Category Archives: mkcomputers

Why Do Some People Achieve Their Goals

Some People Achieve Their Goals

These barriers to success are easy to overcome, but only when you know they’re there. Why do some people achieve their goals while others fail? I believe it’s because successful people manage to overcome five barriers that, in many cases, guarantee failure. Here are those barriers and how to overcome them:

1. Uninspiring Goals

When most people set goals, they envision a “thing,” such as a particular amount of money, an object (like a new car), or a specific achievement (like writing a book). Unfortunately, these “things I’m gonna get or do” goals don’t appeal to the core of what motivates you, because they miss the point that what you’re actually seeking in life and work is the POSITIVE EMOTIONS that you believe those things will produce.

Fix: Rather than envisioning a “thing” as your goal, envision–with all the strength in your imagination–how you will feel when you achieve the goal. That way, you’ll be inspired to do whatever it takes (within legal and ethical bounds) to achieve that goal.

2. Fear of Failure

If you’re afraid of failing, you won’t take the necessary risks required to achieve your goal. For example, you won’t make that important phone call, because you’re afraid that you’ll be rebuffed. Or you won’t quit your dead-end job and start your own business because you’re afraid that you might end up without any money.

Fix: Decide–right now!–that failure, for you, is a strictly temporary condition. If things don’t go the way you’d like, it’s only a setback that, at most, delays your eventual success. In other words, accept the fact that you’ll sometimes fail, but treat that failure as an unavoidable (yet vital) component in your quest.

3. Fear of Success

In many ways, this fear is even more debilitating than the fear of failure. Suppose you achieved something spectacular, like enormous wealth. What if it didn’t make you happy? What then? What if you ended up losing all of it? What then? Would your friends start acting weird? Would your family be envious? Such thoughts (and they’re common) can cause even a highly motivated person to self-sabotage.

Fix: Decide that you’re going to be happy and grateful today and happy and grateful in the future, no matter what happens. Rather than focus on possible problems, envision how wonderful it would be to be able to help your friends and family achieve THEIR goals. (Hint: Watch the last season of the TV series Entourage!)

4. An Unrealistic Timetable

Most people vastly overestimate what they can do in a week and vastly underestimate what they can do in a year. Because of this, most people try to cram too many action items into the short term rather than spacing out activities over the long term. The inability to get all the short-term steps accomplished creates discouragement and the impression that the final goal is slipping away.

Fix: As you list the activities and steps required to achieve a goal, schedule only the 20% of the activities that will produce 80% of your results. (I explain more about this in the post The Secret of Time Management.) Beyond that, set ambitious long-term timetables, but always leave some “wiggle room” when you plan short term.

5. Worrying About “Dry Spots”

It’s easy to get discouraged when you reach a point at which nothing you do seems to advance you toward your goal. For example, suppose you’re trying to master a certain skill. You make swift progress at first but then, after a while, it seems as if you’re not doing any better, or maybe a little worse. Some people use these “plateaus” or “dry spots” as an excuse to give up and therefore fail.

Fix: Whenever you reach a plateau or dry spot, it’s time to celebrate rather than give up. A plateau is almost always a sign that you’re on the brink of a major breakthrough, if you just have the patience to stick with it and trust that you’ll eventually achieve your goal.

 Will You Achieve Your Goals?

goals  rel=nofollow

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ez-money-method-468x60-animated1Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
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How Good Is Your Facebook Page? (Dennis of mkcomputers Answers)


The whole point of creating a Facebook Page for your
business is to build a fan base of people interested in
your product or service, right?

Dennis Kennedy at mkcomputers feels that Facebook Pages

are a great tool for interacting with your fans on a regular basis and for them to discover whether or not your product or service is right for them.


But to build a HUGE fan base you need people clicking
the all mighty “LIKE” button on your Facebook page. Yep, the tiny little button
sitting at the top of your page. 🙂


Gone are the days of “Become a fan.” Today, it’s all
about the “LIKES” and YOU WANT THEM (a lot of them!)

Because without them… you have ZERO reach. If you
have zero reach, you make ZERO dollars.

And this is where most Page Admins fall flat on their


Let me explain…

Have you ever visited a Facebook Page for a business,
only to land on their “Wall” where you see the comments
and status updates?

If so, did it make you want to “LIKE” the page?

Probably not.

Allowing your visitors to land on your “Wall” is the #1 mistake
Page Admins are making all across Facebook.


But it doesn’t have to be this way…

Because as a Page Admin, you have the ability to create
a custom landing page AND set this page as your “Default
Landing Tab” for your Page.

You’ll first need to install an iFrame application into your
page (which is beyond the scope of this post unfortunately.)
This will allow you to create a custom tab on your Page.

Once you have your custom tab, you will want to create
some type of “offer” along with a “call to action” to entice
people to “LIKE” your page.

