Category Archives: SELF EMPLOYED

Why Do Some People Achieve Their Goals

Some People Achieve Their Goals

These barriers to success are easy to overcome, but only when you know they’re there. Why do some people achieve their goals while others fail? I believe it’s because successful people manage to overcome five barriers that, in many cases, guarantee failure. Here are those barriers and how to overcome them:

1. Uninspiring Goals

When most people set goals, they envision a “thing,” such as a particular amount of money, an object (like a new car), or a specific achievement (like writing a book). Unfortunately, these “things I’m gonna get or do” goals don’t appeal to the core of what motivates you, because they miss the point that what you’re actually seeking in life and work is the POSITIVE EMOTIONS that you believe those things will produce.

Fix: Rather than envisioning a “thing” as your goal, envision–with all the strength in your imagination–how you will feel when you achieve the goal. That way, you’ll be inspired to do whatever it takes (within legal and ethical bounds) to achieve that goal.

2. Fear of Failure

If you’re afraid of failing, you won’t take the necessary risks required to achieve your goal. For example, you won’t make that important phone call, because you’re afraid that you’ll be rebuffed. Or you won’t quit your dead-end job and start your own business because you’re afraid that you might end up without any money.

Fix: Decide–right now!–that failure, for you, is a strictly temporary condition. If things don’t go the way you’d like, it’s only a setback that, at most, delays your eventual success. In other words, accept the fact that you’ll sometimes fail, but treat that failure as an unavoidable (yet vital) component in your quest.

3. Fear of Success

In many ways, this fear is even more debilitating than the fear of failure. Suppose you achieved something spectacular, like enormous wealth. What if it didn’t make you happy? What then? What if you ended up losing all of it? What then? Would your friends start acting weird? Would your family be envious? Such thoughts (and they’re common) can cause even a highly motivated person to self-sabotage.

Fix: Decide that you’re going to be happy and grateful today and happy and grateful in the future, no matter what happens. Rather than focus on possible problems, envision how wonderful it would be to be able to help your friends and family achieve THEIR goals. (Hint: Watch the last season of the TV series Entourage!)

4. An Unrealistic Timetable

Most people vastly overestimate what they can do in a week and vastly underestimate what they can do in a year. Because of this, most people try to cram too many action items into the short term rather than spacing out activities over the long term. The inability to get all the short-term steps accomplished creates discouragement and the impression that the final goal is slipping away.

Fix: As you list the activities and steps required to achieve a goal, schedule only the 20% of the activities that will produce 80% of your results. (I explain more about this in the post The Secret of Time Management.) Beyond that, set ambitious long-term timetables, but always leave some “wiggle room” when you plan short term.

5. Worrying About “Dry Spots”

It’s easy to get discouraged when you reach a point at which nothing you do seems to advance you toward your goal. For example, suppose you’re trying to master a certain skill. You make swift progress at first but then, after a while, it seems as if you’re not doing any better, or maybe a little worse. Some people use these “plateaus” or “dry spots” as an excuse to give up and therefore fail.

Fix: Whenever you reach a plateau or dry spot, it’s time to celebrate rather than give up. A plateau is almost always a sign that you’re on the brink of a major breakthrough, if you just have the patience to stick with it and trust that you’ll eventually achieve your goal.

 Will You Achieve Your Goals?

goals  rel=nofollow

…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!


ez-money-method-468x60-animated1Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…


And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

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So why not start today?

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                      YOU CAN THANK ME LATER





Once upon a time there was a group of evil conspirators that hid behind the veil of helping people.

They didn’t see people, but dollar signs bobbing up and down from the necks of human bodies like a fresh popped jack in the box.

Then, somebody asked the question:

What if I could build a company where I could give 100% of the revenue back into commissions for the reps.  What if a “noob” could make guru money without being a guru.  What if I treated my leaders how I always wanted to be treated.

What if we could Empower the people.

This is the story of the “Davids”

David Wood asked the questions.  David Sharpe teamed up with him and together they found the answers.  The idea for the Empower Network was conceived, and over the last year over 80,000 customers helped to bring it to life.That is inspiration enough for some people.

Then there was another David.

The David in the video that you just watched.

The unlikely hero that lived most of his life deaf, and just had his first $1,000 day marketing on the internet.If that is not inspiration, you are numb as a statue!

“I go you go.”

“He goes you go.”

“If he can, you can.”

