Tag Archives: options


Dream Big Dreams

 I love the New Year as it provides us the space to reflect, assess and sketch the blueprints to make our New Year dreams come true.
As you do, I’d like to encourage you to dream bigger dreams and adopt the unstoppable achievers’s mindset.
To help you, let me tell you the story of a young boy starting out with a lot less than you have going for you right now.
You wouldn’t think this is the kind of upbringing, nurturing, training and development that would produce one of the most creative minds in history–winning 22 Oscars and 7 Emmy awards from 59 nominations (more than any individual in history) and being honored with the highest civilian award the United States government bestows—the Medal of Freedom.
I think these not only eliminate any excuses you might have, but it will inspire you to consider your own greater potential and go after your dreams.

Let’s call this young boy with the Dreams Walter.

Walter was born in Chicago in 1901 to a large Irish immigrant family. His father struggled at work and took out his anger on his wife and children.
At only 8 years old, Walter went to work delivering letters. In any weather, early morning or late at night, he ran through the streets in his worn-out shoes, hurrying to deliver the mail on time. Any money Walter earned was then seized by his father.
At age 16 Walter attempted to enlist in the army to participate in the first World War. He was refused for being too young so he volunteered in the Red Cross and was sent overseas, where he worked as an ambulance driver.
Walter kept the troops in good spirits by decorating his ambulance with amusing drawings. Walter learned he liked to draw.
When Walter returned home from the war, he worked various jobs in creative fields. He worked as a night watchman, which particularly suited him because it gave him an opportunity to study and practice his art. Later, he got a job at a small studio working on an advertising campaign, where he was paid a meager $40 a month but soon unemployed.
Walter wanted to work for a newspaper as an editorial cartoonist but lacked the satire to do so.

Walter Follows His Dreams

 Walter decided to start his own commercial art company, but it was short-lived and ultimately failed to sustain. Still not deterred he decided to start yet another company, which this time was met with some success and he was soon hiring a vast number of his friends.
Unfortunately the profits were not enough to cover the high cost of salaries and he mismanaged the money straddling the business with loads of debt, ultimately ending in bankruptcy.
Even his success ended in failure. Certainly this should be a final lesson for him.
But not for Walter.
He recruited his brother to pool some more finances together and they started another business. They didn’t have enough money between them, so they brought on an investor named Mary.
Once again Walter found success and he rehired many of his friends back. One year later, Mary married a man named Charles, who came in and strong-armed Walter. He told Walter if he didn’t comply to budget restraints he would lose his funding for all his now successful productions and all his employees.
Walter refused to be controlled and was once again on his own.

Walter Believed in Dreams

By now you’ve got to be thinking, just hang it up Walter and get a job, entrepreneurship doesn’t seem to be in your cards, right?
Walter would refuse that thought as well. This time Walter decided he would start a Mickey Mouse sort of business. Literally. Walter drew, animated and became the voice of Mickey Mouse.
Walt founded the Walt Disney Company and went on to produce additional characters that have been loved and squeezed by hundreds of millions of children such as Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Alice in Wonderland, Popeye the Sailor, Pinocchio, Dumbo, Bambi and many more.
Walt’s achiever mindset doesn’t stop there, of course.

On a flight to Chicago in the late 40s he sketched ideas for an amusement park where he envisioned his employees spending time with their children.
Even Walt’s brother Roy thought it was a terrible idea and convinced the Board to disapprove of the funding to build it.
What does Walt do now?

 His own company won’t go along with building his dream?

Well, Walt has a ceaseless achievers mindset.
Walt went out on his own and raised the money by himself. Walt also inspired a dedicated team called Imagineers… something we all should aspire to be… and together they created and opened The Happiest Place on Earth on Sunday, July 17, 1955.
He built it on ground where only an orange grove existed before. Disneyland is now visited by more than 5 million people every year.

elevator tosuccess

Okay, you create the happiest place on earth, that should be enough right?
Not for the achiever.
In early 1960 Walt conceives of Disney World and EPCOT, this time on top of where only alligators go—in the swamplands of Orlando, Florida.
You have to remember, in the 60s, where the Magical Kingdom resides today, there was nothing there, I mean nothing. The World of Disney, the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, known as EPCOT was imagined and built on a full-fledged swamp.
While Walt Disney’s life journey ended on December 15, 1966, when he was 65, the power of his achiever’s mindset lives on to this day.

 According to statistics, annual cash flow from Disney films (not including sales and rental of videos) exceeds more than $1 billion dollars. The Disney conglomerate includes amusement parks in California, Florida, Tokyo and Paris, 535 international Disney stores, hockey and baseball teams, a number of newspapers and magazines and a cable television network.

Annual turnover of the consortium is $21 billion and stock market capitalization is $42 billion.
Not bad for a poor Chicago kid from an immigrant family equipped with only one thing, but as you can see, the most important thing—the dream big dreams, achiever’s mindset.
As Walt said himself, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
That’s what I want to help you do, find the courage to pursue your dreams, your BIG dreams.
Share your big dream with us in comments below. Share this post with others to encourage them to dream big too.

We are committed to your success and invite
you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Not in Empower Yet?

Get “All In”

Or just Watch this FREE Video

first by clicking the button below.


By the way…..this is the same “Blog” that you will get
when you join Empower Network.Normally,
a blog like this would cost THOUSANDS.

But for you, it only costs $25 and it comes with all the
bells & whistles that will allow YOU to get
Traffic, Leads & make Sales!




…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!

Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…

Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…

Daily Action Assignments & Accountability

Facebook Group Mastermind…

Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…

Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


If enjoyed and / or gained value from today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!



Tools To Market Your Business On Facebook

FB Thumb

Facebook is rolling out another new feature for business owners – Facebook Gifts.

Facebook Gifts is part of a powerful suite of tools that lets you reach not only your current fans – but also their networks. Getting exposed to friends of your fans can extend your reach by up to 34 times more than if you market to your fans alone.

Here are four tools that can help you get better reach on Facebook – and better publicity for your business – at little to no cost.

