Tag Archives: champion


Dream Big Dreams

 I love the New Year as it provides us the space to reflect, assess and sketch the blueprints to make our New Year dreams come true.
As you do, I’d like to encourage you to dream bigger dreams and adopt the unstoppable achievers’s mindset.
To help you, let me tell you the story of a young boy starting out with a lot less than you have going for you right now.
You wouldn’t think this is the kind of upbringing, nurturing, training and development that would produce one of the most creative minds in history–winning 22 Oscars and 7 Emmy awards from 59 nominations (more than any individual in history) and being honored with the highest civilian award the United States government bestows—the Medal of Freedom.
I think these not only eliminate any excuses you might have, but it will inspire you to consider your own greater potential and go after your dreams.

Let’s call this young boy with the Dreams Walter.

Walter was born in Chicago in 1901 to a large Irish immigrant family. His father struggled at work and took out his anger on his wife and children.
At only 8 years old, Walter went to work delivering letters. In any weather, early morning or late at night, he ran through the streets in his worn-out shoes, hurrying to deliver the mail on time. Any money Walter earned was then seized by his father.
At age 16 Walter attempted to enlist in the army to participate in the first World War. He was refused for being too young so he volunteered in the Red Cross and was sent overseas, where he worked as an ambulance driver.
Walter kept the troops in good spirits by decorating his ambulance with amusing drawings. Walter learned he liked to draw.
When Walter returned home from the war, he worked various jobs in creative fields. He worked as a night watchman, which particularly suited him because it gave him an opportunity to study and practice his art. Later, he got a job at a small studio working on an advertising campaign, where he was paid a meager $40 a month but soon unemployed.
Walter wanted to work for a newspaper as an editorial cartoonist but lacked the satire to do so.

Walter Follows His Dreams

 Walter decided to start his own commercial art company, but it was short-lived and ultimately failed to sustain. Still not deterred he decided to start yet another company, which this time was met with some success and he was soon hiring a vast number of his friends.
Unfortunately the profits were not enough to cover the high cost of salaries and he mismanaged the money straddling the business with loads of debt, ultimately ending in bankruptcy.
Even his success ended in failure. Certainly this should be a final lesson for him.
But not for Walter.
He recruited his brother to pool some more finances together and they started another business. They didn’t have enough money between them, so they brought on an investor named Mary.
Once again Walter found success and he rehired many of his friends back. One year later, Mary married a man named Charles, who came in and strong-armed Walter. He told Walter if he didn’t comply to budget restraints he would lose his funding for all his now successful productions and all his employees.
Walter refused to be controlled and was once again on his own.

Walter Believed in Dreams

By now you’ve got to be thinking, just hang it up Walter and get a job, entrepreneurship doesn’t seem to be in your cards, right?
Walter would refuse that thought as well. This time Walter decided he would start a Mickey Mouse sort of business. Literally. Walter drew, animated and became the voice of Mickey Mouse.
Walt founded the Walt Disney Company and went on to produce additional characters that have been loved and squeezed by hundreds of millions of children such as Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Alice in Wonderland, Popeye the Sailor, Pinocchio, Dumbo, Bambi and many more.
Walt’s achiever mindset doesn’t stop there, of course.

On a flight to Chicago in the late 40s he sketched ideas for an amusement park where he envisioned his employees spending time with their children.
Even Walt’s brother Roy thought it was a terrible idea and convinced the Board to disapprove of the funding to build it.
What does Walt do now?

 His own company won’t go along with building his dream?

Well, Walt has a ceaseless achievers mindset.
Walt went out on his own and raised the money by himself. Walt also inspired a dedicated team called Imagineers… something we all should aspire to be… and together they created and opened The Happiest Place on Earth on Sunday, July 17, 1955.
He built it on ground where only an orange grove existed before. Disneyland is now visited by more than 5 million people every year.

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Okay, you create the happiest place on earth, that should be enough right?
Not for the achiever.
In early 1960 Walt conceives of Disney World and EPCOT, this time on top of where only alligators go—in the swamplands of Orlando, Florida.
You have to remember, in the 60s, where the Magical Kingdom resides today, there was nothing there, I mean nothing. The World of Disney, the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, known as EPCOT was imagined and built on a full-fledged swamp.
While Walt Disney’s life journey ended on December 15, 1966, when he was 65, the power of his achiever’s mindset lives on to this day.

