneur must undergo to build a successful business.

Unfortunately, I stressed in that article that not all who begin the entrepreneurial process will see the end and that’s a harsh truth. What this implies is that not every entrepreneur who starts a business will end up with a successful business; many will end up with trash and most will have nothing. Now what makes me so confident of the fact that you will never build a successful business? You will find out below.

Starting a business is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. In mid air, the entrepreneur begins building a parachute and hopes it opens before hitting the ground.” – Rich Dad

Building a successful business from scratch is definitely not an easy task. Everyday, I come across highly motivated aspiring entrepreneurs who have been stirred by the entrepreneurial spirit and they are rushing out to start their own businesses. These new entrepreneurs possess the needed passion; they have the fire of enthusiasm emitting from their eyes and with this iron clad enthusiasm, they start their own business.

But despite the passion and enthusiasm, these new entrepreneurs usually follow a similar path; a path trodden by so many entrepreneurs. A path that makes true the statistics that 99% of all businesses started usually fail in their first five to ten years. Meeting these entrepreneurs and studying their entrepreneurial pattern made me come up with ten strong reasons why I believe you will never build a successful business.

In the process of reading this article, you are bound to either criticize me or analyze my points and see reasons with me. Either way, you are entitled to your own opinion but I will advice you keep an open mind and reflect on my point of view.


Before I proceed, I want to state clearly that building a successful business is not an impossibility. Rather, it is you the entrepreneur that makes it either a possibility or impossibility. This brings me to a quote from my most respected mentor:

There are no bad business and investment opportunities; we only have bad entrepreneurs and investors.” – Robert Kiyosaki

So if you are ready to learn something new today, then let’s set the ball rolling. Below are 10 reasons why i believe you will never start and build a successful business.

 10 Reasons Why You Will Never Build a Successful Business

Most people are waiting for the perfect time to start a business; they are waiting for all stars to line up and all lights to go green. Unfortunately, that perfect time will never come. To be an entrepreneur, you must start with what you have on ground and pick up the rest along the way.” – Robert Kiyosaki


1. You are afraid of failing

Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure.” – Thomas Edison

Whenever I discuss the subject of entrepreneurship and business development with my protégés; I often mention the fear of failure as the utmost reason why most entrepreneurs will never start a business. Immediately I bring up the issue of fear; I am often met with stiff oppositions and statements such as:

  • “Why should I fear failure?
  • “I am not afraid of failing; I am only waiting for the right time.”

While I do not doubt such statements, I want you to know that the fear of failure is a silent reason why many entrepreneurs shy away from undergoing the entrepreneurial process; and invariably avoid building a business. Being afraid or doubtful is not a sin; it is natural to express fear but the wrong comes when your fear overpowers your faith.

Fear is faith that it won’t work.” – Mary Kay Ash“

If we try and fail, we have temporary disappointments. But if we do not try at all, we have permanent regrets.” – Bern Williams

I have seen individuals with the right opportunity, the right plan, tools and everything they need to get started but they just don’t want to start. Why? The reason they don’t start is because they are afraid of making mistakes and failing. They keep procrastinating because the fear of failure in them is stronger than their faith.

Show me a failure and I will show you a man, who does today, what he should have done yesterday.” – Ajaero Tony Martins

Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.” – Louis Boone

Now how do you know you are afraid of failing? You will know you are afraid of failure if you have attended some seminars, read a lot of books on business and entrepreneurship and you have even taken a bold step to draw a plan of the business you intend starting. Deep down in you, you know you are fully prepared to launch your business, but for some reasons best known to you, you just don’t want to take the leap. And by avoiding taking that leap of faith into the world of business; a world of challenges and uncertainty, you are invariably denying yourself a once in a lifetime opportunity.

To avoid failure is to limit accomplishment.” – Will Rogers“

Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.” – George Edward Woodberry

If the situation explained above best describes you, then know that you are being held back by the fear of failure. My advice to you is this; don’t ever start a business if you are afraid of failing, even if it’s the world’s most profitable business idea because you will definitely fail. Statistics reveal that nine out of every ten businesses started fail in their first five years. This simply means the odd that you might fail is high and I bet you, you can never beat this odd with fear in your eyes. So until you change your mindset and develop some winning attitudes, forget about building a business.

Like success, failure is many things to many people. With positive mental attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the ladder, and a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order to prepare to try again.” – W. Clement Stone

I have taken more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times I have been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over again in my life; and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

2.  You want to “Get Rich Quick.”

elevator tosuccess

What is your major motivation for starting a business? Why do you want to build a business? These two questions may sound casual to your ears but their answers make big differences in the life of every entrepreneur. These questions are so important that I had to write an article on my blog simply to stress their importance. I have observed that 90% of entrepreneurs start their own business just to make money and get rich quick.

I built a conglomerate and emerged the richest black man in the world in 2008 but it didn’t happen overnight. It took me thirty years to get to where I am today. Youths of today aspire to be like me but they want to achieve it overnight. It’s not going to work. To build a successful business, you must start small and dream big. In the journey of entrepreneurship, tenacity of purpose is supreme.” – Aliko Dangote

Your desire to get rich will not take you far enough in business. If building a successful business is your priority, then will you need a stronger fuel to power you towards your desired destination. I can’t tell you what that fuel is because you have to find yours. Everybody’s fuel, passion, motivation or source of inspiration can never be the same. But I advice you, that fuel or source of motivation should never be money; It has to be something higher than money.