Facebook Gifts

Facebook Gifts allows users to purchase actual, physical gifts from retailers and have them shipped directly to their friends. Users can purchase gifts for friends’ birthdays, holidays or other special occasions.

How Facebook Gifts Extends Your Reach


The receiver gets notified about the gift with a post on his or her Timeline – with a huge photo of the product and the store it came from. This means that instead of reaching just one person, you get exposure to the person who bought the gift, the person who got the gift, and the friends of both of those people. And they all get to see your goods.

Facebook collects a percentage of sales made from Gifts, but you get exposure to two people’s networks, which is pretty impressive reach.

Sign up for Facebook Gifts


Facebook Offers

Facebook Offers are sales, discounts, coupons or other specials offered by a business on their Facebook Page.

Fans of your page can claim an offer by clicking on it. The offer gets emailed to the fan, who can use it in your store or follow instructions to use it on your site.

How It Extends Your Reach
Facebook released statistics showing that for the most popular offers claimed, 3/4 of those claims came from friends of the fans who the offer originally targeted.

Facebook Offers have a viral nature. When fans claim your offer, the offer posts to their news feeds where all of their friends can see it. And when one of their friends claims the offer too, your brand gets exposed to a whole new network of people.

Facebook Offers requires you to set a minimum advertising budget of $5, but you can get some impressive exposure for your buck.

Set up Facebook Offers.


Facebook Social Plugins


“Like” and “Share” buttons for websites have been around for a few years now. If you don’t have them on your own site yet, they’re an easy – and free! – way to reach your visitors’ network of friends.

In fact, if your goal is more traffic and more time spent browsing your site, Facebook’s social plugins are powerful tools to add to your marketing arsenal.

How It Extends Your Reach
When a visitor “likes” an article on your website, that “like” gets published to their news feed for all their friends to see.

Other people who visit your site because a friend “liked” your article on Facebook spend 50% more time reading your content. They also click-through twice as many pages on your site than if they had discovered you themselves.

Facebook’s social plugins are free and can get you even more exposure to the networks of people who already like your brand and your site.

Get Social Plugins for your website.


Facebook Targeting


This last tool is less about reaching more people and more about reaching the right people.


Facebook has robust targeting for pages that can help you reach the right people with the right message:
Target by location. Have a local store and a web store? Target your fans by location to talk about your in-store sales so your online buyers won’t feel alienated.
Target by gender. Sell products for both guys and girls? Target by gender to make sure you’re hyping the right products to the right people.
Target by interest. If you’re a concert venue with fans who like a certain band, target them directly with an announcement when the band is coming to town. Appeal directly to your followers’ interests to make a bigger impact.

How It Extends Your Reach

Targeting your emails to your readers’ likes and preferences can get them more interested in your campaign.

Targeting your Facebook posts directly to their personal interests can have the same effect on your Facebook marketing, making them “Like” and comment on your statuses more, which gets that activity showing up in their friends’ newsfeeds more often.

Set up Facebook Targeting.


Make The Most Of Facebook
Facebook’s tools will help your page get better reach, spreading awareness of your brand farther than you could before. But that’s not all you can do with Facebook. Carry those connections back to your email campaign for even more ways to build your Empower Network audience.


Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”

I have over 3 years full time experience in Online Marketing.  Here are some of our team only bonuses:

  • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
  • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
  • 80 email auto responder series for GVO or Aweber…
  • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
  • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
  • Monday-Friday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

We are committed to your success and invite

you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

If you like this post please share it and comment below.


I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!












Many people chose to buy their traffic, instead of having to learn the ins-and-outs of how

to obtain it for free (actually, the term “free” is a misnomer because you will be spending

quite a bit of time learning the ropes and implementing your Internet Marketing


To be honest with you, this is a waste of money. It RARELY produces any worthwhile

results and to be quite blunt, you’re fooling yourself if you think throwing 25k hits at a

website will make you rich. The main reason behind this is, this is untargeted traffic that

is not relevant (there’s that word again!) to your opportunity or product, and most of it is

from dropped websites over-seas, that is funneled to your URL.

In the beginning I used to hurl as much traffic to my pages as I could through these sites,

thinking my business would explode, only to end up frustrated when nothing happened,

even after 50,000 hits! I began to question whether actual people were clicking on my

opportunity, or if it was a “bot” doing it. The later is likely the case, and in my personal

opinion the only one making any money off these traffic sites are the owners, and not so

honestly at that.

It takes TONS of this “redirected traffic” to gain any leads. I suppose if you hurled 1

Million hits at your site, then you might see a sign-up or two, but you are better off

spending your money elsewhere to promote your business.

I’m sure sales do happen, but if you chose this method, may I suggest while the hits are

being delivered, you implement the other means of free traffic that is emphasized in this

manual. That way you keep building while you are praying for the traffic you bought to

produce a result. = )

Here are some sites that may interest you if you think buying traffic will work for you:










To continue from the earlier segment, I will now explain further CPC & CPM marketing:

For those of you who are not already aware, CPC stands for “Cost-Per-Click” while

CPM stands for “Cost-Per-Thousand” (The “M” is not a type-o. It stands for the Roman

numeral “M” which represents 1,000).

“Cost-Per-Click” advertising is simple enough. Every time someone clicks on your link

on an advertising site across the web, it costs you a pre-determined amount of money.

This cost can be anywhere from $0.05 to $20.00 (and much more in some cases). It is

based on the amount of money you are willing to pay for certain keywords as I explained

in the earlier segment.

You can see how imperative it is for you to do the research I outlined before, so you

don’t end up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars in advertising with this


Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions Traffic  …

Is where you pay a pre-set amount for every onethousand

impressions that your advertisement is shown on the internet. This method can

be substantially less expensive that CPC, however, it all depends on how good your ad

copy is, and how well your product converts/sells.

With CPC, if your ad strikes curiosity enough to make a person click on it, but the

product or service is not very enticing and doesn’t convert well, then that click will likely

not produce a sale, but you still have to pay for it. On the same token, if your ad is not

very enticing while using CPM, then very few people will click on the link promoted, and

you will not generate sales that way either. A very big key to advertising this way is to

make sure your ad copy is sound (great even) and your product has a very high

conversion rate. If you feel that you are not capable of writing a solid ad copy, there are

many “for-hire individuals” and companies online that can assist you, but still, there are

no guarantees.

