Tag Archives: Independent contractor

More Internet Marketing Part 7


Internet marketing is a good way to grow any business. One of the biggest benefits of Internet marketing is the potential to attract customers from around the world. It is important to use effective strategies for Internet marketing, and you can learn them easily. What follows are ways to maximize the effectiveness of your Internet marketing strategy.


Provide a button that allows others to quickly and easily links back to your site. An advertising badge or a linking badge lets people know that it’s fairly easy to work with you or to link with you. This is something that’s mutually beneficial for you and anyone else out there with a website.

The most successful way to bring in sales is to use real time leads. Obtaining leads in real-time is useful, as it allows you to respond to interested customers immediately. With a real-time lead, you get a potential customer’s information the moment they inquire about your products.

If your company site isn’t often changed, you should add a blog. New content gets the attention of the search engines which will increase your ranking in their listings and lead to more traffic for your site. Writing a blog can allow you to consistently add fresh content.

Include excellent graphics on your website to showcase the products you are selling. This gives the customer peace of mind, as they get to see a detailed photograph of what they are ordering. Allow customers to post their own images of your products to show how they use them. Depending on the type of products you sell, you may also want to include “before and after” pictures.


If you are using emails regularly then always strive to include useful links and information, instead of sending the same type of email over and over. A block of links that remain the same with every email your customers receive is easy to start ignoring. Just providing some variety in the links may help keep the reader’s attention.

If you are seeking additional web traffic, look to improve on optimizing your site for the search engines by having a unique and original content. Online retailers with common products should especially note this, as there is more competition in the search engine. Providing your own unique descriptions of products and using rich, descripyive adjectives will help your site stand out and be recognizable.

A small company that is internet based still needs a logo and slogan. Customers will remember you and your brand if you use marketing tools like this. Catchy slogans have a way of staying in the mind of consumers for long periods of time. When a potential customer is looking to purchase your product, your slogan may come to mind, and bring you a new sale.

Wealth can be a wonderful motivator, but keep your eyes focused squarely on the goals of your business to attain it. Aspiring to lofty goals is important for helping you to keep up the momentum to grow your business, and the advice shared here can help you attain those goals.

Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”

I have over 3 years full time experience in Online Marketing.  Here are some of our team only bonuses:

  • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
  • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
  • 80 email autoresponder series for GVO or Aweber…
  • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
  • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
  • Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

We are committed to your success and invite

you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

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This True Story Will Amaze YOU!


I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!









Tools To Market Your Business On Facebook

FB Thumb

Facebook is rolling out another new feature for business owners – Facebook Gifts.

Facebook Gifts is part of a powerful suite of tools that lets you reach not only your current fans – but also their networks. Getting exposed to friends of your fans can extend your reach by up to 34 times more than if you market to your fans alone.

Here are four tools that can help you get better reach on Facebook – and better publicity for your business – at little to no cost.

Facebook Gifts

Facebook Gifts allows users to purchase actual, physical gifts from retailers and have them shipped directly to their friends. Users can purchase gifts for friends’ birthdays, holidays or other special occasions.

How Facebook Gifts Extends Your Reach


The receiver gets notified about the gift with a post on his or her Timeline – with a huge photo of the product and the store it came from. This means that instead of reaching just one person, you get exposure to the person who bought the gift, the person who got the gift, and the friends of both of those people. And they all get to see your goods.

Facebook collects a percentage of sales made from Gifts, but you get exposure to two people’s networks, which is pretty impressive reach.

Sign up for Facebook Gifts


Facebook Offers

Facebook Offers are sales, discounts, coupons or other specials offered by a business on their Facebook Page.

Fans of your page can claim an offer by clicking on it. The offer gets emailed to the fan, who can use it in your store or follow instructions to use it on your site.

How It Extends Your Reach
Facebook released statistics showing that for the most popular offers claimed, 3/4 of those claims came from friends of the fans who the offer originally targeted.

Facebook Offers have a viral nature. When fans claim your offer, the offer posts to their news feeds where all of their friends can see it. And when one of their friends claims the offer too, your brand gets exposed to a whole new network of people.

Facebook Offers requires you to set a minimum advertising budget of $5, but you can get some impressive exposure for your buck.

Set up Facebook Offers.


Facebook Social Plugins


“Like” and “Share” buttons for websites have been around for a few years now. If you don’t have them on your own site yet, they’re an easy – and free! – way to reach your visitors’ network of friends.

In fact, if your goal is more traffic and more time spent browsing your site, Facebook’s social plugins are powerful tools to add to your marketing arsenal.

How It Extends Your Reach
When a visitor “likes” an article on your website, that “like” gets published to their news feed for all their friends to see.