You will make a decision to join when you believe that you can do it.

Do you believe that you can do it?


We believe in you.

We believe you are a lot greater than you think you are.

These short films are going to be coming out several times a week.  They are being filmed at the Empower Network live events.

If you want to have the chance to be in videos like this, you’ll need to take action and be at the next event.  As of right now, that event is Chicago, you may see this when the next event will be somewhere else.

To get in the event, you at least need to own the $25/month viral blogging system, and make the decision to become an active affiliate.

The story of the Davids’ is your story after you choose to make it so.  This is more than a business, it is more than “THE Business,” this is a movement.

What I love and respect about David is that there are No Excuses…” – Justin Verrengia


It costs less than a good pizza to get the blogging product($25 scrawny little dollars) and get started…

…And it is WAAAAYY less than a solid night of drinking to get the blogging product AND decide to become an affiliate($19.95/month to be an active affiliate).

That is less that $45 to start a business where you can earn 100% commissions.  That is less than $45 to be a part of a movement that is changing the world.

I bet I’m not the only one reading this that has woken up on their friends couch on a weekend after time traveling through half the previous evening to find my wallet missing a lot more than that.  It’s time to join the movement.


Your journey begins with the click of a button.


P.S.  These inspiring videos are going to be a part of a “Daily Show” that is going to be released several times per week.  Text ‘Bad Ass’ to 72727 Now, so you can get daily updates.

You must own the blogging system to be on our text alert system, so take care of that now, and then get ready to be inspired daily as you come back and watch these videos every day, and read every word in the corresponding blog posts as we release them.

Those of you that are affiliates and customers of the Empower Network, be sure to leave your comments, and let us know what your biggest day of Empower commissions has been so far, even if you have just earned your first $25 with us.

Feel free to tell us what your background is too, so everyone can see that people from all walks of life are earning money.

WARNING: Wussbag comments & link spammers will probably be made fun of… a lot.


Disclaimer:  no income is guaranteed, period.  Just because deaf people, blind people, teenagers, homeless people, ex-drug attics, crippled people, bald people, and every other conceivable type of person you can think of is making money with the Empower Network, that does not mean that you will make $1000 in a day like David in the video did.

Every legitimate business requires that you put in an element of work to make money.  Unless perhaps you have a magical money printing laser pony.  If you know where to find one, I would like one too, so please let me know.


Join Us on The Prosperity Team


“The Prosperity Team”

…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

So why not start today?trainingsignup



When it comes to home based business there is a common misconception that you can make money online for doing very little work. It isnt’ true, of course. If you’re about to begin a venture, today’s post will ensure you don’t learn the hard way.

Should you be one of the men and women searching for a program that can show you how to make money online, you will certainly run into a lot of scams. You may find a person who seems sincere in their communications might just be doing so as part of the scam. Actually many of these folks on the Internet make their living by trying to scam individuals. You will even find things like software that the owners maintain will be able to start funneling money into your bank account with out you having to do anything.

One thing you need to be on the lookout for is anyone selling software that they declare will start stuffing money into your accounts. These kinds of software programs grew to become popular years ago, as folks knew that everyone was looking for a lot easier way to make money online. And so started the whole “magic” software phenomenon that folks  still buy today. It is possible to spot these scams because you will be informed that you do not have to do anything and the software will certainly make you wealthy. Quite often this software was just a spamming tool but men and women bought it. Even though most individuals know better than to purchase this now, there are new folks all the time turning to the Internet as a way to earn money and this is who the scammers are concentrating on. So to put it briefly, anytime any person tells you that they have a magic software that can increase your profits and you do not have to do anything, 99% of the time it is just a scam.

One more thing you will find is a program that has a wonderful sales page but does not tell you what the program is or even what it does. When this occurs send an email to the owner. When you email the person selling the program, ask them precisely what this system is intended to do for you and how it works. Also check out testimonials on the page and see if you can’t locate an email address for the men and women who left the testimonials so you can contact them and ask them about the program.






If you want to make money on the web it is going to demand work and also the right information. A course that will supply you with all the information you need, from a particular person who answered your emails and is not making huge promises of overnight fortunes will normally be a program that may possibly be worth investing in.

While programs like MCA & GDI & SFI and all the other initials, present opportunities which many people find appealing, the fact remains that most people can’t take advantage of the potential earnings in front of them. What I have noticed and I am sure you will too, most of the folks market today are working towards achieving multiple income streams. People that do so usually have The Empower Network as the base income stream like we do on the Prosperity Team.