I strongly suggest that you read up on this advertising method, for as I mentioned above,

it can quickly become drastically expensive if you are not sure how to do it properly.

After you have mastered how to market with these techniques, here are some high

traffic places in which to advertise using CPC and/or CPM:















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 Free Offer Links:







Click to GET it FREE -3-day Stealth Marketing Course

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Here is where you may find NEW ideas for your posts Unique Article Wizard

10,000 Per Month Challenge FREE-Click Here!






We have all seen the viral “Youtube” videos with the kitty-cat being cute and going nuts,


Repeatedly the “Nightly News” shows a clip of a video from “Youtube” that has captured

the attention of the entire world.

Now, picture your business video getting just a fraction of that audience. Can you

imagine the potential?

“Youtube” is a FANTASTIC marketing platform! You can share promotional videos

instead of just posting words and links, and this has a powerful effect on your potential

customers/business associates.

As an example; within an hour on the first day I opened my account and posted a

promotional video, someone signed up to one of my opportunities. I’m not saying that

will happen to you, but as the saying goes; “you can’t score if you don’t take the shot!”

Once you have signed up for a MLM or affiliate program (or any other business for that

matter) there should be promotional videos with your opportunity (if not, there is plenty

of software online where you can create your own video explaining your opportunity).

Head on over to “Youtube” and open a free account by clicking the “Create Account”

button, and providing your information. Once that is complete, you need to begin adding

friends, just like on Twitter and Facebook.

Now, there are two ways you can do this. You can do it the mind-numbingly-slow-andtedious-

hard-way; by manually looking up videos that are related to your business or

niche, and subscribing to users and adding them as friends.


You can download “Tubetoolbox” and literally start building your “Youtube” base

overnight on autopilot!

This is a very POWERFUL tool! It is by far the most user-friendly and efficient method

for building a social media-platform that I have EVER used. I WISH they would come

out with a comparable version for Facebook and Twitter

You can download the program and try it for free here:

Build Your Youtube Account On Auto Pilot!

After the trail period is up, it will cost you $10 a month, with a one-time set up fee of

$20.00, but I have to tell you, of all the “tools” that are out there, this one is

simply the BEST, and so worth the money. In a month’s time you can literally

send out 15,000 friend requests! (It would be more, but Youtube has a restriction

as to how many you can send per day, fortunately it is nowhere near as strict as

FB or Twitter).

Not to mention, you can send an equal amount of promotional videos directly to each of

your friends AND to anyone, and everyone, who is on “Youtube” whether they

are in your friends list or not! This is just the tip of the iceberg with this thing!

It also comes with instruction videos to take you systematically through the process of

building your “Youtube” audience. Once you begin to use “Tubetoolbox” you

will see how efficient it is in getting your business videos in front of thousands,

with next to no effort on your part.

Again however, I can’t say this enough; keep in mind that as you search for videos and

people to add to your list, you must keep them relevant to your niche or

opportunity to be most effective.

It is so complete a system, there is scarcely anything else for me to say on how to build

your “Youtube” platform. Download it, learn it, use it, and SUCCEED!



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 Free Offer Links:







Click to GET it FREE -3-day Stealth Marketing Course

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Here is where you may find NEW ideas for your posts Unique Article Wizard

10,000 Per Month Challenge FREE-Click Here!



By definition a traffic exchange is just that. You join a platform, with a vast group of

individuals on it, who are all advertising their opportunity with the use of text ads, banner

ads, solo ads, html ads, etc, etc, etc.

Many people don’t find them useful, and argue that everyone on a traffic exchange is

only clicking on your link in order to receive points and exposure for their opportunity,

creating a type of circle-jerk scenario.

For the most part, that is a legitimate claim, but there are ways in which to take advantage

of this form of marketing. Many do not take the time to learn how to use them properly,

and miss the opportunity they hold.

It is true, if you plaster an advertisement for your MLM -or whatever- you are just going

to get a lot of useless traffic. People will click on your link (because that’s how it works)

but rarely will anyone bite, or more importantly buy. The reason for this is obvious;

everyone there is promoting their business…why would they want yours?

There is the occasion that someone will find your opportunity interesting and sign up, but

a lot of your traffic will be just the engine of the platform churning.

A good strategy when using traffic exchanges is to offer what everyone wants there…

TRAFFIC! They don’t want another business, they want traffic for their opportunity. So,

one idea would be to become an affiliate of a traffic generating system, and promote that

to them. You can then build a relationship with them, and introduce your other business

opportunities to them on a much more personal level, which will likely result in a


Remember, marketing online is no different from marketing in “real-life” in the aspect

that relationships make or break the business. Successful Internet Marketers know that

building relationships with people builds strong online businesses. So always keep in

mind how you can build relationships with people by focusing on what they need, rather

than what you need. That is one of the great keys to success, on and off the Internet field.

Here is a list of some good traffic exchanges, as well as information on traffic generating

systems (some of which have affiliate programs where you can actually earn cash for

promoting them):

















SEO (Search Engine Optimization) MARKETING

This method

is simply to complex and vast for me to spell out. It takes a series of videos

to lay it out correctly. The best thing I can offer is to refer you to a man by the name of

Wayne Sharer. He has a great set of tutorial videos on the subject as he is a “Master” at

SEO and other Blogging techniques. His information is very informative, and he

relinquishes some interesting “secrets” on how to find the very best keywords, and how

to get the search engines to pay attention to your site. He also shows where to post your

blogs for great exposure. I am very pleased to have his information in this ebook.

Together with the technique I exposed earlier regarding keyword research, this is a

powerful combination.

Here’s his link: Wayne Sharer’s Keyword Search Analysis

These videos are FREE, so take the time to watch each one carefully and take notes.

They will teach you techniques that many Internet Marketers do not know!


Blogging and article marketing are fantastic ways to drive free traffic! This method has

been in effect for quite some time, and there is a deliberate and precise science behind it.