Other people who visit your site because a friend “liked” your article on Facebook spend 50% more time reading your content. They also click-through twice as many pages on your site than if they had discovered you themselves.

Facebook’s social plugins are free and can get you even more exposure to the networks of people who already like your brand and your site.

Get Social Plugins for your website.


Facebook Targeting


This last tool is less about reaching more people and more about reaching the right people.


Facebook has robust targeting for pages that can help you reach the right people with the right message:
Target by location. Have a local store and a web store? Target your fans by location to talk about your in-store sales so your online buyers won’t feel alienated.
Target by gender. Sell products for both guys and girls? Target by gender to make sure you’re hyping the right products to the right people.
Target by interest. If you’re a concert venue with fans who like a certain band, target them directly with an announcement when the band is coming to town. Appeal directly to your followers’ interests to make a bigger impact.

How It Extends Your Reach

Targeting your emails to your readers’ likes and preferences can get them more interested in your campaign.

Targeting your Facebook posts directly to their personal interests can have the same effect on your Facebook marketing, making them “Like” and comment on your statuses more, which gets that activity showing up in their friends’ newsfeeds more often.

Set up Facebook Targeting.


Make The Most Of Facebook
Facebook’s tools will help your page get better reach, spreading awareness of your brand farther than you could before. But that’s not all you can do with Facebook. Carry those connections back to your email campaign for even more ways to build your Empower Network audience.


Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”

I have over 3 years full time experience in Online Marketing.  Here are some of our team only bonuses:

  • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
  • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
  • 80 email auto responder series for GVO or Aweber…
  • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
  • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
  • Monday-Friday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

We are committed to your success and invite

you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

If you like this post please share it and comment below.


I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!










Everyone goes online these days to pick out products or services to buy. That’s why your own photo sharing website should be the best it can be, helping to get and retain visitors. Here are great suggestions that we put together to operate a successful photo sharing website.

You can also promote your photo sharing website on Amazon via a shopping feed. You can become a merchant if you can afford their fees, but you only pay-per-click if you just upload your shopping feed.

Use casual and conversational tone on your photo sharing website. Your photo sharing website represents you and the same polite and conversational tone you will use while talking to your clients and customers should be exhibited in the content of your site. It makes them feel more relaxed and let you have their money.

Go ahead and repeat. Yes, if you find out what works best for your photo sharing website, don’t stop using it. If it is the incorporation of a specific keyword in the content, then go ahead and write more content based on that keyword. Repeat.

Photo Sharing is Easy

When considering the building of a navigation bar, make sure that the style is right. If the navigation bar is out of keeping with the rest of the photo sharing website then it won’t go down well with the customers. Also, it is not very easy on the eye so that’s another reason why potential business could go elsewhere.

List out the services you render and if into sales, list out the products lines your photo sharing website carries. This, at a glimpse, notifies prospective customers the type of business you are into and if it is what they are seeking without wasting their time and resources.


There should be absolutely no pop-up window involved with your mobile design. Multiple windows are a sure way to slow down mobile browsing and frustrate users. Keep your site to just one window.

One common element when running a competitor analysis for shopping feeds is price. If you notice that your competitors are less expensive, lower your price just a little and offer free shipping.

Build relationships with influencers in your niche. Simply attaching the name of a key influencers to one of your posts can give your site more relevance. Add content to your site that influencers would feel comfortable promoting. If you are out of ideas, contact them and ask. Here is a you tube video I watched for ideas on photo sharing.

Include your company phone number as a call to action your mobile site. Users will be able to click on your phone number and call directly. This usability function is easy and will grow conversions.

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 Free Offer Links:







Click to GET it FREE -3-day Stealth Marketing Course

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!






Empower Network Products

The Empower Network Products

I believe if you really want to get a good education that will pay you long-term residual income as well as let you work for yourself, instead of putting 4 years and $40,000 into college I highly recommend you buy all of the Empower Network Products.  Total tuition for all the Empower Products is $5,125 (so 87% discount from going to college and it will not take you 4 years to learn everything)…

Bottom line you will get a higher education faster, easier, and more profitably than every before…

So lets break down what you get in these products from my view-point

Empower Viral Blogging System – $25/monthly

empowerblog sys25


What you get in this level is your own, already setup, ready to go Blog.  It is coded with your Empower Network affiliate link banners already so all you need to do is add content daily, share it with others & get paid!  It’s that simple…

You can look at blogging like putting up flyers around town.  Except these flyers stay up forever!  No one can take them down and you pretty much own that part of the internet real estate every time you post a blog.