You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not get paid for it.” – Oprah Winfrey

So if you are going to start and build a successful business, you must abandon the get rich quick concept and focus on value creation. If you can solve a problem, create value and fill a need, solution seekers or customers will find you and when they do, the money will follow.

Build wealth as a by product of your business success. If wealth is your only objective in business, you will probably fail.” – J. Paul Getty

3. You Lack Experience

Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you are generally better off sticking with what you know and the third is that sometimes, your best investments are the ones you don’t make.” – Donald Trump

Most new entrepreneurs basically lack experience. When it comes to running a business; competence matters a lot and competence is a product of experience. After getting the right education, the next thing is to get some real life experience. Why am I emphasizing the importance of experience? I am emphasizing the importance of experience because building a business is a game of experience.

A business idea will always look exciting and positive on paper but bringing such idea into manifestation is a game of ups and downs. Even if your business collapses and you lose everything, your greatest asset in starting a new business is going to be your experience from the past business failure. It’s priceless.

Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.” – Dr Wayne Dyer

When trying to raise capital for your business, investors will ask you this question;

  • What experience do you have running a business?

When you intend to raise capital by taking your company public, you will be asked by investors;

  • How much have you raised previously and how many companies have you taken public?

All these illustrations and questions boils down to the word “Experience.” Experience in business is measured by the number of years spent running a business; the business challenges you have met and surmounted, grounds you have gained and achievements you have made. Experience entails making business mistakes and learning quickly from them. It is all about knowing what works and what doesn’t. For instance, I can never compare myself with entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs because they have been in the game for years and have results to prove it.

So if you really want to start and build a successful business, then you must be willing to learn and gain some real life experience. When I say learn, I don’t mean going to a seminar or buying a book; it’s beyond that. What I mean is you have to learn quickly from your real life mistakes. You have to start small; make every mistake possible, gain some experience, increase your business skills and confidence. If you learn from your business mistakes, you won’t repeat them and these mistakes will become priceless lessons and ultimately; you will end up gaining some experience.

In times of rapid change, experience could be your worst enemy.” – J. Paul Getty

4. You are using the wrong marketing tool.

Another reason why you will never build a successful business is because you are using the wrong marketing tool. I have seen entrepreneurs use their limited business capital to buy useless advertising slots from advertising agencies. Big time advert slots from advertising agencies are for big corporations with millions of dollars to spend; not for entrepreneurs with limited budget. Moreover, advertising agencies don’t guarantee results, all they do is use your business capital to win themselves awards for creativity.

Real guerrilla marketing should reflect in the books. Successful marketing campaigns are measured by an increase in sales and brand loyalty.

  • Successful Marketing = Increase In Sales
  • Increase in Sales = Increase In Income
  • Increase in Income = Increase In Profit

If you want to succeed in business, you must know the difference between mass marketing and niche marketing. You must also strive to make sure that your marketing strategy produces result.

5. You give up too easily

A principle of life I have come to observe is this;

In every profitable venture you engage yourself in, the pains will always come before the gains.

That’s why I said earlier that a business idea on paper is different from executing the business idea. A business idea will always look exciting and promising on paper but when you launch it, you will begin to see business challenges and critical problems you never expected.

Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Ray Kroc

This is the reason why I asked earlier in this article about your reason for starting a business. If your “why” for starting a business is not strong enough, you will back down and quit along the way. In the process of starting and building a successful business, perseverance and persistence is very crucial. Every journey has a process; a beginning and an end. If you want to build a great business that will outlive you, then you must be willing to stick to the process.

In the game of building a success business and attaining financial freedom, the process is more important than the goal and this process surely has an end. If you stick to the process, you will hit the pot of gold.” – Robert Kiyosaki

10 Reasons Why You Will Never Build a Successful Business

6.  You lack focus

The sun rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” – Anonymous

I can’t remember who made this statement or where I came across it but I really think it’s the truth. Focus is fundamental to success in business. If you lack focus, then forget about starting and building a business. I have seen new entrepreneurs dream of owning multiple businesses. Now let me ask; how can you own multiple businesses when you have not been able to run one competently.


The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it.” – Andrew Carnegie

I have also seen some entrepreneurs start a business and quit after some years. Before you know it, they have started another business. These set of entrepreneurs are always looking for the new hot business opportunity of the month. The sad fact is that these entrepreneurs will spend their entire life building castles in the air. Instead of jumping from one business to another, why don’t you simply focus and bring out the best in that single company of yours. After all, Bill Gates did not become rich by building multiple businesses; he became rich by building Microsoft. Michael Dell did not build multiple businesses; he focused on Dell Computer Corporation, so why shouldn’t you focus.

Concentrate your energy, your thoughts and your capital.” – Andrew Carnegie

7.  You have no plan and strategy

“My most important word in business is ‘Strategy’ and the reason is this: The speed at which your business grows is directly proportional to the overall strategy deployed on that business and the team behind the creation of that strategy.” – Ajaero Tony Martins

Sometimes, I am approached by highly motivated aspiring entrepreneurs who are getting ready to start their own business. “I am about quitting my job to start my own business, what advice do you have for me? This is often the question asked by these aspiring entrepreneurs and my reply to them is always this; “Do you have a plan?