Basically, it is exactly what it sounds like, posting articles related to your niche or

opportunity in blogs and on article posting sites. Now, many people are not writers, nor

do they even like to write, and they feel this is a great challenge for them. There are

plenty of “article out-sourcing” channels on the net in which to choose from, if you are

one of those who either does not have the time nor the patience to write.

Now, it has been said by many experts in the field, that article marking is growing less

and less effective (likely due to the restrictions many blogs are putting in place in regards

to posting links for business opportunities).

There are hidden techniques however, to make the most out of your online articles, and

Wayne does a great job of fleshing them out.

Empower Network is a GREAT blogging strategy, especially for beginners who don’t

know the first thing on how to build a blog site, or where to begin. You can get your blog

from “Empower Network” through the “EZ Money Method”.

This site is tied together with them. It walks you through step-by-step how to set up your

blog, AND how to market it! Here is my personal blog through “Empower Network” as

an example.


If you like this post please share it and comment below.

 Free Offer Links:







Click to GET it FREE -3-day Stealth Marketing Course

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Here is where you may find NEW ideas for your posts Unique Article Wizard

10,000 Per Month Challenge FREE-Click Here!


Traffic is what it’s All About!


Here’s how you do it:

Sign into your Facebook page (if you don’t already have one (you would be one of the

very few who didn’t) you can go here to sign up for free: http://www.facebook.com/)

and locate the search bar above your wall.

If you are in a MLM type in; opportunity seekers, business seekers, work from home,

mlm seekers etc. If you are in Affiliate Marketing type in what ever is relevant to your


Pick a group with several hundred (preferably) members. Next, click below the title on

the member’s link (i.e. 567 members) and a window will pop up where you will see all

the members in that group. You then click the button “Add as friend” on the right-hand side of the window.

This will bring like-minded people and individuals that are seeking opportunities into you

friend’s (your prospects) list. As well, you can post your opportunity in those groups.

WARNING: If you add too many friends too fast you will be suspended from adding

anymore for a few days. Do not panic, it happens to all of us. During this time, do not

try to add anymore or you will risk having your account permanently suspended.

When your Facebook “probation” period is up, then you can resume… but do so slowly!

Quality traffic is worth the wait.Now, I hope you’re sitting down for this statement; remember I said it’s a numbers

game? Facebook is only a “super platform” when you have 1,000 to 3,000 people on your


The more numbers you have, the more people will see your opportunity, the more traffic

you will get to your site, the more opt-ins you’ll get, and the more conversions you’ll


Here’s another secret; Have more than one account! In order to effectively market on

Facebook you will need 3 to 5 accounts with preferably 1 to 3 thousand friends in each

account (5,000 friends is the maximum any one user can have on Facebook, and it should

be your ultimate goal) and, when one of your accounts is restricted from adding any more

friends, you can simply switch over to another account and add friends there.

Now, I know what you’re thinking; “That’s a lot of work!”

All I have to say to that is; “How big is your “why”?”

Naturally, it takes time to build up such numbers. It’s a steady, disciplined action that

needs to be taken daily in order for Facebook to become an truly effective marketing tool

for your niche or business.

This is probably why so many people spam on it, because they don’t want to take the

time and energy to do it right. Don’t be like them. Do it right, it’s well worth the effort.

There are other methods to market on Facebook as well. I suggest you take advantage of

what are called “Pages” or “Fan Pages” where you can create your own page for your

opportunity, and send your friends an invitation to it. This is another very effective

means to get your business in front of the masses.

Facebook can be a GREAT marketing bitz, you just need to keep in mind that connecting

with people, and building relationships is the most important key to making it a

remarkable business platform and getting quality traffic.


To be honest, this one’s a bit of a challenge. In order to effectively market on Twitter it takes many accounts and THOUSANDS of followers. That’s just the cold, hard truth.

In order to get that many followers, it is a delicate balancing act (unless of course you’re

a celebrity).

You need to first sign up for an account at: “Twitter.com”.

*Make your username relevant to your niche or MLM (i.e. if you are in the weight-loss

niche you would name your account something like “Lose the weight now”, or “Burn

The Fat”. If your MLM is “MCA” or another multi-level structure, create a username

like; “Drive a car? Make Double Commissions while doing it!”).Remember, relevance is

critical in promoting your product.*

Once your account is established, you need to look for people who can benefit from your

niche or business. Click the “Who to follow” link in the search bar at the top of your

home page:

Then type what ever is relevant to your opportunity into the search box.Next, begin to follow those who are relevant to your niche or opportunity

This will begin to build your marketing base on Twitter, but be careful when doing this.

If you follow too many people at one time, twitter will conclude that you are spamming

(even though you’re not) and they will suspend your account. Just like with Facebook,

only add 10 or 20 a day.

Unfortunately, you can’t just go following hundreds of people, hoping they will return

the favor, and get the process over quickly. Again, it takes time and persistence.


There is a good way to attract followers on auto-pilot, and that is to attach a RSS (Real

Simple Syndication) feed to your profile.This is steady traffic building.

The good news is; this too is FREE.

First you will need to sign up for a free Google account if you don’t already have one.  Next, head over to: http://www.google.com/alerts to get your auto content system up and running. Type in a search phrase in the “Search Terms” box such as; “Marketing” or “MLM” or “Internet Business” or any phrase you can think of relevant to your niche such as weight-loss, quit smoking etc.. Then:

 Set the “Type” to “Everything”.

 Set “How Often” to “As it happens”.

 Set “Volume” to “All results”.

 Set “Deliver To” to “Feed”

Put in your email address, and click “Create Alert”.

On the next page, go to the far right hand column and click

Make sure the box net to the “Save” button is set to “Feed” and not to your “Email”

(unless you want mountains of email sent to you every few minutes

Leave “All results” the way it is, and click “Save”. Next, right click the orange icon next

to the link; “Google Reader” and click “copy link location”.

No you have your RSS feed, and you are ready to attach it to your Twitter account.

Next, go to “twitterfeed.com” and click the “register” button to set up your free account.