This is by far the best long-term strategy that exists today.  Think about it.  What is the internet made of?  Why do people go to the internet?  Information!!!  They visit the world-wide web to see content that will answer their questions.  The whole internet is based on this.  With Empower Network you can tap into this and build a legacy around it.

The genius part about allowing everyone to have their own Empower Network Blog is the authority it has.  This blog will out perform any normal blog out there because there are so many people posting to it daily.  The Alexa rank for the main website just after 7 months is in the top 800 websites in the entire world.  This allows you to start blogging with authority right from the get go!

Do I believe this is worth $25 per month?  Oh yes!!! It’s actually worth a lot more than that…

Empower Network Inner Circle – $100/monthly



This is where the education starts!  We have some of the best of the best marketers that have been in this industry for years!  Some of them for over 20 years, and other 5 or under.  Either way they are marketing Ninjas!

Think about this for a second.  If you want to learn how to market a business on the internet, would you rather take a college course about Marketing that will cost you $400-$600 for 1 semester (about 3 months) from a guy that makes $50,000 per year or less?  Or would you want to learn about marketing from someone who does it daily and earns $50,000 per month?!  Some of these rock star marketers have earned close to 100k in 1 single month…  I know that sounds pretty outrageous but it’s true.  The best part is it’s not going to cost you $400-$600 for a semester.  It’s a measly $100 per month.  Crazy I know…

Empower Network Costa Rica Intensive – $500 one time payment



I had the privilege to attend the “No Excuses II” live event in Las Vegas, and I got to meet some of the top leaders in the industry like Mike Dillard, Ray and Ferny, Mark Hoverson and David Wood were there as well…

David Wood blew my mind with what he talked about.  He had the whole audience wanting to hear more of what he had to offer.  After the event was over about 100 people showed up in David’s Breakout Room (including me).  He talked about the way he builds his business, how he funnels his leads through a process, telling stories of how he lived in a van and now earns 30k per month living in Costa Rica…

Right at the end he told everyone he was holding a LIVE event in Costa Rica where he is going to walk people through exactly how to create their own funnels and create a business model the way he has set it up for himself.  He sold this for $2995 and sold all 25 spots!  That’s over 70k in 1 hour… WHOA!

Well my friends he recorded that training he did for those 25 people in Costa Rica, and is now offering it to you for $500!  On top of that you have the ability to earn 100% commissions on it!

15k Per Month Formula – $1,000 one time payment

You ever want to know exactly how you can earn 15k per month within the next 60-90 days?  Well that is exactly what the 15k formula is all about!

This is the most in depth marketing knowledge from Social Media strategies, blogging, advanced SEO, paid marketing, magazine ads, solo ads, Facebook PPC, Leadership training & a bonus training on exactly what it takes to earn $1,000 per day doing 1 simple task!

The trainers in this product earn 6 & 7 figures per year in this industry & by far the best of the best trainers from people like Rob Fore, Jon Mroz, Chuck Marshal, Chris Campbell, Tracy Walker, David Sharp, Aaron Rashkin & a few more!

Bottom line is you get to learn from the top people in the industry & earn 1k commissions over and over!

Costa Rica Masters Course – $3,500 one time payment

This is actually coming soon!  I was in Costa Rica with them as they were filming this and It will literally help you no matter where you are at in your business on how to get to the next income level.  If you are at $5,000 a month right now you will learn how to break past the 10k mark.  If you are at 20k now you will learn how to break past the 30-50k mark.  All the way up to $250,000 per month!

A brand newbie to the advanced leader can benefit from this course!  I highly recommend it…

You can’t beat getting $3,000 commissions either right?

That leads me to how Empower Network pays us:

Empower Network Compensation Plan

Being full-time in this industry for a little over 4 years now I have seen many compensation plans come my way.  Some are great, some are good, but none paid out 100% commissions on products that were actually GOOD! haha

Yes I have seen some 100% commission programs but they absolutely sucked as a product, and it was usually a 1 time 100% commission and that’s it.  No leverage or residual income at all…  Where is the fun in building something like that?

As described above do you think the Empower Network products are worth the money you spend?  I sure do!

The fact they pay 100% commission is just icing on the cake!

I also want to point out that since they pay you 100% commissions, you are getting paid as if you owned, created, did support, hosted & managed the product but you DONT!  They do that for you and you get paid as if you did all that!

This gives the average person the ability to get paid as if they created the product but not have to worry about it!  Cool huh?

They also have a built-in leverage plan so you can still earn on your downline.  Your 2nd, 4th, 6th and every 5th person are passed up to your sponsor…  What this allows to happen is you can tell your team what you are doing, teach them your secrets because there is leverage in the comp plan.  You are not training your competition like other 100% commission programs out there.  You can build a long-term team and generate 100% residual income passups for the rest of time on each and every one of your referrals…

Check out my Empower Network Residual Income Comparison to traditional MLM

So why would David Wood do this?