Like anything in life, success has to be earned. If you have not achieved it yet it’s because you have not earned it yet. Business operates by that rule and if you jump into any home business expecting to reach success without putting in good old-fashioned hard work you’re in for a big disappointment.


What you’ll notice quickly as you begin is that you need to set out your goals with the same focus required for a regular business. If you have never tried to start your own business before you may be in for a bit of a reality check, but sometimes that is exactly what you need.

Make absolutely no mistake about it, anybody can become their own boss. The ‘secret’ people often overlook is simply treating your business with the same thought process required to do it in the real world.

Our list below reveals a step-by-step approach of the things you must do before you create a business for yourself.

* Find a home based business which provides a good affiliate plan or earnings opportunity for you.

* Your chosen business also needs to provide a useful product. It’s no good having a potentially lucrative affiliate plan if the product is unappealing or useless.

* Where would you like to be in ninety days? Creating a short-term goal like this will help you focus and get you into a business mindset.

* Also create a long-term goal. This goal should sum up what you’d like to achieve over the next one or two years.

* All business owners have a daily routine to keep themselves ahead of the curve and on top of things to ensure consistent progress. This is something which most affiliate marketers lack.

* Don’t be rushed into spending money on advertising, you can use countless free methods if money is tight.

* Work on branding yourself. There are other affiliates in your company, the best way to stand out is to work on branding yourself.

* Consistency is the key to long-term success.

If you do not have any goals, or your ambition is purely to ‘get rich’, you will find results hard to come by because that is not the way to run a business. Consistency, however, sums up why thousands of people fail to get anywhere with their chosen home business opportunity.

Your future is going to come from your efforts no matter what business you work with. If you aren’t doing something every day to build your business then you can expect your business to struggle. That’s the mentality you need to succeed.

We go above and beyond by systematically teaching you what to do to be successful EVERY DAY!

If you are serious about making money online you will notice far superior results with The Prosperity Team in your corner. Whether it’s through an established affiliate plan like The Empower Network or a lesser known program, the basic rules to success remain exactly the same.

Our step by step guide above will enable you to get the absolute most from any online business opportunity. The three which we deem to be the most important are the rules covering goal setting and the final rule on sustaining your efforts. We cover everything …


prosTRIANGLE MAKE MONEY ONLINE We have helped countless people prosper & excel in Online Marketing of all types of products from Art to Zippers and we’d like to help YOU too!  Here are some of our Prosperity Team only bonuses:

        • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
      • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
      • 80 email auto-responder series for GVO or Aweber…
      • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
      • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
      • Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

     We also have a team community that is growing rapidly each day.  We are committed to your success and invite you to team up with us in the Empower Network!


I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, and invite you to grow with us too!








WHY IS OUR PROSPERITY TEAM DIFFERENT? On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed! Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us! Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)… Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)… Daily Action Assignments & Accountability Facebook Group Mastermind… Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)… Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You… And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners! If you would like one of our Free e-Books simply choose the one you like or let us know if there is other info you would like to read,and let us know if you enjoyed and / or gained value from today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it too!