Put in your email address and make a password, fill in the “Captcha” and click “Create


Next create a name for your feed (i.e. Network Marketing), then right click inside the box

that says; “Blog URL or RSS Feed”, and click “Paste

Next, click the button that says; “Test your RSS feed”.

When it comes back “OK” scroll down to the button that says; “Continue to Step 2” and

click it.

You will now be on a page entitled; “Feed Publishing”. Select the “Twitter” link. Then select the second option entitled; “Authenticate Twitter ”Give permission for your feed to access your Twitter account

You will then be redirected back to “twitterfeed” where you will scroll down to the

bottom left-hand-side of the page and click “Create Service”

You should see a green bar that says; “Service Created Successfully” (if not you will

have to go back and repeat the steps)

Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and on the left hand side click the button that

says; “All Done!”

You have just created your first RSS feed! What does that mean? It means that you are

now automatically posting to your Twitter account new content from the feed you

created, as it is posted on the web.

This keeps your Twitter account consistently active with new content, which will draw

people to you and they will follow you. So now you are attracting targeting followers on


As discussed before, you will want to set up several accounts, all with RSS feeds,

attracting followers so you can build your Twitter marketing base. This will take time,

but after you have about 300 to 500 followers, you can begin posting your ad/link onto

your tweets and market to the worldwide Twitter community.

If you already have a well-established Twitter account with many followers, you’ll be

ahead of the game with this technique, depending if those existing followers are targeted

to your niche or opportunity.

Keep in mind that Twitter is really strict about how many times you can post an ad per

day (they don’t care how many times your RSS feed posts, just ads are restricted). I think

the maximum allowed before Twitter gets its “feathers ruffled” is 4 per day, but don’t

quote me on that. Be sure to check out their TOS in regards to business opportunity

postings, for it changes from time to time.

There is also several software programs that markets by targeting other people’s tweets

for keywords. Tomorrow we discuss videos and virals.

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What is bullshit? Well, it’s watching TV. It’s browsing the internet mindlessly. It’s partying. It’s doing busy work. It’s hanging out with people not so much because you like them, or that they are inspirational, uplifting people, but because you don’t want to be alone. It’s eating for the sake of filling time. It is anything that doesn’t require focus.

Now, none of these things are pure evil. That’s what makes this tricky. You can watch TV and learn something interesting, or enjoy the relaxation it brings. You can stumble upon cool sites that you wouldn’t have found if it weren’t for mindless browsing. You can meet new people while partying. Busy work leads to a paycheck sometimes. Occasionally those random low-key hangouts whose primary purpose is to avoid loneliness elevate into great conversations. And hey, you’ve got to eat sometime– why not now? I try to focus on  hang outs and prosperity calls and there is also any motivational video you ask for on You Tube. Just don’t get distracted with BULLSHIT!



These silver linings are blessings and curses. They embed some merit into otherwise bullshit activities, but at the same time that merit gets over-inflated and allows us to engage in these sorts of things without the mental repercussions that may come from something like, say, smoking crack. Even now, I imagine that your brain is objecting by saying, “Well, I met ____ when I was at the bar or club, so he’s wrong about that one. And the other day on Reddit I learned about ______, so that sort of browsing is fine.”

It’s important to consider the opportunity costs of these activities. What are we giving up in exchange for a remote chance of stumbling across some sort of interesting article?

In the past six to twelve months, I’ve made a really hard push towards eliminating this sort of bullshit from my life, and wow– what a difference it has made. For the first time ever, I feel like I’m way ahead on the productivity curve, shipping tons of work, and holding way more in reserve. I write 5-35 blog posts per week, which takes an hour and a half a day. You don’t have to eliminate much bullshit from your day before you have a free one and a half hours. I read my Definite Purpose and a little from Think and Grow Rich, which takes twenty minutes and I listen to the prosperity calls driving my son to school or doing errands in the car. I was never much of a TV watcher, but in the span of time someone might watch a single hour-long show, I’ve written a post and learned some marketing . Then I spend the rest of the day with my wife and her art business or buying and preparing the Meat Less entrees, cooking greens, swimming in the pool out back or walking the Boardwalk on Hollywood Beach– I just don’t engage in bullshit.

As a little side project, I’m working with my original business marketing web sites SEO,computers and network repairs. On the surface that sounds like a lot, but when you eliminate things like flicking over to Reddit and taking two hour long breaks for dinner, you have time to put that many words down. Whereas in time past it was a serious effort to get down 1000 words per day, now it’s par for the course to do seven times that.

I also read around one hundred books a year now. Sounds like a lot, but to replicate this, all you have to do is cut out ninety minutes of bullshit from your day. Rather than browse the web at night like I used to do, my wife and I turn off the computer at midnight and snuggle or maybe read for an hour and a half. On average it takes me about 45 seconds to read a page, which translates into one hundred and twenty pages per night. Probably more like 90-100 if it’s a non-fiction book and I’m highlighting as I go. Let’s say 110 average. That’s 40,000 words per year, and the average book is about three hundred and fifty pages if we don’t snuggle too much. The key is we focus on quality time.

Reading and writing are two measurable things that benefit from the elimination of bullshit, but there are more difficult to define good uses of time, too. Habitually hanging out at a bar to avoid feeling lonely is bullshit, but spending time with your friends is probably a good use of time. So is actively going out and meeting new interesting people. So is watching a great movie or documentary once in a while. So is cooking a meal with your wife. I don’t mean to say that all non-productive activities are bullshit, because that’s clearly not the case.

I’m also not trying to suggest that everyone should eliminate bullshit from their lives. I’m an ambitious guy in his mid fifties who has a lot of big goals, so I don’t have the luxury of engaging in bullshit. I have made quite a bit of money and I have spent quite a bit of money. I tried to retire 10 years ago and I got so bored playing golf and eating out on a daily basis. Soon I was putting too much focus on golf or fishing. I found I was too competitive. I had to be the best fisherman or the best golfer. The wow factor disappeared so I went back to work. I can’t imagine that the point will ever come in my life where I believe that bullshit is a good way to spend my time, but I also wouldn’t criticize someone else for doing it. We all have our own life situations and goals. If someone burnt themselves out working and raising a family, and now wants to kick back and watch a bunch of TV, well, I’m not sure I’m in a position to judge that.