Empower Network Owners

David Wood and David Sharp are industry phenomenons.  You can call them “Gurus” if you want but I love how they are always creating systems, teaching people what they know, never holding back and telling you how it really is!

So why would they offer 100% commissions?

I asked David Wood this question directly on his Skype and he told me the reason he can offer this is “because they are not Wussys!”  They can actually build the business better than anyone else.  They didn’t want special treatment being the owners.  They are on the same playing field as everyone else in the company.  So the simple answer to how they make money from this is?  They earn 100% commissions just like you an I!  Simple straight forward and to the point!

Think about that for a second.  They earn 100% and so do you!  So you don’t have to create your own product, you don’t have to pay any of the overhead & you get to get paid as if you did own it!  Wow!  It really is an awesome concept!

I have had the privilege of meeting David Wood at several live events and I can say this guy really is amazing.  He has some of the best closing skills I have ever seen.

You can tap into his skills just for being a part of the Empower Network as well… Just blog daily, share it with others, and get paid!

Are there any other costs involved in Empower Network?

Yes they have an Affiliate Fee of $19.95/monthly

If you want to earn 100% commissions from the products I talked about above they have an Affiliate fee.  This covers processing payments, all the websites, support staff, office overhead, employees, hosting ect.  This is a legit business & the admin fee allows them to stay in business without coming out of their personal affiliate income!  Every legit company has to have some kind of admin fee that doesn’t pay out commissions.  That is what this is!

Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”

I have over 4 years full-time experience in Online Marketing.  Here are some of our team only bonuses:

  • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
  • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
  • 80 email auto-responder series for GVO or Aweber…
  • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
  • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
  • Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

We also have a team community that is growing rapidly each day.  Here is a screen shot of our training site you get access to once you join our team in Empower Network:



We are committed to your success and invite
you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

If you like this post please share it and comment below.


I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!










Content Marketing

Executing a great content marketing strategy may actually be the answer you’re looking for to help drive more quality traffic to your site, build your list and make an increased amount of sales – without dividing future clients.

The idea is easy. Instead of blanketing the known universe with pretentious commercial advertising campaigns and making an attempt to interrupt peoples lives in the expectations of making a much-needed sale, the goal is to provide handy information that is both appreciated and valued by those that are actively looking for an answer to their problems.

What’s Content Marketing?

Content marketing means actively creating, publishing and promoting value-based content (think blog entries, articles, white papers, and instructional DVDs) in such a way as to attract potential prospects who are actively looking for your product, service or business opportunity now.

Put simply, a great content marketing strategy would seek first to appreciate precisely what your first target market is actively trying to find, making content to answer that expressed need in the market place and then promoting that content so it can be found easily.


Then, when you’ve caught their attention and they have engaged in your content, the primary goal is to get opt-in permission to deliver your “marketing content” over an extended period of time. This gives you the chance to build up a trust relationship, and the repeated exposures multiplies the opportunity to make a sale.

Content Marketing Strategy – the Foundation

There are plenty of paths to profit with a good well-planned content marketing strategy. You can publish an educational blog, produce video tutorials, write e-mail newsletters, draft white papers and offer a spread of free reports or easy tools. Yet unless you know what, exactly, potential prospects are actively searching for… You’ll have wasted your time.

The hidden key to implementing a successful content marketing strategy is to put yourself in the customer’s shoes at the time they have an active want to find out more about whatever it is you offer. Then look for techniques to clarify and improve their life without recourse. Meaning do what you can to readily offer fantastic worth first before asking for the sale.

Now, online this means using the same words and phrases in your marketing content materials that customers use in their search queries. Then optimize and push your content to help it rank really high on the organic search site results so it can be easily found.

Content Marketing Strategy Reviewed

Content drives the Net, and your potential customers are consistently trying to find information that unscrambles a difficulty they’re now having. They aren’t trying to find an immediate selling spiel. The trust, credibility, and authority that content marketing creates knocks down sales resistance, all while providing a baseline intro to the benefits of a particular product or service. It puts you in the position of being a trustworthy counsel versus an abhorred salesperson.

The individuals, businesses and network marketers that are having the most success online in terms of lead generation and sales tend to take an approach that involves a high ratio of valuable content that appears to present no overt sales agenda, blended with periodic promotional messages. Maybe it’s time you step up to the plate and execute your own content marketing strategy to take advantage.


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Click to GET it FREE -3-day Stealth Marketing Course

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!




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Small Business Plan

Small Business Plan

One of the most important tasks to carry out when you are planning to launch a brand new small business, is to take time to prepare a fully functional small business plan.