A plan is a bridge to your dreams. Your job is to make the plan or bridge real, so that your dreams will become real. If all you do is stand on the side of the bank and dream of the other side, your dreams will forever be just dreams. First make your plans real and then your dreams will come true.” – Rich Dad

Now I am throwing the same question at you: “do you have a plan? Before ever starting a business, it is advisable you create a business plan, marketing plan and an overall strategy.

A successful business is created before there is a business.” – Rich Dad

A poorly designed business will fail even if the business is profitable.” – Robert Kiyosaki

Success in business starts with a strong plan and a well laid out strategy. Your plan and strategy must thoroughly cover three things;

  • How to start the business
  • How to survive
  • How to grow or expand the business

Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” – Peter F. Drucker

8.  You have no set goals

Aim for the moon. If you miss it, you may hit a star.” – W. Clement Stone

This is another reason why you will never start and build a successful business. I hope you know that starting a business without a goal is like embarking on a journey without a destination. Why is a goal important? A goal is important because it is going to be your ultimate source of motivation and a check point for you; a benchmark on which to access your level of progress.

No matter how carefully you plan your goals, they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto.” – W. Clement Stone

Most people are lazy when it comes to goal setting and without goals, you will just be beating about the bush. If you study the life of great entrepreneurs, you will observe they are goal getters.

I intend to be, the richest man in the world.” – Howard Hughes

9. You want to do build a business alone.

Individuals don’t win in business, teams do.” – Sam Walton

If you are ever going to build a great business, then you must drop the “do it yourself” mentality. Whenever successful entrepreneurs are being interviewed, I always watch or listen with keen interest. While most individuals talk about doing things themselves, these great entrepreneurs always attribute their achievements and success to their business team; they also emphasize the need to delegate duties to people smarter than you.

Successful businessmen share the ability to hire people smarter than they are.” – Dillard Munford

If you are self centered or “I” conscious, then you will never go far in the business world. I have heard of self made millionaires but I don’t think there is anything like a self made, stand alone multi billionaire. Just as Andrew Carnegie says:

You cannot become super rich without first enriching others.” – Andrew Carnegie

One secret to the success of most great entrepreneur is their ability to hire smart people and delegate certain tasks to these smart people. When you think of hiring smart people, think of Bill Gates and his Micro Kids.

Teams should be able to act with the same unity of purpose and focus as a well motivated individual.” – Bill Gates

10.  You lack the required business skills

Skills make you rich, not theories.” – Rich Dad

This is another glaring reason why I said you will never build a successful business. Before I go further, let me as you the following questions.

  • Are you a good communicator?
  • Do you love selling?
  • Can you lead people or undertake projects?
  • Can you balance your check book and interpret a financial statement?
  • Are you brave, daring and ambitious?
  • Can you handle or work under pressure?

If your answer to the questions above is no, then I am sorry you will never succeed in business because business is a game of skills and strategy. Before ever starting a business, I will advice you spend some time developing the required entrepreneurial skills. You can do that by attending seminars and reading some books. Not withstanding, developing your entrepreneurial skills is a continuous process; as long as you are in the game of entrepreneurship, you must keep improving your skills.

The ability to sell is the number one skill in business. If you cannot sell, don’t bother thinking about becoming a business owner.” – Rich Dad

To succeed in business, you will need to develop your communication skills; accounting skills, sales skill, negotiation skills, leadership skills and your personal skills. If you can’t develop all of these, then build a business team that will complement your weakness or you will fail.

In the course of building a business; leadership skill is not an option. It’s a must.” – Rich Dad

11. You are not willing to pay the price

Every goal has a process and every process has a price.” – Robert Kiyosaki

Finally, I don’t need to write much on this because it is self explanatory. What is the price you pay to be the best student in school? My answer is long hours of study. What is the price you pay to be the best in sports? My answer is hard preparation and constant practice. What is the price you pay to start and build a successful business from scratch? My answer is “I don’t know.

In the process of building a business, there is definitely a huge price to pay. What this price is; I don’t know. One unique thing about the business world is that the price for building a successful business never seems to be the same. The price for success paid by Bill Gates is definitely different from the price paid by Ray Kroc or Steve Jobs.

All I can say is this; you will definitely not go far if you are not prepared to pay the price for success in business. Though everyone will not pay the same price, always bear in mind that you must pay a price and “with every price comes a great reward.”

As a final note, the most important fact i want you to always remember is that starting and building a successful business is not an impossibility. Rather, it is you, the entrepreneur that makes it either a possibility or impossibility. If you succeed, it’s your fault. If you fail, it’s still your fault. You are the architect of your own fate

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Once upon a time there was a group of evil conspirators that hid behind the veil of helping people.

They didn’t see people, but dollar signs bobbing up and down from the necks of human bodies like a fresh popped jack in the box.

Then, somebody asked the question:

What if I could build a company where I could give 100% of the revenue back into commissions for the reps.  What if a “noob” could make guru money without being a guru.  What if I treated my leaders how I always wanted to be treated.