Unleash The Power Within

My Fifteen Minutes



Mention the name “Anthony Robbins” to someone and you will get a variety of comments, looks, glares, smiles, praises, misconceptions. Google his name and well, go ahead and do it if you haven’t already. Even on our Trade Smart U forums I remember when Josh first announced the possibility of putting together a package for our TSU family to attend the event in LA, that there were some negative comments about Mr. Robbins. After doing my own research, I find that there are more people who have good things to say about him than bad. The most common thread seems to be that if you are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend a “live” seminar, that one ought to embrace the opportunity with an open heart and mind. That is exactly what my wife and I plan on doing next week.
(My wife drew this picture in honor of Mr. Robbins.) I have never really been a big fan of events like this but we are stepping out of our comfort zone for a number of reasons. I have quite a little library of motivational CDs, books, cassettes and even VCR tapes from Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Og Mandino, Dale Carnegie as well as Mr. Robbins, just to name a few. I have never had the desire to walk on fire. I do have a relationship with the One who walked on water and I don’t see why there would be any conflict of interest. I think most of us in the TSU family have the desire to live a fuller more rewarding life, and I’m not talking about money. I’m talking about personal happiness. The happiness that comes with setting goals and achieving them. The happiness that comes with meeting and having a relationship with your “better half.” The happiness that comes with starting a family and nurturing your children into responsible adults. The happiness that comes with having your daughter’s little girl look at you with wide-eyed innocence and say “I love you, Grandpa!” The happiness of planting little seeds in the ground and watering them and caring for them then enjoying the fruit of your efforts with your family. The happiness that comes with sharing the abundance of your blessings with those who are not as fortunate. The happiness that comes with being honest and faithful.
What do all these things have to do with going to LA next week? I think that we all walk a fine line, we like our privacy, we like our comforts, we like our nice cars and cool new smart phones, we like having Google puts when it’s getting hammered, we like having Apple calls when it’s trending upward. We like staying in our “comfort zone.” I believe that what I have received from all of the self-help books and audio recordings that I have used is that sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zones and experience life. That we have to take a chance. We have to make decisions to change the things that need to change and to make true changes that are lasting and consistent. We need to take that first step, to reach out and say something nice to someone we don’t know. We need to be available to help other people less fortunate than us. We need to be available, emotionally & physically to whatever greater good we may be called for. Nothing ventured nothing gained, much will be required of the person to whom much is given.
 He who wants the rose, must respect the thorns.
 We are looking forward to the Unleash the Power Within event because we want to grow, we want to meet and get to know better the TSU family that I am connected with every single day online. We want to set new goals and achieve them. We want to know how to use pleasure and pain instead of just enduring pleasure and pain. We want to experience things we never dreamed of  experiencing, we want to know people like us who we’ve never met before. We want to be successful, healthy, happy, safe and secure. We want to be focused and direct our focus positively to have complete control of our lives. We want to be better human beings, more loving, more caring, more hopeful, more faithful. We want to boldly go where we have never been before and we hope to see you there.

We are committed to your success and invite
you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too!

Education + Enthusiasm x Taking Massive Action = SUCCESS

On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!
Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!
Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
Facebook Group Mastermind…
Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…
And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!
If you would like one of our Free e-Books simply choose the one you like or let us know if there is other info you would like to read,and let us know if you enjoyed and / or gained value from today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it too!




Dream Big Dreams

 I love the New Year as it provides us the space to reflect, assess and sketch the blueprints to make our New Year dreams come true.
As you do, I’d like to encourage you to dream bigger dreams and adopt the unstoppable achievers’s mindset.
To help you, let me tell you the story of a young boy starting out with a lot less than you have going for you right now.
You wouldn’t think this is the kind of upbringing, nurturing, training and development that would produce one of the most creative minds in history–winning 22 Oscars and 7 Emmy awards from 59 nominations (more than any individual in history) and being honored with the highest civilian award the United States government bestows—the Medal of Freedom.
I think these not only eliminate any excuses you might have, but it will inspire you to consider your own greater potential and go after your dreams.

Let’s call this young boy with the Dreams Walter.

Walter was born in Chicago in 1901 to a large Irish immigrant family. His father struggled at work and took out his anger on his wife and children.
At only 8 years old, Walter went to work delivering letters. In any weather, early morning or late at night, he ran through the streets in his worn-out shoes, hurrying to deliver the mail on time. Any money Walter earned was then seized by his father.
At age 16 Walter attempted to enlist in the army to participate in the first World War. He was refused for being too young so he volunteered in the Red Cross and was sent overseas, where he worked as an ambulance driver.
Walter kept the troops in good spirits by decorating his ambulance with amusing drawings. Walter learned he liked to draw.
When Walter returned home from the war, he worked various jobs in creative fields. He worked as a night watchman, which particularly suited him because it gave him an opportunity to study and practice his art. Later, he got a job at a small studio working on an advertising campaign, where he was paid a meager $40 a month but soon unemployed.
Walter wanted to work for a newspaper as an editorial cartoonist but lacked the satire to do so.

Walter Follows His Dreams

 Walter decided to start his own commercial art company, but it was short-lived and ultimately failed to sustain. Still not deterred he decided to start yet another company, which this time was met with some success and he was soon hiring a vast number of his friends.
Unfortunately the profits were not enough to cover the high cost of salaries and he mismanaged the money straddling the business with loads of debt, ultimately ending in bankruptcy.
Even his success ended in failure. Certainly this should be a final lesson for him.
But not for Walter.
He recruited his brother to pool some more finances together and they started another business. They didn’t have enough money between them, so they brought on an investor named Mary.
Once again Walter found success and he rehired many of his friends back. One year later, Mary married a man named Charles, who came in and strong-armed Walter. He told Walter if he didn’t comply to budget restraints he would lose his funding for all his now successful productions and all his employees.
Walter refused to be controlled and was once again on his own.