An example offer would be something like this:

“Click Like Above To Get Access To _______”


It’s proven that you will get more “Likes” just by making
this one small change to your Facebook Page.

Good luck!

Dennis Kennedy mkcomputers is an Internet Entrepreneur and all around good guy. To find out how he got 52.94% more “Likes” to his Facebook page, check out his amazing FREE presentation at:

1000 More Facebook likes for YOU!

I’m Dennis @ mkcomputers and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group.

“The Prosperity Team”


…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!



Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”

We have helped countless people prosper & excel in Online Marketing of all types of products from Art to Zippers and we’d like to help YOU too!

 Here are some of our Prosperity Team only bonuses:

Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
80 email autoresponder series for GVO or Aweber…
Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
Team Facebook Mastermind Group
Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call
And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

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We are committed to your success and invite
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Make Money Online

How To Make Money Online

Hello and thanks for checking out my blog. Today I want to share a great article about ten ways to make money online.

1. Sell Stock Photography

The Internet has caused an explosion in the demand for stock photography. As the number of media and commercial outlets has increased dramatically with the growth of onlinemedia there’s an enormous need for high quality stock photos.

Yuri Arcurs is the man everyone turns to for their stock photo needs. As the world’s top selling stock photographer he sells an image every 8 seconds, 24 hours a day (that works out to over 4 million images each year). Arcurs makes millions of dollars each year simply by being the best at what he does. There are lots of great photographers in the world and the barrier to entry is as low as ownership of a camera, but Arcurs has managed to build a reputation online for consistent, high quality and imaginative images.

If you’re a professional photographer (or even just a hobbyist) you should consider the possibilities of selling stock images online.

2. Tweet For Sponsors is an online platform that allows you to make money on Twitter by charging sponsors for communicating their advertising messages to your followers. You set the amount you want to get paid for every tweet you make, choose a category and select keywords you want to work with. You then wait for advertisers to contact you and take you up on your offer, paying you the amount you specified for each tweet that you make.

All throughout the process, the tweeter has full control over his or her account, and may choose the wordings of the tweets, or may choose to reject the tweet altogether.

3. Blog for Ad Revenues

If, however, you already have a blog with a devoted following it should be easy for you to leverage your readers into hard cash. Ad networks such as Google AdSense pay big moneyto place their ads on your site, and you’ll receive a payment every time a reader clicks one. While it’s easy to go overboard and fill every spare pixel, if you place your ads well it’s possible to make a comfortable income from your site.

One of the most successful bloggers around today is John Chow, a Canadian blogger who makes more than $40,000 a month through ad sales and other revenue streams. Ironically, his blog is about ways to make money online.

4. Sell Affiliate Products

If you have a flair for sales copy you could try your hand at selling products for affiliates. While many people take the seedy route of selling diet pills and penis enlargement products, if you want to keep your conscience clear you’ll find that Amazon runs a very successful affiliate program that allows you to make money advertising any of the products for sale on their site. eBay also have a pretty good affiliate setup, with their top affiliates earning $1.3 Million a month, WOW!

5. Write an e Book

In recent years the self-publishing world has exploded online to the point at which you don’t even have to run your own site in order to promote a book. Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo are just a few of the sites on which you could self-publish today, with commission rates of around 70% available on every sale.

The number of eBooks on Amazon reached 8 million last year, and Amazon stated that eBooks are outselling hard backs 2 to 1, 62% of ebook sales fell into the Thriller and Mystery genre, so if you feel that you could pull this style of genre off then you will be in for a good chance of sales.

26 year old self published author, Amanda Hocking from Minnesota makes more than $2 Million a year from her ebook sales. Amanda Hocking’s stories about, trolls, vampires and zombies and ‘supernatural teen romances’ sell for $2.99 or for as little as $.99.

6. Become a Virtual Assistant

Every small businessman would love to hire a full time assistant to take care of the little things, but many simply can’t afford one. Thanks to the Internet, though, they can now hire part time assistants who work for a whole host of clients, and all at a much lower cost than a full time staff member.

If you work from home this may be a perfect opportunity to make a consistent income. Virtual assistants can earn $20 an hour in return for booking travel tickets, interacting with clients and dealing with the daily needs of small businesses.

7. Lease Your Skills

Most people have at least one skill that carries a market value, though until now that skill may have been impossible to monetize in the traditional job market.

Sites such as 99Designs, Elance, Freelancer and iWriter allow people to hire out their skills as writers, coders, designers, translators and lots more on a contract basis. Freelancing sites are a great way to boost your income in your free time, and with enough motivation and hard work you could find yourself earning a comfortable full time income from them.

8. Selling on eBay

eBay is a great way to turn your unwanted things into a little spending money, but it isn’t just a place to sell your old Star Wars action figures. In fact, eBay’s global marketplace can offer a great way for canny traders to buy and sell their way to profit. By buying wholesale you can sell anything with a mark up. Even better, if you have the skills to make things people want to buy you could start your own home-based craft business, selling to customers around the world.