On the other hand, if you have a lot you want to accomplish and you don’t feel like you’re totally on top of those goals, take a look at how you’re spending your time. My guess is that a lot of it is going towards bullshit, and it’s up to you to decide whether that’s a good use of your time or not. Maybe you can figure out the Fiscal Cliff and help your government, but that’s another blog post…

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I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

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Are You a Winner?

Please take a minute and get up from where you are and go look in the bedroom or bathroom mirror. What do you see? Yeah I know it’s the same old story about being positive, but you know what? If it is the same old story to you… Tell you what, I’m a gambler.I’m willing to bet that if you DIDN’T get up and look in the mirror, it’s because you are not REALLY happy with what’s staring back at you.

I don’t mind if you get a little angry at me. But if you are angry, maybe you’ll do something about that image you see in the mirror.

Are you unhappy about your bank account or your balding hairline? Do you like your job, your spouse, your home? How about your attitude? Are you a little grumpy about things? I’ve been there. I won’t go back there again, I can assure you of that. Are you looking to make some changes in your life? Do you have what it takes to be the person you want to be? Or are you afraid you may ruffle a few feathers? Worried that your friends will say that”you’ve changed”?

I used to have a friend that lived his entire life saying negative things about anyone, anything, anyplace. I never could understand why he was so negative about life in general. He always complained about his job, which by the way he was very good at. He complained about his health, which was pretty good except of course for the pack of cigarettes he smoked every day and the cocaine he snorted on “special occasions”. When we were in our teens, he used to say he was going to get married and have 5 kids. He never did. He traveled all around the country, went to Mardi Gras, The Super Bowl, The World Series. He was a natural leader, a talented chef and he used to tell everybody that I was his best friend. He died at 50 years old of cancer. He always wanted to be a winner.

He could of accomplished anything and everything he wanted in life. I believe he didn’t because of his negative attitude. I believe cancer killed him because of his negative attitude. He used to make fun of anyone who ever stepped out of their comfort zone and tried to do something to improve their life, their love,their circle of influence. He never bought a home, he never had a wife, he never had children, he was never really happy. He did have a lot of people who loved him in spite of his negative approach to life. He was a lovable curmudgeon but he was my friend and as I sit here watching Miami Dolphins football like we used to, I’m thinking about how he thought everything was a scam and that the only way to do things were his way.

Sammy was a Winner

We had another friend that stepped  out of his shadow/comfort zone  and became very successful in sales/marketing. He was an introvert who at an early age became consumed with success that he worked and worked and worked until he was being driven around in limos and living in the lap of luxury. He wanted things, and he got them all. He is a winner , no ifs ands or buts about it! After he got all the things he thought he wanted, he found out all he really wanted to do was sing and play the guitar. Now that he acquired all the things he thought would please him, he retired at 38 years old to sing and play the guitar.

It’s a good thing that he was awesome at sales and marketing!!!

I too have taken the road less traveled and have gone on to live the type of life I desire and have the things my friend always talked about having and doing when we were in our teens, I have 2 sons, I have 2 grandchildren and another on the way! I have owned several homes, I have owned several businesses, I have even been married  several times. I have failed miserably and I have succeeded tremendously. I have made money and I have lost money, an awful lot of money !  I write today not to compare how going down different roads or more importantly having different attitudes have brought about different results. I mention him today because I miss him. I wish he was here to share in my success with me. To share my life, my grandchildren, my positive attitude with someone I loved would be awesome. Our birthdays were in December. Mine the 22nd, his the 24th. It was our tradition to go out and celebrate on the 23rd. No Matter What.

The POINT is are you a winner or a whiner??? The choice is yours to make!

If I had to do it all over again, I would of spent more more time being with a winner than being with a whiner. I love him dearly but at my age I’d rather be spending my free time on singing lessons.  The choice is always yours to make. I admonish you to choose being a WINNER!!!




Marketing Success Pt 4

Multi Level Marketing

Ever heard the saying; “Don’t judge a book by its cover?” This has never been truer then with Multi-Level-Marketing. The strange thing is, for some weird reason, the initials MLM have become a four-letter word in many peoples minds. There’s even groups on Facebook that pride themselves in boasting that they’re not involved in one. That is nothing short of tragic. To think of all these people who believe they are right, and are letting an opportunity of a lifetime pass them by because they are too ignorant or narrow minded to find out the truth before passing judgment. Sad. Some of the most successful companies in the world are based on multi level marketing so they were considered pyramids, therefore scams. You know of the soap company I mean or the vitamin company. What didn’t make sense to me about that claim was; a pyramid scam is illegal, but what I was doing back in 1990 had been around for 30 years, was affiliated with fortune 500 companies, highly accredited with the Better Business Bureau, and had a mountain of products.


That’s not a pyramid scam. That’s not even close to a pyramid scam. And, the true MLM opportunities on the internet today are NOWHERE NEAR pyramid scams. I quickly realized the majority of people don’t know what a “Pyramid Scam” really is, they just use it as a lazy metaphor. Often as an excuse when they don’t understand the opportunity that is being presented to them. The term “Pyramid Scam” (or scheme) originated in the 1970’s and initially had to do with bogus stocks on Wall Street. Today we refer to them as “Ponzi-Schemes” or “Bernie Madoff’s Retirement Plan” or for those of us in South Florida most recently, Scott Rothstein effected our entire community in some way, shape or form.  This astonishes me, because a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) is one of the biggest pyramids known to mankind! Think about it; you have the owner of a company at the very top of the pyramid and he makes the majority of the money. Then you have his/her front line managers who make the second most money in the company, then you have those who report to them who make less, then those below them, on and on, until it gets to the guy/gal who punches a clock and works for peanuts. Now THAT’S a pyramid! But it’s not a scam (the ones punching the clock may disagree). Why? One very simple element makes it legal.