What if we could Empower the people.

This is the story of the “Davids”

David Wood asked the questions.  David Sharpe teamed up with him and together they found the answers.  The idea for the Empower Network was conceived, and over the last year over 80,000 customers helped to bring it to life.That is inspiration enough for some people.

Then there was another David.

The David in the video that you just watched.

The unlikely hero that lived most of his life deaf, and just had his first $1,000 day marketing on the internet.If that is not inspiration, you are numb as a statue!

“I go you go.”

“He goes you go.”

“If he can, you can.”

You will make a decision to join when you believe that you can do it.

Do you believe that you can do it?


We believe in you.

We believe you are a lot greater than you think you are.

These short films are going to be coming out several times a week.  They are being filmed at the Empower Network live events.

If you want to have the chance to be in videos like this, you’ll need to take action and be at the next event.  As of right now, that event is Chicago, you may see this when the next event will be somewhere else.

To get in the event, you at least need to own the $25/month viral blogging system, and make the decision to become an active affiliate.

The story of the Davids’ is your story after you choose to make it so.  This is more than a business, it is more than “THE Business,” this is a movement.

What I love and respect about David is that there are No Excuses…” – Justin Verrengia


It costs less than a good pizza to get the blogging product($25 scrawny little dollars) and get started…

…And it is WAAAAYY less than a solid night of drinking to get the blogging product AND decide to become an affiliate($19.95/month to be an active affiliate).

That is less that $45 to start a business where you can earn 100% commissions.  That is less than $45 to be a part of a movement that is changing the world.

I bet I’m not the only one reading this that has woken up on their friends couch on a weekend after time traveling through half the previous evening to find my wallet missing a lot more than that.  It’s time to join the movement.


Your journey begins with the click of a button.


P.S.  These inspiring videos are going to be a part of a “Daily Show” that is going to be released several times per week.  Text ‘Bad Ass’ to 72727 Now, so you can get daily updates.

You must own the blogging system to be on our text alert system, so take care of that now, and then get ready to be inspired daily as you come back and watch these videos every day, and read every word in the corresponding blog posts as we release them.

Those of you that are affiliates and customers of the Empower Network, be sure to leave your comments, and let us know what your biggest day of Empower commissions has been so far, even if you have just earned your first $25 with us.

Feel free to tell us what your background is too, so everyone can see that people from all walks of life are earning money.

WARNING: Wussbag comments & link spammers will probably be made fun of… a lot.


Disclaimer:  no income is guaranteed, period.  Just because deaf people, blind people, teenagers, homeless people, ex-drug attics, crippled people, bald people, and every other conceivable type of person you can think of is making money with the Empower Network, that does not mean that you will make $1000 in a day like David in the video did.

Every legitimate business requires that you put in an element of work to make money.  Unless perhaps you have a magical money printing laser pony.  If you know where to find one, I would like one too, so please let me know.


Join Us on The Prosperity Team


“The Prosperity Team”

…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

So why not start today?trainingsignup

Multiple Income Streams Makes a Difference

Multiple Streams Of Income

Of course this advice goes against the grain taught by most online gurus, upline sponsors, coaches and even many financial planners but hang with me here for a few minutes and I’m confident you’ll walk away with a better appreciation about why creating multiple steams of income is not only in your best interest, but how it will greatly increase your odds of having success as well.

Pick One Business Model and Focus

Wouldn’t you be better advised to pick one primary business model and focus 100% of your time and efforts towards building out that one business to give you the best chance of success?

Yes and No.

Let’s say you decide to join a well-known network marketing business in the health and wellness arena.

The company has been around for many years, has a proven track record and offers a wide variety of skin care, weight loss and nutritional supplements.

So you get in and get busy.

You set up a nice blog and a great looking Facebook Fan page and start driving traffic to your new online business by placing a few “business opportunity seeker” ads.

The ads work and, sure enough, you start getting a few leads.

But, let’s say you get 100 leads and NO ONE joins your team or buys any of your products…

                   How much money have you made?

And since you are ONLY promoting this one business opportunity and you are ONLY promoting products within that one niche  – what are the chances any of those 100 people will come back some time in the future and actually make a purchase?

Creating Multiple Streams of Income

Same scenario…

Only this time let’s ALSO sign up to sell a few “affiliate marketing” programs that are not network marketing related and let’s ALSO sign up to offer tools, training and other “how to build your business” resources as well.

Because not every business opportunity seeker will be interested in joining a network marketing program… and not every person will be interested in buying your health and wellness products. But if you are attracting the right people and driving the right traffic to your site – MANY of these people will buy something if you present them with the right offer.

So the ONLY DIFFERENCE is you would add these additional OFFERS to your email follow up series to promote these additional products and services you now offer.

Now let’s crunch the numbers.

Again you get 100 leads who ALL SAY NO to joining your MLM deal but after a week or so of follow up emails about that one program – now they all get an offer to learn how to make money on Facebook. It’s only a $29 book, but it pays a good $15 commission and, sure enough… two people buy it and one of these guys also joins the monthly coaching program that pays out another $20 per month.

Next week you send out another email that promises to show them how to generate leads to promote their current business. And, sure enough, two more people join that program! You are now enjoying the wonderful benefits of creating multiple steams of income !