I thought I would go through a step by step guide to what you need for an effective small business plan. Many people try to start a business without any true expectations for the future other than ‘oh this is going to work’. You have to know exactly what “should” happen so that the surprises are less. In most cases surprises in business aren’t positive.

Another key benefit of a well written business plan is that it becomes a permanent reference point for you to view as needed and will assist you in maintaining your focus for the life of your business.

I am writing this guide in small sections to allow you to follow the plan in your own time. This article will demonstrate the complete overview of what you will need to consider when writing your small business plan.

Small business plan – an overview

There are 6 key elements to consider when preparing to write your business plan they are:

  •  Your business aim: this section should indicate your businesses generic goals and should also identify what areas you will need to research (such as marketplace, route to market etc) and also pinpoint an accurate timetable for your small business development.
  • Stock: this section should demonstrate your products and/or services that you are planning to specialise in, where you may source your products and any legislation you may need to be aware of and comply to.
  • Promotional: here you should plan to demonstrate how you intend to get your products and services to the marketplace, how you are to proceed with advertising media, where you plan to retail your products and services and also note any restrictions that may apply to certain products or services.
  • Operational: This is where you should identify the time constraints that may apply (production time, supplier lead time etc), delivery timescale’s to your customers, supplier conformance, shipping options and the limits that will apply.
  • Financial: This is a key section and should clearly demonstrate your total costing’s, direct expenses, projected stock holding (if applicable), accounting methods, sales tables and your sales targets and company budget controls.
  • Timetable: When writing your business plan, you will need to focus on ‘forward planning’. This will encompass you projecting a timetable of development .where do you see your company in 5 years for example.

Once you have all these areas done, you have to know how you are going to promote your business and keep the business coming in. This seems to be the biggest problem most business owners have. You know everything there is to know about your products/services, but you know nothing about marketing. That’s expected too. Marketing is an expertise in itself. If you’ve read much of my blog, you know how I preach about smart marketing. Smart marketing is all about spending your hard-earned dollar and getting more than you spent in return. In other words, big return on investment (ROI). Every market will be different and different marketing tactics will work in each of them. You have a huge list of options too.
Newspapers, Yellow Pages, Radio, Television Ads,Fliers, postcards, promotion coupons,Referral programs,Internet marketing,Email marketing,Holding seminars and special events,Business to business referral programs.

In my next article we shall begin attacking each aspect of the business plan in detail beginning with your business aims.I hope you find this resource useful and remember, taking a week or so to write your small business plan will save you time AND money in the future.

Success Manual HERE!

Find Your Focus – End Procrastination Without Willpower 


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Click to GET it FREE -3-day Stealth Marketing Course

This True Story Will Amaze YOU!



Live Long & Prosper   “Spock”


I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!




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Being Self Employed

Self Employed…Being Your Own Boss

Standards are an interesting thing. They don’t dictate exact performance, but they do sketch out a ballpark. If you expect yourself to read a book a week, you may not actually do that, but you’ll probably read a book most weeks. If a boss tells you to have something done one month from now, you’ll probably get it done sometime around then. Not two weeks earlier, but not two weeks later, either. Standards work to guide performance by creating an idea of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. They shape our priorities, trying to maximize the amount of acceptable things we do and minimize the unacceptable ones.

It’s interesting to think about where our standards come from. Why is forty hours a week the standard for a full week of work? Why isn’t it less? Why isn’t it more? Is that standard really right for everyone? Our societal standard for healthy eating is to eat anything that qualifies as non-dessert, preferably not entirely fried, and then a small amount of something that is dessert. Most people hover around that– no one eats ice cream for every meal.

It’s no secret how I feel about, well, pretty much all societal standards, and since you’re reading my blog, chances are you don’t subscribe to all of society’s standards either.

When you DO subscribe to these standards, you don’t ever need to police yourself. Society will keep you there automatically through peer pressure. If you don’t work very much, people will call you a slacker. If you don’t work at all, your mom will call you and tell you to get a job. If you work too hard, unless you’re in a specific industry which has a high standard for work quantity, people will actually encourage you to work LESS. You’ll even see this on my blog, where suggest that I ought to have more balance/fun/etc.

The thing is, when you have your own standards, you alone become responsible for enforcing them. You have to step up and become your own boss. When you become your own boss, you have a battle on two fronts. On one side you have to push against the pressure of society, and on the other side you have to push yourself to put in the effort to reach your own standards. It’s not easy work, especially if you’re not used to it.