Walter Believed in Dreams

By now you’ve got to be thinking, just hang it up Walter and get a job, entrepreneurship doesn’t seem to be in your cards, right?
Walter would refuse that thought as well. This time Walter decided he would start a Mickey Mouse sort of business. Literally. Walter drew, animated and became the voice of Mickey Mouse.
Walt founded the Walt Disney Company and went on to produce additional characters that have been loved and squeezed by hundreds of millions of children such as Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Alice in Wonderland, Popeye the Sailor, Pinocchio, Dumbo, Bambi and many more.
Walt’s achiever mindset doesn’t stop there, of course.

On a flight to Chicago in the late 40s he sketched ideas for an amusement park where he envisioned his employees spending time with their children.
Even Walt’s brother Roy thought it was a terrible idea and convinced the Board to disapprove of the funding to build it.
What does Walt do now?

 His own company won’t go along with building his dream?

Well, Walt has a ceaseless achievers mindset.
Walt went out on his own and raised the money by himself. Walt also inspired a dedicated team called Imagineers… something we all should aspire to be… and together they created and opened The Happiest Place on Earth on Sunday, July 17, 1955.
He built it on ground where only an orange grove existed before. Disneyland is now visited by more than 5 million people every year.

elevator tosuccess

Okay, you create the happiest place on earth, that should be enough right?
Not for the achiever.
In early 1960 Walt conceives of Disney World and EPCOT, this time on top of where only alligators go—in the swamplands of Orlando, Florida.
You have to remember, in the 60s, where the Magical Kingdom resides today, there was nothing there, I mean nothing. The World of Disney, the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, known as EPCOT was imagined and built on a full-fledged swamp.
While Walt Disney’s life journey ended on December 15, 1966, when he was 65, the power of his achiever’s mindset lives on to this day.

 According to statistics, annual cash flow from Disney films (not including sales and rental of videos) exceeds more than $1 billion dollars. The Disney conglomerate includes amusement parks in California, Florida, Tokyo and Paris, 535 international Disney stores, hockey and baseball teams, a number of newspapers and magazines and a cable television network.

Annual turnover of the consortium is $21 billion and stock market capitalization is $42 billion.
Not bad for a poor Chicago kid from an immigrant family equipped with only one thing, but as you can see, the most important thing—the dream big dreams, achiever’s mindset.
As Walt said himself, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
That’s what I want to help you do, find the courage to pursue your dreams, your BIG dreams.
Share your big dream with us in comments below. Share this post with others to encourage them to dream big too.

We are committed to your success and invite
you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Not in Empower Yet?

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Or just Watch this FREE Video

first by clicking the button below.


By the way…..this is the same “Blog” that you will get
when you join Empower Network.Normally,
a blog like this would cost THOUSANDS.

But for you, it only costs $25 and it comes with all the
bells & whistles that will allow YOU to get
Traffic, Leads & make Sales!




…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…

Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…

Daily Action Assignments & Accountability

Facebook Group Mastermind…

Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…

Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


If enjoyed and / or gained value from today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!




Back when I was gambling professionally, it seemed like everyone had an opinion on which casino was rigged. I never really thought that, but I also didn’t really think that I was winning as much as I was supposed to. To test this, I recorded every single session I played for over a year. Guess what? I was within a fraction of one percent from where I was supposed to be statistically. I learned that not only were the casinos not rigged, I wasn’t very good at mentally aggregating lots of independent events.
I think that in real life, we all have a natural inability or unwillingness to accept that we generally receive what we deserve. Before I get into this, though, I’ll say that it definitely isn’t true all of the time. I offer the idea here just a useful tool and framework, not to pass judgement. For example, I know people who have lost close family members, people who have been raped, and people who have been affected by other horrible things. I don’t think that they deserve those things or earned them in some way. I think they’re an unfortunate side effect of the chaos and variance of life, which is otherwise a good thing.