 According to statistics, annual cash flow from Disney films (not including sales and rental of videos) exceeds more than $1 billion dollars. The Disney conglomerate includes amusement parks in California, Florida, Tokyo and Paris, 535 international Disney stores, hockey and baseball teams, a number of newspapers and magazines and a cable television network.

Annual turnover of the consortium is $21 billion and stock market capitalization is $42 billion.
Not bad for a poor Chicago kid from an immigrant family equipped with only one thing, but as you can see, the most important thing—the dream big dreams, achiever’s mindset.
As Walt said himself, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
That’s what I want to help you do, find the courage to pursue your dreams, your BIG dreams.
Share your big dream with us in comments below. Share this post with others to encourage them to dream big too.

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Ray Lewis, the Ravens’ soon-to-be-retired middle linebacker, tried to grasp the question of where the 38-35, double-overtime victory over the Denver Broncos ranked.

After shaking his head, blowing some air through his lips and saying, “God is amazing,” the future Hall of Famer said it would have to rank as “one of the greatest victories in Ravens history.”


Lewis is a two-time NFL defensive player of the year and was the heart and soul of a Ravens team that won Super Bowl XXXV. He was selected MVP of that Super Bowl, so he knows a great deal about the biggest victories in Ravens history.

The 13-time Pro Bowler said he challenged the Ravens to ignore everything outside of the locker room and practice field in preparation for the trip to Denver.

“When you look back at [the win] and recap, let all the emotions run down, it’ll probably be one of the greatest victories in Ravens history,” Lewis said.


He didn’t have a bad outing himself. Lewis made 17 tackles in the game. Not bad for a 17-year veteran who was supposed to be lost for the season when he tore a triceps in a win over the Dallas Cowboys on Oct. 15.

Lewis, who will retire after the playoffs to cap a 17-year career, will play on after the Ravens stunned the host Broncos 38-35 in double overtime, a loss that goes down with the most devastating in Denver history.


“Certainly we did a lot of good things this season, but as of right now, it’s hard to think about anything besides the loss tonight,” Manning said afterward.

Manning did enough in regulation to help his team win, despite the first two turnovers. But he also was not perfect. He wasn’t at his best, whether it was due to the weather or the pressure of leading his new franchise to a playoff win.

“I probably wasn’t quite as good as I wanted to be,” Manning said, “and it probably cost us a couple of scoring opportunities.”

On Denver’s second possession of overtime, he stopped and threw across his body to the middle of the field and into the arms of Ravens cornerback Corey Graham at Denver’s 45. Baltimore ran five plays and gained 16 yards before Justin Tucker sailed his winning kick down the middle.

“Yeah, bad throw,” Manning said. “Probably the decision wasn’t great, either. I thought I had an opening, and I didn’t get enough on it, and I was trying to make a play and certainly a throw I’d like to have back.”


Lewis, who led the Ravens with 17 tackles over this nearly 77-minute game in 13-degree weather, kneeled down to the ground and put his helmet on the rock-solid turf when it was over.

“I’ve never been a part of a game so crazy in my life,” Lewis said.

At this point I am rooting for Ray Lewis to take the Ravens to Houston or more likely New England for a rematch of last year’s AFC Championship game where the Ravens came up short against Tom Brady and the Patriots. I don’t really think it matters to Lewis & his Ray-vens team mates as the emotion that usually carries teams to victory in the National Football League is most prevalent in the Baltimore locker room and personally I would love nothing more than for the Ray-vens to beat the Pats and then    have the Harbaugh brothers be opposing coaches in Super Bowl XLVII and having John the Ray-vens coach beat his snarky brother Jim in New Orleans on February 3, 2013. But that’s another story…

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On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!
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Russell Brand Shares His Insight

Russell Brand Shares His Insight On Consciousness And BAFFLES His Interviewer

Russell Brand just adopted a new fan! I never knew how expanded he was until I actually watched this and heard the words he spoke here……honestly I never really pay much attention to Hollywood Hype but I have certain favorites and Russell Brand is a new favorite for me. I’m an avid for Conscious Expansion and always delighted to hear people express and be at one with this realization of our oneness in consciousness.
WATCH his interviewer after Russell says what he has to say……

“You cannot define yourself in reference to other external coordinates, you must define yourself internally with a relationship with a higher entity.

Think of yourself as a manifestation of some higher “thing”, some higher frequency, this is the visible realization.

And you know that because you can’t see atoms can you?

You certainly can’t see the forces that hold atoms together.