The hardest case is when your standards require you to push beyond what society expects of you. Most people you know will be telling you that you’ve done enough, most people you don’t know will tell you the same thing. Even part of your brain will be saying, “Come on… this is good enough. Okay, fine just do a little bit more. No need to push it too far, though.” The only solution is to push back and hold on to your standards.

You have to monitor yourself. Most people don’t really even do that. Then you have to be able to objectively evaluate yourself. Even fewer people do that. In particular, you have to be able to identify and admit weakness. Then you have to push. Most of all, you have to have faith that everyone else is wrong about you. That’s a tough thing, right? Everyone else says that watching a couple hours of TV per day is just fine. You have to have the arrogance to think that most of the developed world is wrong. Are they self employed?

You basically have to go through this process for everything, because once that fragile bond of trust is broken– the one where you rely on the world to tell you what is okay– you can’t help but question pretty much everything. It works the same way interpersonal trust works– if someone lies to you once, you suddenly can’t take anything they tell you at face value.

Other people will offer you suggestions, advice, even ultimatums. So will society. It’s worth listening to what you hear, because it’s not all totally senseless. Everything is as it is for a reason, but it’s up to you to figure out what that reason is and whether or not it’s valid. At the end of the day, the whole world can be your adviser but you have to be your own boss. You set the goals. You evaluate progress. You dole out encouragement or discipline.

New Post on Tynan.com

self employed

Posted by Tynan

Find Your Focus – End Procrastination Without Willpower 


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 Free Offer Links:







Click to GET it FREE -3-day Stealth Marketing Course

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

We have been working hard at making a substantial income and I share all that I am doing on these blog posts. When you get tired of making someone else rich and decide that if you are willing to work at doing something for a little while, we will teach you how to do what others can’t do for the rest of your life! A steady monthly income stream is totally possible and we share everything we do with you, but YOU have to take the first step…



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You hear this word a lot online when it comes to Marketing. Unfortunately, far too often

the “secrets” you read about are nothing more than well known techniques that perhaps

only YOU have never heard of.

I’m proud to say, what I claim to be secrets I share are just that; secret methods on

how to build your online business, and get ahead of your competition, and save yourself a

ton of money in the process. There’s no way to do it completely free, for the old adage is

correct; “It takes money to make money”, but I’ve given you a short cut that will keep

most of your dollars in your pocket. As a matter of fact, I even include a proven, time

tested method on how to help fund your business .

These are very exclusive tips, and Wayne Sharer’s SEO videos are a great example. I’ve

actually asked around about some of his techniques, and I was quite surprised how many

marketers were unaware of them. To me, that makes his program a true “secret” of

Internet Marketing.

Another fantastic example is Jamie Lewis’ program. While it is not free, and to some it

may seem a little expensive, it’s an awesome lesson on how to save you a small fortune

from future mistakes. Another one of Jamie Lewis’ programs, is an advance lesson

where he will actually work with you one-on-one and immediately produce income

with you via a web-cast!

These programs are a remarkable foundation in which you can build your online

business, and it’s told to you in very simplistic form, which is critical in order to avoid

“information overload” and confusion. Jamie is very down to earth, and has the fruit-on -the tree when it comes to his success.

Again, much advice online is labeled “secrets”, when most are mere “tips”. These

programs are far-and-away true secrets of the trade.

As far as tips go, I’m not going to take up a bunch of pages on this, for woven through

this entire series of blogs are tips, principles, and secrets, but I will offer this one piece of advice;

You cannot make a million dollars without making one dollar first.

I realize that sounds like a “DUH” statement, but it is far more relative than you realize.

It’s too easy for one to surf around the Internet and see opportunities everywhere – often

becoming confused. Many opportunities cost money to join, and promote (other than the

free techniques outlined in this book). At first, don’t work on too many opportunities at

once. When you have one business generating an income, then you can expand to others.

I know many people will disagree with this, but it is a simple Internet Marketing “tip”

that is not often shared. Focus all of your time and energy on ONE niche/business at a

time. UNLESS it is a business like “Easy Money Method” that has three great businesses

tied together in a single system, along with a marketing funnel that goes along with it. I

have to tell you however, that type of business is a rarity!

That word “Focus” is very underrated in online marketing. I see so many people doing so

many things, it’s hard for them to keep track of them all. This is silly to me, as it is better

to do one thing “great” then many things “fair” in my opinion.

If the primary business/niche you choose is not growing properly, then you can focus on

another. On the same token however, don’t start a business/niche, promote it for three

days, and then decide it doesn’t work. That’s not what I’m talking about.

Successful entrepreneurs (or “cyberprenuers”) are in it for the long haul, and they start

with the end in mind. They work toward their vision of what they want their business to

become. That is why, at the beginning of these blogs I talked about dreams and your

reasons why you want a successful online business. You need to see your business

already successful in your mind.