When I was around twenty, I knew for a fact that I would become rich by the age of twenty-five. Twenty five was really old and I knew that I was special, so it made perfect sense to me that I’d be rich by then. I put in a moderate amount of effort, and made moderate progress towards my goal, but didn’t really even come close! When I turned twenty five, I was at least a little bit surprised that I wasn’t a millionaire yet.
I’m still not a millionaire, but I’m not surprised about it anymore. I’ve seen people work harder than me and work smarter than me and become rich. I’ve seen the dedication it takes, and I’ve seen how that compares to what I have typically put in.

I think I’ve gotten about what I deserve.

I’ve done some interesting things, worked hard some of the time, and have made enough money to support a simple lifestyle that I like a lot. Strange path, but it seems about right to me.
Last year I spent two months getting back into pickup. I knew it would be hard, but in the back of my head I thought, “Hey, I’m a pretty awesome guy and I used to be really good a this. I bet it’s going to go really well.” It went okay, which is probably what you’d expect when you balance those positive with the negatives of me being rusty, naturally introverted, and in full on hermit-programmer mode.
On a more positive note, I think I do a pretty good job of being positive and treating people well, and when I think of how lucky I am to have such great friends and family, I think that I’ve again gotten what I deserve.



You can adopt this mindset and think of it in a few different ways. The harsh reality is that if something in your life isn’t where you want it to be, it’s most likely your fault. We’re all dealt a different set of cards, and I think that most of us are old enough now that we’ve been given a chance to do something with them. So if you were born poor and haven’t put in enough effort to make money, I think it’s time to stop blaming your upbringing and start taking responsibility. Of course, if you were born poor, are still poor, and don’t care, that’s totally fine, too. You got what you deserved and you’re happy with it.


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By the way…..this is the same “Blog” that you will get
when you join Empower Network.Normally,
a blog like this would cost THOUSANDS.

But for you, it only costs $25 and it comes with all the
bells & whistles that will allow YOU to get
Traffic, Leads & make Sales!

We are committed to your success and invite you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!




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…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed! Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us! Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)… Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)… Daily Action Assignments & Accountability Facebook Group Mastermind… Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)… Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You… And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners! If enjoyed and / or gained value from today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

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Optimizing Title Tags to Increase Website Traffic

Title tags are perhaps the most important part of any webpage’s technical design as they alert readers and search engines to the true content of the page. For example, when you do a search on Google and find numerous results that revolve around the initial search premise, those titles that convince you whether or not to click on them are title tags. By optimizing your title tags and presenting a professional, relevant message in each, you too can increase the traffic that is pouring into your website. The following tips will outline why this is important and what you can do to achieve desired results.

Letting Search Engines Know Your Title Tags

Title tags are the first descriptor that search engine crawlers look at when indexing your site and pinging domains. It comes as no surprise, then, that title tags are vital in earning rapport with search engines for increased visibility. Each one of your pages should feature the website’s name in the title tag, in addition to keywords and content that summarizes the page in question. Some inexperienced webmasters simply give their pages the default title tag for the page (“Home”, “Blog”). While this may seem straightforward to you, both search engines and visitors want to be able to know in detail what site they are viewing and what content is offered before they click on the link in question.

Make Your Title Tags Appealing

It simply is not enough to convey basic information about your site – you need to go above and beyond to actually attract people to your pages via the title tags. How can this be done? By using this an as opportunity to expand upon your business’ brand, slogan and mission, you can sell yourself through title tags in a creative way that appeals to the reader’s senses. A well-written title tag can more than make up for being down a couple of spots in search engine results. By using title tags to appeal to consumers and readers while also transmitting basic information about your site and particular page, you can demonstrate value and brand recognition simultaneously.

The Viral Possibilities

Optimized title tags will not only help your standings with search engines by pinging domains’ content and making said content appear more professional, but they may also assist in helping specific pages and content go viral. When you use colourful vocabulary that also relates directly to the subject at hand, people tend to share said content with their friends and acquaintances. The sharing may be traceable (such as through Facebook and other social networking platforms) or may occur outside your field of observation (such as emails between individuals suggesting they read your page). While no guarantees can be made as to whether your specific content will go viral or not, title tags can certainly help garner extra attention for your page and website – setting the stage for a potential viral campaign.

So What Does This Mean?

Title tags are a must-have for any page and should be optimized in order to receive the most attention from both viewers and search engines. By using creative language, describing exactly what the page in question offers and promoting your brand, you can gain the most from title tags and build your website’s audience and consumer base.