Matt & Amanda Clarkson are a successful couple who so far have managed to make over $8 Million in eBay sales.

9. Become A Mobile App Tester

People that are rather uncertain of their application development potential can still make some money through the usage of iPhone apps.

People that have the time and desire to test iPhone apps and discover bugs can be rewarded payments for their efforts. uTest is one such application. Individuals that have signed up will also build some reputation on the basis of the testing they have done so far.

Better reputation signifies access to more profitable app testing opportunities.

10. Designing T-Shirts

Finally, if you have something of an artistic streak you could kick off the next viral sensation with your own range of funky, arty t-shirts. Sites such as CafePress allow users to upload their own t-shirt designs and sell them on their personal online store.

You can also contact distributors such as or to release your t-shirt designs to the masses.

If your designs catch the eye you could be looking at enormous profits when they take off in a big way.


As you can see, to make money online you don’t have to be particularly skilled with computers. You don’t need to be know how to build your own website from the ground up, and you don’t have to be a mogul with millions of dollars to invest in success. If you have any kind of artistic skills, creativity or business savvy you can turn it into profit.

In short, you should understand that the online world is just like real life. The same opportunities are there for the taking, but instead of drawing your customers from just your home town you can reach out with your great ideas to the far reaches of the earth.

It seems I have forgotten to mention my favorite method for making money online…

11. Join Us on The Prosperity Team


“The Prosperity Team”

…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
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  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


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Six Figure Incomes Writing Blogs???

How Can Small Blogs Generate Six Figure Incomes?

writing blogsFor nearly twenty years now, the internet has been growing and transforming the way everyone does business and enjoys entertainment. Beginning shortly after the internet’s inception, bloggers have been online and using their portals as a platform to express their opinions and share their knowledge on various subjects. More recently, blogging has become a very profitable venture if done appropriately, but most successful blogs do not generate wads of income on their own. A few, however, have broken out and now are generating six and seven-figure incomes – a seemingly impossible task. It’s not, if you have the right skills, team and motivation, writing blogs becomes easier.

Right Place, Right Time

We are sure that most large blogs will not outright admit that luck played a role in their own success, but this is a variable that weighs immensely into being successful. Many notable six-and-seven figure blogs like Huffington Post found themselves on the crest of innovation when it came to aggregation and pinging URLs; Mashable was started in 2005 as a blog that was dedicated to exploring the expansion of social media. Unfortunately, it’s practically impossible to artificially create this environment for yourself. Most blogs that wind up being successful start out as a labour of love by one or two people.

Blogging Business

businessblogAesthetic Creativity

Many successful blogs remember a time in which they had to “fake it until they made it”. What we mean by that is that their sites were designed to be creative, engaging and pleasing to the eye long before they became household names. Within this realm, you will also need to consider your own branding options such as a logo and site layout. By making a strong, consistent impression upon individuals, you will be more likely to create a bond. Vanilla-themed blogs blend into the rest of the internet and are easily forgotten – even if they have a great repository of information and opinion.

 Bold, Opinionated, Resilient Blogs

Many successful blogs address topics that are heated and controversial; generally, passion breeds activity and with blogs, this is no exception. You should feel free to express your opinion in your own way, but you should also be prepared to deal with the eventual criticism that will come. Some criticism can be helpful – addressing site functionality, content or the range of opinions available are valid critiques that should be considered by you and any staff. However, you must also handle the criticism that will arise as a result of being opinionated. This type of criticism is necessary as it will continue the dialogue and discussion that brings people back to your site time and time again.

Sharing Your Blogs

Once you have built a solid base of readers and have been pinging URLs to your site to the major search engines, you will find that advertising is the final frontier in which you will have to compete. There are countless blogs out there vying for attention; what sets yours apart from the rest? There are both free and paid forms of advertising you can use to expand your blog’s profile – in the beginning stages, free advertising is the best route. Once your site is generating a measurable amount of revenue, it may be best to pour that back into targeted advertising efforts in order to expand your reach.






We have helped countless people prosper & excel in Online Marketing of all types of products from Art to Zippers and we’d like to help YOU too!  Here are some of our Prosperity Team only bonuses:

      • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
    • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
    • 80 email auto-responder series for GVO or Aweber…
    • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
    • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
    • Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

      We also have a team community that is growing rapidly each day.  We are committed to your success and invite you to team up with us in the Empower Network!


I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, and invite you to grow with us too!








 WHY IS OUR PROSPERITY TEAM DIFFERENT? On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed! Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us! Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)… Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)… Daily Action Assignments & Accountability Facebook Group Mastermind… Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)… Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You… And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners! If you would like one of our Free e-Books simply choose the one you like or let us know if there is other info you would like to read,and let us know if you enjoyed and / or gained value from today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it too!

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