Take some time to decide exactly what you want your business to be over the next 5, 10,

even 20 years. Then set aside time, every day, to visualize the mental picture of your

success. This falls directly inline with the “Law of Attraction” and most successful

Internet Marketers know the power of practicing this technique.

Whenever you choose a business, you must keep a vision of what you want it to become

clearly in focus. With this insight, it makes daily decision-making much easier.

After all, with a clear-cut vision of what you want your business to become, you can

always ask yourself, “Will this action move me closer to creating the success I’m

visualizing?” If the answer is “yes”, you know you can move forward confidently.

Well, in order to avoid “information overload” like I mentioned, I think that will do it for

this ebook.

Naturally, there are many more aspects to Internet Marketing, and we have scratched but

the surface, however this is a VERY good introduction for you to begin your “Internet

Marketing Internship”.

These techniques and principles will help you begin to realize the amazing potential that

lies within you, and the power of the Internet, to turn your goals and dreams into reality.

Is there work involved? Absolutely. Are your aspirations worth it? Only you have the

answer to that.

These blogs are merely a guide to get you started, and if you have been in Network

Marketing for a while and have hit a slump, it is meant to get your creative juices flowing


To recap:


JUST DO IT! (To quote Nike). Start brainstorming and thinking of all the ways

you can get your message out, respectfully, and without spamming (because no

one likes that, and it is completely counter-productive).

Brush off the ones who think what you’re doing is a scam, or if they are not

interested. Let it go. There will always be someone who is looking for exactly

what you have, and you will find them, you just have to dig deep, and NEVER

stop digging!


Success Manual HERE!


Never give up! Never quit! Never surrender your dreams and aspirations; they are

true possessions in the ever-changing ocean of life. Never let go of them!

As you can see you have opened an entire world through these pages… I sincerely hope

you follow your heart and implement these teachings.

I believe you were not led here by accident… you were meant to read every word.

Of course, I cannot guarantee your success, for alas…it is up to you. Ultimately, it

depends on how big your “why” is, and rests solely on your actions and determination. I

can tell you however; if you refuse to let go of your dreams, and fight with every ounce

of your being for their existence, they will happen. Just remember, define

your “why”, and never look back. And, if you follow these lessons,

techniques, and instructions, I’ll bet dollars to dimes you find yourself on a crystal-clearbeach

one day thinking to yourself;

“I’m sure glad I don’t have to work that job for another 30 years!”

Remember, life is too short to accept mediocrity. It is far too brief to live in quiet

desperation, and not live up to one’s full potential. After all, we never know how much

sand we have left in the hourglass.

I leave you on this personal note;

In 2007 I lost my best friend…he was only 50. I think of him often.

Recently, a song came over the radio as I was driving home from a ball game that we used to go to that says it all:

“As the cold wind blows across the graveyard I think I hear… the voice of my old

friend whisper in my ear; I’m gonna stop looking back, and start moving on, and learn

how to face my fears. Love with all of my heart, and make my mark, I wanna leave

somethin’ here. I’m going out on a ledge, without any net, that’s what I’m gonna be

about; I wanna be runnin’ when the sand runs out.” ~ Rascal Flatts

God bless you…and may He bless all you hope to achieve.


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I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Here is where you may find NEW ideas for your posts Unique Article Wizard

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Many people chose to buy their traffic, instead of having to learn the ins-and-outs of how

to obtain it for free (actually, the term “free” is a misnomer because you will be spending

quite a bit of time learning the ropes and implementing your Internet Marketing


To be honest with you, this is a waste of money. It RARELY produces any worthwhile

results and to be quite blunt, you’re fooling yourself if you think throwing 25k hits at a

website will make you rich. The main reason behind this is, this is untargeted traffic that

is not relevant (there’s that word again!) to your opportunity or product, and most of it is

from dropped websites over-seas, that is funneled to your URL.

In the beginning I used to hurl as much traffic to my pages as I could through these sites,

thinking my business would explode, only to end up frustrated when nothing happened,

even after 50,000 hits! I began to question whether actual people were clicking on my

opportunity, or if it was a “bot” doing it. The later is likely the case, and in my personal

opinion the only one making any money off these traffic sites are the owners, and not so

honestly at that.

It takes TONS of this “redirected traffic” to gain any leads. I suppose if you hurled 1

Million hits at your site, then you might see a sign-up or two, but you are better off

spending your money elsewhere to promote your business.