All businesses must have one of two things; They must sell or offer a product or service in order to be a legitimate entity in the eyes of the Federal Trade Commission. Wikipedia defines it as such: “A pyramid scam is a non-sustainable business model that involves promising participant’s payment, primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme or training them to take part, rather than supplying any investment or sale of products or services to the public.” So there you have it. Multi-Level-Marketing (as a whole) is not a swindle. It is a legitimate business structure when it has products and/or services, and is one of the single best ways for an “average person” to become successful in today’s marketplace. Look at “Herbalife” for example. It is a perfectly legitimate, and very profitable MLM structure, which has produced hundreds of millionaires since it’s conception in the late 1970’s. In the beginning, people scoffed at it’s marketing structure calling it a pyramid, and a silly little vitamin scheme. That silly little vitamin gig reported sales of 2.7 BILLION in sales in 2010! Not bad for a guy who started it by selling vitamins out of the trunk of his car! You just need to remember, when entering a MLM, you need to be diligent in your evaluation, and do your research, but by all means, DO NOT judge it by it’s cover. REMEMBER Profits are BETTER than wages. There are several MLM businesses online that look kind of cheesy, that are true moneymakers, and then, there are those that flash like a million bucks that I would not touch with a ten-foot pole! It can be rather tricky to know which concepts you shouldn’t become involved in, and which ones are the best investment of your time and money. Thankfully, there are ways to narrow down the gauntlet. The only challenge is; “which one do you choose?”. There are hundreds of them all over the Internet. Let’s dive into some techniques of weeding through these opportunities: Google it. Trust me; if there is something wrong with a business, somebody’s gotten mad enough to write about it. “Rip-Off Report” is one avenue where people vent their frustrations. Another way to investigate a company’s legitimacy is to punch it into Google (or any other search engine) search box and look it up. Others will even blog about their unfortunate tangle with the unscrupulous. But, even here you must take all things into consideration. If a company has been around for ten years, and two people didn’t like something that seems rather inconsequential, then chances are it’s not the company who’s in the wrong. Sometimes people are disappointed in an opportunity because of their own expectations, and nothing more. To me, a company is a scam if they don’t pay me what they promote, and if they keep my money and don’t refund it if I am unsatisfied. Also: Check to see if they have a rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and what it is. Naturally, the “A” listed ones are the best. If they are not accredited with the BBB, then check to see if they are registered with the DSA (Direct Selling Association). This organization is very thorough and has its fingers on the pulse of the industry. It is just as well to have a rating from the DSA, as it is with the BBB.  Ask around online. Here you have to be careful. When I say ask around, I don’t mean ask your friend who thinks everyone online is on the take. Don’t ask the guy/gal who thinks all online opportunities are pyramid schemes. Remember, there are “ill”-informed people who think everything online is “ill”legitimate. They pay no attention to the fact that an opportunity has been positively featured on News programs, or in high end Magazines. Regardless of these truths, they think you are trying to “pick-pocket” their wallet via an internet connection. This is just the way it is. You can open their eyes, but it takes time. I remember I had one gentleman (actually, he wasn’t all that gentle) tell me point blank; because it was an online opportunity, it simply had to be illegal. How silly is that? That’s like saying; “Because I don’t like a certain food, it can’t taste good to anyone else.” That’s ridiculous! This guy was stuck on stupid! It wouldn’t have mattered if I was marketing Walmart Gift Cards; he would have balked at the very idea that it was an electronic promotion. Now, he is one of my top producing associates.


People change. They can, and do grow. You just can’t let their negativity stop or slow you down. If I hadn’t been patient, yet persistent he never would have joined the opportunity I was promoting, and his and my life would have been far lesser because of it. Obviously the truth could not be farther away from his thinking at the time, and he now knows it. The Internet is loaded with very real and incredible opportunities, some of which can actually help you fund your marketing campaigns. But, if the mind is stuck in the “scam syndrome” then there is little chance a person will open it enough to take advantage of those opportunities, or even learn what they are about before passing judgment. So don’t ask just anyone. Ask professional people that will give you a well-rounded, honest evaluation of the company/opportunity you are investigating. There are many people online who will be happy to deliver their decent and unbiased opinion. Another thing you need to look at is the cost:  How much does it cost to get involved?  Is it a one time fee, or is it reoccurring (weekly, monthly?)  Are there any hidden costs such as promotional tools, banners, ads, etc?  How difficult is it to market? Arguably, the last in this list is the most important. Many online opportunities don’t cost much to get in. One of the best I know of, only costs $10 to join, and another one costs only $6! These are easily marketable businesses, because they costs so little to get involved with (and in one case nothing at all) making them what is known in the industry as a “no-brainer”. But, if the opportunity costs too much then it can be a hard sell, even for seasoned marketers, and even if you can afford it. Remember, the name of the game in “Network Marketing” (especially in MLM programs) is duplication. High dollar initial investment is not very duplicatable, especially in this economy (let’s face it, in this economy the term “high dollar” is relative). I STRONGLY encourage you to not be enticed by these types of programs, UNLESS you can afford them, and you have the knowledge and skills to market them quickly and effectively. If not, you are wasting your, and your up-lines time, because all you will end up doing is stagnating, getting frustrated, and eventually dropping out of the program. Remember, this is a business. You are investing in it, and it may take some time before you see a return on that investment. I suggest you stick with the ones that won’t cost you an arm-and-a-leg, and won’t do the same to any of your prospects. As a general rule, in the beginning, you should probably stick to the ones that only cost $25 – $100 a month and can return your investment in the quickest amount of time. That is all I started with. HERE!


HERE I SPENT $47.00 TO RETURN $2200 + PART TIME Click Here!
 The worst thing you can do is NOTHING!