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 Watch this FREE Video
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By the way…..this is the same “Blog” that you will get
when you join Empower Network.Normally,
a blog like this would cost THOUSANDS.

But for you, it only costs $25 and it comes with all the
bells & whistles that will allow YOU to get
Traffic, Leads & make Sales!

We are committed to your success and invite
you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!



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I know what it is like to get no help or training. Look at my previous blog posts, I am dedicated to share all of our tips,secrets, not so secrets, what to do & what to not do! A team of experts have done all the homework for you.


On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!
Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!
Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
Facebook Group Mastermind…
Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…
And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!
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More Internet Marketing Part 7


Internet marketing is a good way to grow any business. One of the biggest benefits of Internet marketing is the potential to attract customers from around the world. It is important to use effective strategies for Internet marketing, and you can learn them easily. What follows are ways to maximize the effectiveness of your Internet marketing strategy.


Provide a button that allows others to quickly and easily links back to your site. An advertising badge or a linking badge lets people know that it’s fairly easy to work with you or to link with you. This is something that’s mutually beneficial for you and anyone else out there with a website.

The most successful way to bring in sales is to use real time leads. Obtaining leads in real-time is useful, as it allows you to respond to interested customers immediately. With a real-time lead, you get a potential customer’s information the moment they inquire about your products.

If your company site isn’t often changed, you should add a blog. New content gets the attention of the search engines which will increase your ranking in their listings and lead to more traffic for your site. Writing a blog can allow you to consistently add fresh content.

Include excellent graphics on your website to showcase the products you are selling. This gives the customer peace of mind, as they get to see a detailed photograph of what they are ordering. Allow customers to post their own images of your products to show how they use them. Depending on the type of products you sell, you may also want to include “before and after” pictures.


If you are using emails regularly then always strive to include useful links and information, instead of sending the same type of email over and over. A block of links that remain the same with every email your customers receive is easy to start ignoring. Just providing some variety in the links may help keep the reader’s attention.

If you are seeking additional web traffic, look to improve on optimizing your site for the search engines by having a unique and original content. Online retailers with common products should especially note this, as there is more competition in the search engine. Providing your own unique descriptions of products and using rich, descripyive adjectives will help your site stand out and be recognizable.

A small company that is internet based still needs a logo and slogan. Customers will remember you and your brand if you use marketing tools like this. Catchy slogans have a way of staying in the mind of consumers for long periods of time. When a potential customer is looking to purchase your product, your slogan may come to mind, and bring you a new sale.

Wealth can be a wonderful motivator, but keep your eyes focused squarely on the goals of your business to attain it. Aspiring to lofty goals is important for helping you to keep up the momentum to grow your business, and the advice shared here can help you attain those goals.

Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”

I have over 3 years full time experience in Online Marketing.  Here are some of our team only bonuses:

  • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
  • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
  • 80 email autoresponder series for GVO or Aweber…
  • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
  • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
  • Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

We are committed to your success and invite

you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

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I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!









Tools To Market Your Business On Facebook

FB Thumb

Facebook is rolling out another new feature for business owners – Facebook Gifts.

Facebook Gifts is part of a powerful suite of tools that lets you reach not only your current fans – but also their networks. Getting exposed to friends of your fans can extend your reach by up to 34 times more than if you market to your fans alone.

Here are four tools that can help you get better reach on Facebook – and better publicity for your business – at little to no cost.

Facebook Gifts

Facebook Gifts allows users to purchase actual, physical gifts from retailers and have them shipped directly to their friends. Users can purchase gifts for friends’ birthdays, holidays or other special occasions.

How Facebook Gifts Extends Your Reach


The receiver gets notified about the gift with a post on his or her Timeline – with a huge photo of the product and the store it came from. This means that instead of reaching just one person, you get exposure to the person who bought the gift, the person who got the gift, and the friends of both of those people. And they all get to see your goods.

Facebook collects a percentage of sales made from Gifts, but you get exposure to two people’s networks, which is pretty impressive reach.

Sign up for Facebook Gifts


Facebook Offers

Facebook Offers are sales, discounts, coupons or other specials offered by a business on their Facebook Page.

Fans of your page can claim an offer by clicking on it. The offer gets emailed to the fan, who can use it in your store or follow instructions to use it on your site.

How It Extends Your Reach
Facebook released statistics showing that for the most popular offers claimed, 3/4 of those claims came from friends of the fans who the offer originally targeted.