I’m sure sales do happen, but if you chose this method, may I suggest while the hits are

being delivered, you implement the other means of free traffic that is emphasized in this

manual. That way you keep building while you are praying for the traffic you bought to

produce a result. = )

Here are some sites that may interest you if you think buying traffic will work for you:










To continue from the earlier segment, I will now explain further CPC & CPM marketing:

For those of you who are not already aware, CPC stands for “Cost-Per-Click” while

CPM stands for “Cost-Per-Thousand” (The “M” is not a type-o. It stands for the Roman

numeral “M” which represents 1,000).

“Cost-Per-Click” advertising is simple enough. Every time someone clicks on your link

on an advertising site across the web, it costs you a pre-determined amount of money.

This cost can be anywhere from $0.05 to $20.00 (and much more in some cases). It is

based on the amount of money you are willing to pay for certain keywords as I explained

in the earlier segment.

You can see how imperative it is for you to do the research I outlined before, so you

don’t end up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars in advertising with this


Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions Traffic  …

Is where you pay a pre-set amount for every onethousand

impressions that your advertisement is shown on the internet. This method can

be substantially less expensive that CPC, however, it all depends on how good your ad

copy is, and how well your product converts/sells.

With CPC, if your ad strikes curiosity enough to make a person click on it, but the

product or service is not very enticing and doesn’t convert well, then that click will likely

not produce a sale, but you still have to pay for it. On the same token, if your ad is not

very enticing while using CPM, then very few people will click on the link promoted, and

you will not generate sales that way either. A very big key to advertising this way is to

make sure your ad copy is sound (great even) and your product has a very high

conversion rate. If you feel that you are not capable of writing a solid ad copy, there are

many “for-hire individuals” and companies online that can assist you, but still, there are

no guarantees.

I strongly suggest that you read up on this advertising method, for as I mentioned above,

it can quickly become drastically expensive if you are not sure how to do it properly.

After you have mastered how to market with these techniques, here are some high

traffic places in which to advertise using CPC and/or CPM:















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I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Here is where you may find NEW ideas for your posts Unique Article Wizard

10,000 Per Month Challenge FREE-Click Here!






We have all seen the viral “Youtube” videos with the kitty-cat being cute and going nuts,


Repeatedly the “Nightly News” shows a clip of a video from “Youtube” that has captured

the attention of the entire world.

Now, picture your business video getting just a fraction of that audience. Can you

imagine the potential?

“Youtube” is a FANTASTIC marketing platform! You can share promotional videos

instead of just posting words and links, and this has a powerful effect on your potential

customers/business associates.

As an example; within an hour on the first day I opened my account and posted a

promotional video, someone signed up to one of my opportunities. I’m not saying that

will happen to you, but as the saying goes; “you can’t score if you don’t take the shot!”

Once you have signed up for a MLM or affiliate program (or any other business for that

matter) there should be promotional videos with your opportunity (if not, there is plenty

of software online where you can create your own video explaining your opportunity).

Head on over to “Youtube” and open a free account by clicking the “Create Account”

button, and providing your information. Once that is complete, you need to begin adding

friends, just like on Twitter and Facebook.

Now, there are two ways you can do this. You can do it the mind-numbingly-slow-andtedious-

hard-way; by manually looking up videos that are related to your business or

niche, and subscribing to users and adding them as friends.


You can download “Tubetoolbox” and literally start building your “Youtube” base

overnight on autopilot!

This is a very POWERFUL tool! It is by far the most user-friendly and efficient method

for building a social media-platform that I have EVER used. I WISH they would come

out with a comparable version for Facebook and Twitter

You can download the program and try it for free here:

Build Your Youtube Account On Auto Pilot!

After the trail period is up, it will cost you $10 a month, with a one-time set up fee of

$20.00, but I have to tell you, of all the “tools” that are out there, this one is

simply the BEST, and so worth the money. In a month’s time you can literally

send out 15,000 friend requests! (It would be more, but Youtube has a restriction

as to how many you can send per day, fortunately it is nowhere near as strict as

FB or Twitter).

Not to mention, you can send an equal amount of promotional videos directly to each of

your friends AND to anyone, and everyone, who is on “Youtube” whether they

are in your friends list or not! This is just the tip of the iceberg with this thing!

It also comes with instruction videos to take you systematically through the process of

building your “Youtube” audience. Once you begin to use “Tubetoolbox” you

will see how efficient it is in getting your business videos in front of thousands,

with next to no effort on your part.

Again however, I can’t say this enough; keep in mind that as you search for videos and

people to add to your list, you must keep them relevant to your niche or

opportunity to be most effective.

It is so complete a system, there is scarcely anything else for me to say on how to build

your “Youtube” platform. Download it, learn it, use it, and SUCCEED!



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I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Here is where you may find NEW ideas for your posts Unique Article Wizard

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