EZ E Book Writing Publishing and Selling

 E-Books Basics

Why in the world would anyone want to write an e-book was the question that I was asked at a snooty party after the Dolphins game this past Sunday. Well it doesn’t take much to get me started so I told everyone in the suite that “writing e-books is the greatest opportunity for anyone who has wanted to write the next great biopic or the steamiest romance novel, to live out their dreams or seek fame and fortune by writing an e-book”. Make money ? writing an e-book?? surely you jest?? Whether you are interested in fact or fiction, the story of Andrew Carnegie or the workings of a Benelli Super Black Eagle II, an experienced writer or a journalism freshman in college, you can make money writing an e-book. The popularity of the iPad, the Kindle and the Nook as well as all of the smart phone apps has caused a resurgence to the literary world as we know it. There is now a whole new range of opportunities to writers who never thought they could ever become a published author. Back in the old days a writer could struggle along for months putting on paper their thoughts and dreams only to be rejected from some cigar smoking bully who thought he knew what the whole world wanted to read about. Some writers who were lucky enough to finance their own publishing efforts, were left with cheap looking efforts which left them disillusioned with the whole industry.


The ebook reader, such as the Nook or Kindle, has revolutionised the publishing world, empowering and enriching writers in the process. Anyone with the gumption to put their ideas out there for the world to see has an immediate market to share their ideas with. There are now an estimated 750,000 authors e-publishing worldwide.  There are around 680,000 titles for sale on the Kindle store alone with another one million + free titles available for download. You are just a few clicks away from a Google search to find out how easy it is to publish your own ebook online. What do you need to know? What does it involve? And how much money can you make?


Starting An e-Book

Publishing your e-book has gotten simple but actually writing your e-book has not. You can compare writing an ebook to running a marathon. Anyone that finishes a marathon deserves credit, it is still hard work after all. But just because you have run a marathon, doesn’t mean you should be running in the Olympics any time soon. As a matter of fact the big problem with e-publishing is that the vast majority of books that are being self-published are terrible! They are poorly written, woefully edited, badly formatted, etc. Many people rush to get their work published online, but this is the problem. A badly written book isn’t going to sell, no matter how cheap it is! Very few writers profit on their first book, usually the fourth or fifth if you keep at it. But if you do keep at it you will stumble upon some important discoveries, about yourself as well as about the wonderful world of e-books.


E-book Plan of Attack

I learned a long time ago, whether you are playing chess or trading options, that you need to plan your work then work your plan. It is good to be passionate about whatever you do   but you would be wise to use something that you have already written then expand and edit it accordingly. Some of us bloggers take a particularly good blog and then dig a little bit deeper. Keep in mind that people who read on the the internet are sometimes distracted or unfocused so if your e-book is a bit long if not otherwise exciting reading, you may lose some people with limited attention spans.

E-book writer


The whole e-book market is rapidly evolving, and a lot of self-publishing companies are offering e-book deals bundled into their print book publishing packages, which makes them harder to break out and evaluate. It’s all quite complicated, and in an effort to sort through the confusion, I’ve decided to offer a few basic tips and present what I think are some of the best options out there for creating an e-book quickly and easily.


E-Book Tips:


  • It’s gotta be good: The same rule applies to self-published e-books as it does to print books. You have to start with a good product if you have any hope of selling it.
  • Create an arresting cover: When it comes to e-books, everything starts with the cover image. Creating an eye-catching, professional-looking cover that also looks good small (it has to stand out as a thumbnail image, since it’s being sold online) is easier said than done, but it can really make a difference in terms of sales. Ideally, you should hire a graphic designer who has some experience creating book covers. From a production standpoint, an e-book cover is easier to create than a cover for a print book (you just need a JPEG with decent resolution), but it shouldn’t look out of place among traditionally published e-books. I can’t tell you how many bad self-published covers are out there.
  • If you need any art I recommend http://www.portraitdrawing.com  or http://www.nannankennedy.com Nancy has an awlul lot of experience with drawings and illustrations for books and covers. You’ll be amazed with her work.
  • Price your e-book cheaply: You should sell your e-book for $5.99 or less. According to research done by Smashwords, an online e-book publishing and distribution platform for authors, publishers, agents, and readers, $2.99 to $5.99 yields the most profit for self-published authors, and although @ 99 cents will get you more downloads, it’s a poor price point for earning income  On the other hand, Lulu, one of the bigger online self-publishing operations, says that authors who price their e-books in the 99-cent to $2.99 range “sell more units and earn more revenue than those in any other price range.”
  • It’s important to note that Amazon’s 70 percent royalty for authors only applies to Kindle books priced between $2.99 and $9.99; otherwise, the rate kicks down to 35 percent). As for going free, well, Smashword data indicates that free e-books get about 100 times more downloads than priced e-books.Wonder why????
  • Avoid any outfits that don’t let you set the price: This is one of the cardinal rules of self-publishing an e-book. You must be able to control the pricing of your e-book. If you want to sell it for 99 cents, then you should be able to sell it for 99 cents.
  • Marketing is all about creating awareness for your e-book: I don’t have any secret marketing tips to offer, but what I can say is that you can’t sell a book if no one knows it exists. Most of book marketing is simply about creating awareness and you need to do that however you can, whether it’s through social media or blogging or passing out fliers on a street corner. You can make a business card for your book, and pass it out if someone seems interested in hearing more about it.

E-book publishing options:

Here are the three big questions to bear in mind with e-book creation:

First, what is the easiest and most cost-efficient way to produce an e-book?

Second, where will it be distributed?

Third, how much of a cut do you get?

How to Sell Free eBooks on eBay for Profit

First you will need an eBay account to sell from. An eBay membership is completely free, all you need is a PayPal account.

Once you have en eBay account and you are ready to sell your e-book. Some people even supplement their income by selling other peoples e-books. You can either buy eBooks online with master resell rights, or some places have eBooks that are completely free with resell rights. The hard part is actually finding them online.

List the item as an information product. You will have to pay a listing fee but you can make up for that in the cost of shipping. Include in the body of the eBay listing that you will email the eBook to the customer once the payment has been made. This will save you money in shipping costs but can pose issues if the file doesn’t make it to the customer. Always take good care of your customers and request feedback from them. When other people see the eBook listings and all the great things people have said about them, you will sell more.

Miranda Brookins has written another tutorial on selling e-books HERE

If you are interested in making a substantial income online without having to write,publish & market e-books we have the straight skinny on making real money online with your own business. Maybe you are good at marketing e-books or anything else, maybe you like to write  (you wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t), making you just want to make $200 to $2000 a day from home?

or Tony Robbins



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I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education is HOW we grow. Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

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