Multiple Streams Of Income Increase Your Odds of Success

When you learn how to create multiple streams of income you are putting the odds of success in your favor.

In fact, let me share my personal story and maybe this concept of “income diversification” will make more sense.

multiple income streams

Back in 2004, I decided to start a business teaching computer stores how to get customers away from Dell and Gateway and the other big boys.

We sold a SYSTEM for $129.00 If they purchased the system we were golden. If they said NO to the offer we walked away empty handed.

So we added a monthly newsletter teaching how to please their customers and increase parts sales without spending $$$ on inventory or a warehouse to keep it. Selling parts and computers all over the world but it was not necessary to keep inventory in stock. They loved it! Now we had two things to offer. Then we added web site hosting and custom web site design and SEO and marketing advice.

The result? We increased our business almost overnight! Because while not every computer dealer or parts broker bought our SYSTEM… some purchased our monthly newsletter and a few more paid for hosting and a few more paid us to build them a custom web site. And, even better, once someone actually did business with us, they often went ahead and bought everything we had to offer. We earned their trust first and then we earned their business.

Multiple streams of income! And the ONLY DIFFERENCE was we added a newsletter to help increase their business at no cost to the stores! Something we were doing anyway, so we showed others how to do it. Similar to what we do on The Prosperity Team and Empower Network & the EZ Money Method.


multiple income streams

Multiple Streams of Internet Income

Now, worse case scenario – if one or two of those income streams goes down – it would be a bummer but it would not be catastrophic.

The key is to focus on your PRIMARY BUSINESS and leverage the marketing process to create multiple streams of income from a variety of sources by increasing your “product inventory”.

multiple income streams

In our case, we FOCUS on building out our primary  business, selling computers and parts & repairs but added an opportunity to teach others HOW we do it too. Which is now paying us over and above what the store was doing as the amount of people getting into the computer business skyrocketed. So we had to add another income stream. My wife being an artist, we decided to sell her art work on the internet. Then we added her teaching others to do what she does, like I added teaching others to do what I do.

We started selling other peoples products to add another stream of income.


multiple income streams

But not everyone will be interested in building a profitable blogging business so we promote a variety of different money making programs on the BACKEND via our email auto-responder.

Most of these products come from Clickbank and we pull in an ADDITIONAL few hundred per week from that source.

We also feature tools, training and software from a variety of other free to join affiliate programs and pull in multiple streams of income from them as well.

So just think of all the money we would be leaving on the table if we JUST promoted one product, service or business opportunity.


Especially when you consider the fact that the ONLY DIFFERENCE is you are increasing your product inventory. Your marketing model pretty much stays the same.


multiple income streams
Numbers Game

In fact, I would venture to say it is far EASIER to attract the people who would be most likely to buy your PRIMARY product, service or business opportunity by leading with a variety of tips, tricks, tools, products, services and other opportunities in addition to your primary. It allows you to cast a wider net. After all internet marketing is purely a numbers game when it comes right down to it. Not everybody watching the Super Bowl likes Doritos or Budweiser but it didn’t stop them from paying exorbitant amounts of money on their commercials. Some Super Bowls were so lopsided that the commercials were more enjoyable than the game.

     Join Us on The Prosperity Team


“The Prosperity Team”

…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

multiple income streams

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   So why not start today?


Make Money Online

How To Make Money Online

Hello and thanks for checking out my blog. Today I want to share a great article about ten ways to make money online.

1. Sell Stock Photography

The Internet has caused an explosion in the demand for stock photography. As the number of media and commercial outlets has increased dramatically with the growth of onlinemedia there’s an enormous need for high quality stock photos.

Yuri Arcurs is the man everyone turns to for their stock photo needs. As the world’s top selling stock photographer he sells an image every 8 seconds, 24 hours a day (that works out to over 4 million images each year). Arcurs makes millions of dollars each year simply by being the best at what he does. There are lots of great photographers in the world and the barrier to entry is as low as ownership of a camera, but Arcurs has managed to build a reputation online for consistent, high quality and imaginative images.

If you’re a professional photographer (or even just a hobbyist) you should consider the possibilities of selling stock images online.

2. Tweet For Sponsors is an online platform that allows you to make money on Twitter by charging sponsors for communicating their advertising messages to your followers. You set the amount you want to get paid for every tweet you make, choose a category and select keywords you want to work with. You then wait for advertisers to contact you and take you up on your offer, paying you the amount you specified for each tweet that you make.

All throughout the process, the tweeter has full control over his or her account, and may choose the wordings of the tweets, or may choose to reject the tweet altogether.

3. Blog for Ad Revenues

If, however, you already have a blog with a devoted following it should be easy for you to leverage your readers into hard cash. Ad networks such as Google AdSense pay big moneyto place their ads on your site, and you’ll receive a payment every time a reader clicks one. While it’s easy to go overboard and fill every spare pixel, if you place your ads well it’s possible to make a comfortable income from your site.

One of the most successful bloggers around today is John Chow, a Canadian blogger who makes more than $40,000 a month through ad sales and other revenue streams. Ironically, his blog is about ways to make money online.

