Tag Archives: content marketing


 Your Content & Online Influence

Making personal connections with as many people as possible has always been a cornerstone of  conventional marketing. Despite the technological advancements that have occurred over the past couple of decades, the need for intimate and personal connections is still just as valid as it ever was. Those who wish to have a successful marketing campaign should be advised that personalized content is one of the best ways in which you can reach and make an impression upon another individual or like-minded group. We will discuss the main benefits you stand to gain by creating targeted, personalized content for specific users.

Conversion Increases

It seems simple enough: if you create content that is specifically aimed at an individual, then there is a greater chance that he or she will follow through on what you have suggested they do. Much like pinging networks with your content, it will only be received positively on the other end if it is relevant and not “spammy”. Previous research suggests that a targeted marketing campaign is 60% more likely to lead to a conversion with an individual who is delivered personalized content versus generic, cookie-cutter content. Consider this information when you prepare to send out another generic mailing; think twice.


title tags and other blogging tips

Why Should You Use Personalized Content In Your Marketing


If you have spent months or even years working on a particular website, then you probably consider it a labour of love and are proud of your creation. Because of this, it can be very frustrating to discover that your once ever-growing website has now begun to lose visitors, traffic and conversions. With the web and search engine optimization strategies constantly shifting, it can be difficult to immediate discern what needs to be done. Obviously, the most important objective is to stop the “bleeding” and begin to grow your influence once again. Below are several tips for reversing a damaging trend that will ultimately impact all of us at some point.

Increase Your Content Distribution

If your influence has been waning in recent weeks, then one of the first things you should do to remedy the problem is to begin writing more content. Sounds simple, but does it work? It is absolutely proven that websites that publish content more regularly have a more consistent stream of visitors and a predictable amount of traffic. Those who only publish updates once or twice per week, however, see rapid increases and decreases in influence because their content distribution is not optimized. Most modern website platforms allow users to schedule posts for later dates; sit down, write your content and have it ready published automatically in a timely fashion.

Use Email Connections

People may be coming to your blog or website, but what are you doing to keep their attention? If you do not already have a subscriber or email pinging list available to readers, then you are missing out on a big opportunity. Research shows that conversion rates are astronomically higher among those who are on email subscription lists than those who are targeted at random or even those who share the interests of the subject but are not subscribed.




By having a personal connection with people on your email list, you have a much better chance of bringing those people back to your site time and time again.

Stay Involved In Your Content Marketing

Particularly important with blogs, having a say in the comments and discussion that is ongoing is vital if you want to make visitors feel as if their input is welcome. By being easily reachable and showing you care about their thoughts, users and visitors will be more inclined to share their thoughts with other members of the site and also let you know their thoughts about the site in general. There are other opportunities to be had by doing this as well; someone who is willing to share details about their impression of the site can be asked to subscribe to the list and provide their feedback about that as well.

Multimedia Expansion

Those who have noticed a slip in their metrics may benefit from expanding their multimedia outreach – using tools such as pinging lists of text, video, social media and audio to connect with their visitors. By covering audio, video, text and viral elements of sharing, you can position your website’s content to be sharable in multiple mediums. This type of campaign will help to hedge any current losses and hopefully begin to rebuild your traffic by exposing your content to people from all walks of life

Quality = Quantity

In the past, many marketing campaigns focused on sending out as many emails as possible – with the overall goal being to hit their revenue targets. While this may have worked in the past, it is quickly becoming less efficient as people are increasingly tuning out emails that may appear to be spam. Even if they are being delivered, it doesn’t mean people are reading them. Targeted, personalized email campaigns that deliver half as many emails as generic campaigns have been shown to be just as effective. By targeting your emails to specific individuals, you can reduce the number of emails you have to send out. This will allow you to spend more time on creating specific content for your website.

More Likes, +1s and Hits

Strategies that focus on a general, broad theme may be able to drive traffic to their website – but what are the possibilities if the marketing campaign uses social media to reach multiple niche markets simultaneously? While email has been popular for marketing campaigns, social media is quickly catching up to the increasingly outdated concept of email. By locating individuals with specific interests and demographics that match your target audience, you can proceed to display targeted advertisements which will hopefully catch their eye. Once they are following you, this makes it easier to generate custom content for their status feed.


It is evident that personalized content does wonders for gaining the attention of individuals with whom you might not ever connect otherwise. Considering that the premise of social media is individuals pinging networks for like-minded individuals and content that interests them, it makes sense to apply this approach in both social media and traditional email efforts. Don’t make the mistakes of the past and continue sending out bland, one size fits all emails; connect with and get to know your audience so you can win them over with that information!

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