There in the micro quantum world Richard, lie the answers to everything.

We can’t understand it with our logical rational minds, but we feel it, intuitively.

Get yourself in alignment with that stuff and you BEAM like the sun.”

The interviewer Richard, makes the comment “jeepers creepers” as if Russell is mental and lost his mind!!! But has he?  People have the right to expand their minds to however they see it…..we don’t exist in this world to conform we exist to expand and grow and become more!

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I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!








…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!
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Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
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And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


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Peyton Manning A Champion

Peyton Manning, a Champions Champion

I will never forget Peyton Manning’s first game as a professional member of the Indianapolis Colts. I was a Diehard Dan Marino fan and looked forward all pre-season long for opening day Sunday, September 6,  that day Peyton Manning hit Marvin Harrison in the right corner of the end zone in the final minute against the Miami Dolphins in the opening week of the 1998 season for his first touchdown pass. Some 420+ touchdowns later, he’s still going strong.

Peyton Manning Colts QB
Peyton Manning Colts QB

Manning finished that first game 21-of-37 for 302 yards accentuating a one-touchdown, three-pick day. He was going up against a master in Dan Marino with a club that was simply outmatched. The Colts didn’t have the talent to hang with the playoff-bound Dolphins. Manning kept the Colts close for a while, but a pick-six in the fourth quarter put the team down 15 points. Manning was sacked four times behind an Colts line that would take half a season to gel. Manning’s final throw of the day was both cosmetic and historic. It changed nothing, but it signified that everything had changed.

In his rookie season, he passed for 3,739 yards with 26 touchdowns, set five different NFL rookie records, including most touchdown passes in a season, and was named to the NFL All-Rookie First Team.[Manning’s first win came against fellow rookie quarterback Ryan Leaf, 17–12 over the Chargers. Weeks later, Manning faced off against San Francisco 49’ers star QB, Steve Young he threw three touchdowns, tying a Colts rookie record, but the 49ers kicked a late field goal to win 34–31 In November against the N.Y. Jets, Manning threw for three touchdowns in a 24–23 win; he was named AFC Offensive Player of the Week for this performance. It was the first game-winning drive of Manning’s career, as he hit Marcus Pollard with the game-winning TD pass. Manning was certainly a bright spot in 1998 for the Colts, but he also threw a league high 28 interceptions as the team struggled to a 3–13 record with a defense that gave up more than 27 points per game. The Colts lost many close games, including five games in which they had led by double-digits at some point.

Colts release Peyton Manning as Indianapolis Colts Quarterback in March 7, 2012 after 14 seasons.


Peyton Manning released by Colts owner Isray
Peyton Manning released by Colts owner Isray

After a May 23 neck surgery, Manning could not use the Colts’ facilities for practice and workouts due to the NFL lockout. He was so reluctant to have witnesses to his recovery that he used the Colorado Rockies baseball team’s trainers at Coors Field in Denver. Manning was unable to complete his throwing motion, and his arm strength was so poor that he was compared to Chad Pennington. Based on an MRI, doctors told him in the late summer that he needed spinal fusion surgery and that at his age they could not guarantee his return to the NFL.[167] On September 7 the Colts officially ruled Manning out for the season opener against Houston, ending his consecutive starts streak of 208 games (227 including playoffs); the team signed Kerry Collins out of retirement and named him interim starting quarterback.[168] After seeking other opinions, Manning had the second surgery on September 8.

“To me, he’s the greatest of all time. He’s a friend of mine, and someone that I always watch and admire, because he always wants to improve, he always wants to get better, and he doesn’t settle for anything less than the best. So, when you watch the best and you’re able to learn from the best, hopefully that helps me get better.”

Tom Brady, on Peyton Manning.
Peyton Manning Congrats Tom Brady
Peyton Manning & Tom Brady after a game

Manning stated that while he did intend to play during the 2011 season, he would not “fight” the front office to stay off injured reserve if his roster spot was needed. Manning started practicing throwing footballs again in mid-December, with teammate Joseph Addai  even claiming his passes looked “game ready.Ultimately, Manning did not play a single game in 2011, and the Colts went 2–14 without him, only the second season since Manning was a rookie that the Colts did not win at least 10 games.

Manning was released by the Colts on March 7, 2012.Upon his release, Colts owner Jim Irsay announced that no Colt will ever wear the #18 jersey again, though it is not being officially retired at this time.