Facebook Offers have a viral nature. When fans claim your offer, the offer posts to their news feeds where all of their friends can see it. And when one of their friends claims the offer too, your brand gets exposed to a whole new network of people.

Facebook Offers requires you to set a minimum advertising budget of $5, but you can get some impressive exposure for your buck.

Set up Facebook Offers.


Facebook Social Plugins


“Like” and “Share” buttons for websites have been around for a few years now. If you don’t have them on your own site yet, they’re an easy – and free! – way to reach your visitors’ network of friends.

In fact, if your goal is more traffic and more time spent browsing your site, Facebook’s social plugins are powerful tools to add to your marketing arsenal.

How It Extends Your Reach
When a visitor “likes” an article on your website, that “like” gets published to their news feed for all their friends to see.

Other people who visit your site because a friend “liked” your article on Facebook spend 50% more time reading your content. They also click-through twice as many pages on your site than if they had discovered you themselves.

Facebook’s social plugins are free and can get you even more exposure to the networks of people who already like your brand and your site.

Get Social Plugins for your website.


Facebook Targeting


This last tool is less about reaching more people and more about reaching the right people.


Facebook has robust targeting for pages that can help you reach the right people with the right message:
Target by location. Have a local store and a web store? Target your fans by location to talk about your in-store sales so your online buyers won’t feel alienated.
Target by gender. Sell products for both guys and girls? Target by gender to make sure you’re hyping the right products to the right people.
Target by interest. If you’re a concert venue with fans who like a certain band, target them directly with an announcement when the band is coming to town. Appeal directly to your followers’ interests to make a bigger impact.

How It Extends Your Reach

Targeting your emails to your readers’ likes and preferences can get them more interested in your campaign.

Targeting your Facebook posts directly to their personal interests can have the same effect on your Facebook marketing, making them “Like” and comment on your statuses more, which gets that activity showing up in their friends’ newsfeeds more often.

Set up Facebook Targeting.


Make The Most Of Facebook
Facebook’s tools will help your page get better reach, spreading awareness of your brand farther than you could before. But that’s not all you can do with Facebook. Carry those connections back to your email campaign for even more ways to build your Empower Network audience.


Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”

I have over 3 years full time experience in Online Marketing.  Here are some of our team only bonuses:

  • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
  • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
  • 80 email auto responder series for GVO or Aweber…
  • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
  • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
  • Monday-Friday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

We are committed to your success and invite

you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

If you like this post please share it and comment below.


I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!










Everyone goes online these days to pick out products or services to buy. That’s why your own photo sharing website should be the best it can be, helping to get and retain visitors. Here are great suggestions that we put together to operate a successful photo sharing website.

You can also promote your photo sharing website on Amazon via a shopping feed. You can become a merchant if you can afford their fees, but you only pay-per-click if you just upload your shopping feed.

Use casual and conversational tone on your photo sharing website. Your photo sharing website represents you and the same polite and conversational tone you will use while talking to your clients and customers should be exhibited in the content of your site. It makes them feel more relaxed and let you have their money.

Go ahead and repeat. Yes, if you find out what works best for your photo sharing website, don’t stop using it. If it is the incorporation of a specific keyword in the content, then go ahead and write more content based on that keyword. Repeat.

Photo Sharing is Easy

When considering the building of a navigation bar, make sure that the style is right. If the navigation bar is out of keeping with the rest of the photo sharing website then it won’t go down well with the customers. Also, it is not very easy on the eye so that’s another reason why potential business could go elsewhere.

List out the services you render and if into sales, list out the products lines your photo sharing website carries. This, at a glimpse, notifies prospective customers the type of business you are into and if it is what they are seeking without wasting their time and resources.


There should be absolutely no pop-up window involved with your mobile design. Multiple windows are a sure way to slow down mobile browsing and frustrate users. Keep your site to just one window.

One common element when running a competitor analysis for shopping feeds is price. If you notice that your competitors are less expensive, lower your price just a little and offer free shipping.

Build relationships with influencers in your niche. Simply attaching the name of a key influencers to one of your posts can give your site more relevance. Add content to your site that influencers would feel comfortable promoting. If you are out of ideas, contact them and ask. Here is a you tube video I watched for ideas on photo sharing.

Include your company phone number as a call to action your mobile site. Users will be able to click on your phone number and call directly. This usability function is easy and will grow conversions.

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I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!