4. Sell Affiliate Products

If you have a flair for sales copy you could try your hand at selling products for affiliates. While many people take the seedy route of selling diet pills and penis enlargement products, if you want to keep your conscience clear you’ll find that Amazon runs a very successful affiliate program that allows you to make money advertising any of the products for sale on their site. eBay also have a pretty good affiliate setup, with their top affiliates earning $1.3 Million a month, WOW!

5. Write an e Book

In recent years the self-publishing world has exploded online to the point at which you don’t even have to run your own site in order to promote a book. Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo are just a few of the sites on which you could self-publish today, with commission rates of around 70% available on every sale.

The number of eBooks on Amazon reached 8 million last year, and Amazon stated that eBooks are outselling hard backs 2 to 1, 62% of ebook sales fell into the Thriller and Mystery genre, so if you feel that you could pull this style of genre off then you will be in for a good chance of sales.

26 year old self published author, Amanda Hocking from Minnesota makes more than $2 Million a year from her ebook sales. Amanda Hocking’s stories about, trolls, vampires and zombies and ‘supernatural teen romances’ sell for $2.99 or for as little as $.99.

6. Become a Virtual Assistant

Every small businessman would love to hire a full time assistant to take care of the little things, but many simply can’t afford one. Thanks to the Internet, though, they can now hire part time assistants who work for a whole host of clients, and all at a much lower cost than a full time staff member.

If you work from home this may be a perfect opportunity to make a consistent income. Virtual assistants can earn $20 an hour in return for booking travel tickets, interacting with clients and dealing with the daily needs of small businesses.

7. Lease Your Skills

Most people have at least one skill that carries a market value, though until now that skill may have been impossible to monetize in the traditional job market.

Sites such as 99Designs, Elance, Freelancer and iWriter allow people to hire out their skills as writers, coders, designers, translators and lots more on a contract basis. Freelancing sites are a great way to boost your income in your free time, and with enough motivation and hard work you could find yourself earning a comfortable full time income from them.

8. Selling on eBay

eBay is a great way to turn your unwanted things into a little spending money, but it isn’t just a place to sell your old Star Wars action figures. In fact, eBay’s global marketplace can offer a great way for canny traders to buy and sell their way to profit. By buying wholesale you can sell anything with a mark up. Even better, if you have the skills to make things people want to buy you could start your own home-based craft business, selling to customers around the world.

Matt & Amanda Clarkson are a successful couple who so far have managed to make over $8 Million in eBay sales.

9. Become A Mobile App Tester

People that are rather uncertain of their application development potential can still make some money through the usage of iPhone apps.

People that have the time and desire to test iPhone apps and discover bugs can be rewarded payments for their efforts. uTest is one such application. Individuals that have signed up will also build some reputation on the basis of the testing they have done so far.

Better reputation signifies access to more profitable app testing opportunities.

10. Designing T-Shirts

Finally, if you have something of an artistic streak you could kick off the next viral sensation with your own range of funky, arty t-shirts. Sites such as CafePress allow users to upload their own t-shirt designs and sell them on their personal online store.

You can also contact distributors such as or to release your t-shirt designs to the masses.

If your designs catch the eye you could be looking at enormous profits when they take off in a big way.


As you can see, to make money online you don’t have to be particularly skilled with computers. You don’t need to be know how to build your own website from the ground up, and you don’t have to be a mogul with millions of dollars to invest in success. If you have any kind of artistic skills, creativity or business savvy you can turn it into profit.

In short, you should understand that the online world is just like real life. The same opportunities are there for the taking, but instead of drawing your customers from just your home town you can reach out with your great ideas to the far reaches of the earth.

It seems I have forgotten to mention my favorite method for making money online…

11. Join Us on The Prosperity Team


“The Prosperity Team”

…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


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So why not start today?




One quality of a top producer is personal development.  On the morning mindset call today, the subject was the five main qualities that top producers in the industry have in common.

One Quality of a Top Producer – Personal Development


The guy that was sharing this story with us made $140,000 just last month, in January.  Most people don’t make that kind of money over three years of their life!

Personal development is just one quality of a top producer.

I have people that join my team as a business partner, and then just completely skip personal development.

As we listen to leaders and successful people, we hear over and over again that they are listening to people that make more money than they do and spending time on personal development.  One quality of a top producer is that they are all trying to better themselves.

1 of 5 Qualities Of Top Producers – Personal Development


One Quality of a Top Producer – An Invitation to a Mindset Call

Day to day, I work on personal development because I understand that personal development is one quality of a top producer.  Every morning I hop on the morning mindset call.  At some time during the day, I listen to an additional  personal development audio from someone that makes more money than I do.

For those of you that haven’t started working on personal development, I want to invite you to the “Think and Grow Rich” morning mindset call.  This call is open to everyone and is not company specific.  This call is a valuable tool used by members of our Prosperity Team.

Monday – Friday 9 a.m. EST
(712) 432-0900 PIN 565762#
(Replay only available for 24 hours)
(712) 432-0990 PIN 565762#

One Quality of a Top ProducerOne Quality of a Top Producer
Think and Grow Rich Audios

For $10 a month, you can subscribe to hundreds of hours of past archives atThink and Grow Rich  I am not an affiliate of this program.