Peyton Manning and John Elway
Peyton Manning and John Elway

After a crazy 2 week tour of prospective teams  from the San Francisco 49ers to the Tennessee Titans (who were offering a blank check to the University of Tennessee  all-time leading passer with 11,201 yards and 89 touchdowns and winner of 39 of the 45 games he started, 4 of those losses to the University of Florida) interviewing and working out for the Miami Dolphins and the Denver Broncos, Peyton had to make a decision if and where to continue his assault on the NFL passing records. Then on March 20, 2012, 13 days after being released by the Colts, Peyton reached an agreement with Broncos GM John Elway and owner Pat Bowlen on a five year contract worth 96 million dollars. Everyone in Denver was elated by this news that although #18 is retired in honor of Frank Tripucka, he gave Manning permission to wear it. Everyone except Denver’s first round draft pick in 2010 Tim Tebow who On July 29 2010 signed a five-year contract with the Broncos that had a base value of $11.25 million with a possibility of 33 million with incentives. The contract also included $8.7 million guaranteed money for the passionate quarterback from Peyton’s nemesis, the University of Florida where Tebow led the Gators to 2 SEC championships (2006,2008) as well as 2 National Championships (2007,2009). Incidently, Tebow made his SEC debut against the Tennessee Volunteers on September 16, 2006 His performance included a ten-yard run on his first carry and converting a critical fourth down near the end of the game, which led to the Gators’ go-ahead touchdown, But today we are talking about Peyton Manning.

Peyton Manning silences the critics.

Peyton Manning Broncos QB
Peyton Manning Broncos QB

Yesterday November 18, 2012, Peyton Manning moved to second on the NFL’s all-time passing touchdown list during the second quarter of the Denver Broncos’ 30-23 victory over the San Diego Chargers on Sunday.

Manning surpassed former Miami Dolphins great Dan Marino on the all-time list with the 421st touchdown pass of his career — a 13-yard strike to Demaryius  Thomas in the back of the end zone. Manning finished the game completing 25 of 42 passes for 270 yards and three touchdowns. Brett Favre’s 497 TD’s are Peyton’s next challenge but as tough as he is and at only 35 years old it seems very possible. By next season he ought to surpass Marino’s 61,361 passing yards for second place on the All Time List with Favre’s 71,838 not too far away as well. But Peyton’s ultimate goal is to lead the Bronco’s to another Super Bowl Championship which in 2006 Manning led the Colts to a 29–17 victory over the Chicago Bears in Super Bowl XLI and was voted Super Bowl MVP.

Peyton Manning Super Bowl MVP
Peyton Manning Super Bowl MVP

Manning, who had been criticized for failing to win big games, exorcised his big-game demons with the win. “In years’ past when our team’s come up short, it’s been disappointing”, he told reporters. “Somehow we found a way to have learned from some of those losses and we’ve been a better team because of it.” For his role in the Colts’ championship run, Manning was awarded the ESPY for Best Championship Performance.

He led the 2009 Colts to his second Super Bowl appearance ultimately won by Drew Brees and  the New Orleans Saints , but again, today we are talking about Peyton Manning, a true champion! I could fill up the page with all of Peyton’s highlights and awards but what strikes me the most is that Peyton Manning is a true Champion today because of his persistence, his hard work and continuous regimen of practice striving for his ultimate goal of perfection. Try telling him that perfection is unobtainable and he will work harder. He is a relentless field general that changes plays in a split second after reading the defensive alignments and he has silenced all the critics that said he would never come back from the neck surgeries that sidelined him and caused the Indianapolis Colts to have the worst record in football after the 2011 season without him. With the first pick of the 2012 draft the Colts selected Stanford star quarterback Andrew Luck after Mr. Isray decided that Peyton was done.

Never count out Peyton Manning! He is a warrior who continues to strive in the face of any and all adversities. Peyton is one of my role models because he is a winner, not a whiner!

Peyton Manning Super Bowl Champion
Peyton Manning Super Bowl Champion

How about you? Winner or whiner? Do you believe in yourself? Have a never say die attitude? The attitude of Champions, the attitude of greatness that is instilled in every single one of us. We will not be defeated by the economy, the job market or any thing else we have no control of. What we do have control of is our destiny! We have control of our future. We have control of the 24 hours that each one of us is given every single day. The only difference is that champions use their 24 hours differently than others. I implore you to be a champion and take total control of your future, your destiny, your finances. Click the link below and take the first step towards your Championship life! Your destiny awaits you, make the decision right now to be a champion!!!