I am very passionate about personal development.  This call has helped me go from struggling and broke at about $1000 per month to where I am today.  I kept wondering why my income kept going up and down.  After being introduced to this call, my income leveled out and then spiked, and then leveled out again.  Now, my income is increasing at a regular rate after learning the principles discussed on this morning mindset call.

Five main qualities of top producers are covered on today’s “Think and Grow Rich” call.  Listen in today and you will learn the other four qualities also.  If you listen in later, you will miss it and have to access it through the archives.

Personal development is just one quality of a top producer.  Listen in every day to learn the principles that will help you increase your income.

One Quality of a Top Producer
Develop Qualities of Success
with “The Prosperity Team”

…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!




When it comes to home based business there is a common misconception that you can make money online for doing very little work. It isnt’ true, of course. If you’re about to begin a venture, today’s post will ensure you don’t learn the hard way.

Should you be one of the men and women searching for a program that can show you how to make money online, you will certainly run into a lot of scams. You may find a person who seems sincere in their communications might just be doing so as part of the scam. Actually many of these folks on the Internet make their living by trying to scam individuals. You will even find things like software that the owners maintain will be able to start funneling money into your bank account with out you having to do anything.

One thing you need to be on the lookout for is anyone selling software that they declare will start stuffing money into your accounts. These kinds of software programs grew to become popular years ago, as folks knew that everyone was looking for a lot easier way to make money online. And so started the whole “magic” software phenomenon that folks  still buy today. It is possible to spot these scams because you will be informed that you do not have to do anything and the software will certainly make you wealthy. Quite often this software was just a spamming tool but men and women bought it. Even though most individuals know better than to purchase this now, there are new folks all the time turning to the Internet as a way to earn money and this is who the scammers are concentrating on. So to put it briefly, anytime any person tells you that they have a magic software that can increase your profits and you do not have to do anything, 99% of the time it is just a scam.

One more thing you will find is a program that has a wonderful sales page but does not tell you what the program is or even what it does. When this occurs send an email to the owner. When you email the person selling the program, ask them precisely what this system is intended to do for you and how it works. Also check out testimonials on the page and see if you can’t locate an email address for the men and women who left the testimonials so you can contact them and ask them about the program.






If you want to make money on the web it is going to demand work and also the right information. A course that will supply you with all the information you need, from a particular person who answered your emails and is not making huge promises of overnight fortunes will normally be a program that may possibly be worth investing in.

While programs like MCA & GDI & SFI and all the other initials, present opportunities which many people find appealing, the fact remains that most people can’t take advantage of the potential earnings in front of them. What I have noticed and I am sure you will too, most of the folks market today are working towards achieving multiple income streams. People that do so usually have The Empower Network as the base income stream like we do on the Prosperity Team.







Like anything in life, success has to be earned. If you have not achieved it yet it’s because you have not earned it yet. Business operates by that rule and if you jump into any home business expecting to reach success without putting in good old-fashioned hard work you’re in for a big disappointment.


What you’ll notice quickly as you begin is that you need to set out your goals with the same focus required for a regular business. If you have never tried to start your own business before you may be in for a bit of a reality check, but sometimes that is exactly what you need.

Make absolutely no mistake about it, anybody can become their own boss. The ‘secret’ people often overlook is simply treating your business with the same thought process required to do it in the real world.

Our list below reveals a step-by-step approach of the things you must do before you create a business for yourself.

* Find a home based business which provides a good affiliate plan or earnings opportunity for you.

* Your chosen business also needs to provide a useful product. It’s no good having a potentially lucrative affiliate plan if the product is unappealing or useless.

* Where would you like to be in ninety days? Creating a short-term goal like this will help you focus and get you into a business mindset.

* Also create a long-term goal. This goal should sum up what you’d like to achieve over the next one or two years.

* All business owners have a daily routine to keep themselves ahead of the curve and on top of things to ensure consistent progress. This is something which most affiliate marketers lack.

* Don’t be rushed into spending money on advertising, you can use countless free methods if money is tight.

* Work on branding yourself. There are other affiliates in your company, the best way to stand out is to work on branding yourself.

* Consistency is the key to long-term success.

If you do not have any goals, or your ambition is purely to ‘get rich’, you will find results hard to come by because that is not the way to run a business. Consistency, however, sums up why thousands of people fail to get anywhere with their chosen home business opportunity.

Your future is going to come from your efforts no matter what business you work with. If you aren’t doing something every day to build your business then you can expect your business to struggle. That’s the mentality you need to succeed.

We go above and beyond by systematically teaching you what to do to be successful EVERY DAY!

If you are serious about making money online you will notice far superior results with The Prosperity Team in your corner. Whether it’s through an established affiliate plan like The Empower Network or a lesser known program, the basic rules to success remain exactly the same.

Our step by step guide above will enable you to get the absolute most from any online business opportunity. The three which we deem to be the most important are the rules covering goal setting and the final rule on sustaining your efforts. We cover everything …


prosTRIANGLE MAKE MONEY ONLINE We have helped countless people prosper & excel in Online Marketing of all types of products from Art to Zippers and we’d like to help YOU too!  Here are some of our Prosperity Team only bonuses:

        • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
      • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
      • 80 email auto-responder series for GVO or Aweber…
      • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
      • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
      • Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

     We also have a team community that is growing rapidly each day.  We are committed to your success and invite you to team up with us in the Empower Network!


I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, and invite you to grow with us too!








WHY IS OUR PROSPERITY TEAM DIFFERENT? On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed! Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us! Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)… Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)… Daily Action Assignments & Accountability Facebook Group Mastermind… Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)… Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You… And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners! If you would like one of our Free e-Books simply choose the one you like or let us know if there is other info you would like to read,and let us know if you enjoyed and / or gained value from today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it too!


A Peek Inside Empower Network Corporate Office

Take a look inside a see the happy team of people who work in the Empower Network corporate office. Very exciting to see this company grow so fast, and to see they are focused not only on taking care of the employees but focused on growth for all the Empower Network affiliates.

Empower Network Corporate Office or the Not So Corporate Office

David Sharpe and David Wood call it their not so corporate office, they are both genuine people who want to empower the masses to create wealth and freedom in your life.

This company is real and extremely exciting since regular people like me and you are earning money where they never had before working from home. I am doing it part time and getting great results.

Since I don’t know you yet and we are both grown ups I can not speak to your success but I will share the company income disclaimer with you by clicking here.

Check out the video of David Sharpe and David Wood in the Empower Network Corporate office below.

Ok now you have seen that the Empower Network Corporate office is real, check out prosperity team and let’s build it and get free this year.
Join our Prosperity Team and you will not be alone building your online empire, check out the value we provide for the team.

…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

Empower Network Corporate Office

If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

Leads Coming In Each Day

Empower Network corporate office in st petersburg florida
prosTRIANGLE get-started-empower-network We have helped countless people prosper & excel in Online Marketing of all types of products from Art to Zippers and we’d like to help YOU too!  Here are some of our Prosperity Team only bonuses:

        • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
      • 80 email auto-responder series for GVO or Aweber…
      • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
      • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
      • Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

     We also have a team community that is growing rapidly each day.  We are committed to your success and invite you toteam up with us in the Empower Network!

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, and invite you to grow with us too!








WHY IS OUR PROSPERITY TEAM DIFFERENT? On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed! Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us! Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)… Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)… Daily Action Assignments & Accountability Facebook Group Mastermind… Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)… Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You… And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners! If you would like one of our Free e-Books simply choose the one you like or let us know if there is other info you would like to read,and let us know if you enjoyed and / or gained value from today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it too!



Not Empowered Yet?

Get “All In”



By the way…..this is the same “Blog” that you will get
when you join Empower Network.Normally,
a blog like this would cost THOUSANDS.

But for you, it only costs $25 and it comes with all the
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Six Figure Incomes Writing Blogs???

How Can Small Blogs Generate Six Figure Incomes?

writing blogsFor nearly twenty years now, the internet has been growing and transforming the way everyone does business and enjoys entertainment. Beginning shortly after the internet’s inception, bloggers have been online and using their portals as a platform to express their opinions and share their knowledge on various subjects. More recently, blogging has become a very profitable venture if done appropriately, but most successful blogs do not generate wads of income on their own. A few, however, have broken out and now are generating six and seven-figure incomes – a seemingly impossible task. It’s not, if you have the right skills, team and motivation, writing blogs becomes easier.

Right Place, Right Time

We are sure that most large blogs will not outright admit that luck played a role in their own success, but this is a variable that weighs immensely into being successful. Many notable six-and-seven figure blogs like Huffington Post found themselves on the crest of innovation when it came to aggregation and pinging URLs; Mashable was started in 2005 as a blog that was dedicated to exploring the expansion of social media. Unfortunately, it’s practically impossible to artificially create this environment for yourself. Most blogs that wind up being successful start out as a labour of love by one or two people.

Blogging Business

businessblogAesthetic Creativity

Many successful blogs remember a time in which they had to “fake it until they made it”. What we mean by that is that their sites were designed to be creative, engaging and pleasing to the eye long before they became household names. Within this realm, you will also need to consider your own branding options such as a logo and site layout. By making a strong, consistent impression upon individuals, you will be more likely to create a bond. Vanilla-themed blogs blend into the rest of the internet and are easily forgotten – even if they have a great repository of information and opinion.

 Bold, Opinionated, Resilient Blogs

Many successful blogs address topics that are heated and controversial; generally, passion breeds activity and with blogs, this is no exception. You should feel free to express your opinion in your own way, but you should also be prepared to deal with the eventual criticism that will come. Some criticism can be helpful – addressing site functionality, content or the range of opinions available are valid critiques that should be considered by you and any staff. However, you must also handle the criticism that will arise as a result of being opinionated. This type of criticism is necessary as it will continue the dialogue and discussion that brings people back to your site time and time again.

Sharing Your Blogs

Once you have built a solid base of readers and have been pinging URLs to your site to the major search engines, you will find that advertising is the final frontier in which you will have to compete. There are countless blogs out there vying for attention; what sets yours apart from the rest? There are both free and paid forms of advertising you can use to expand your blog’s profile – in the beginning stages, free advertising is the best route. Once your site is generating a measurable amount of revenue, it may be best to pour that back into targeted advertising efforts in order to expand your reach.






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