Tag Archives: stocks




Ray Lewis, the Ravens’ soon-to-be-retired middle linebacker, tried to grasp the question of where the 38-35, double-overtime victory over the Denver Broncos ranked.

After shaking his head, blowing some air through his lips and saying, “God is amazing,” the future Hall of Famer said it would have to rank as “one of the greatest victories in Ravens history.”


Lewis is a two-time NFL defensive player of the year and was the heart and soul of a Ravens team that won Super Bowl XXXV. He was selected MVP of that Super Bowl, so he knows a great deal about the biggest victories in Ravens history.

The 13-time Pro Bowler said he challenged the Ravens to ignore everything outside of the locker room and practice field in preparation for the trip to Denver.

“When you look back at [the win] and recap, let all the emotions run down, it’ll probably be one of the greatest victories in Ravens history,” Lewis said.


He didn’t have a bad outing himself. Lewis made 17 tackles in the game. Not bad for a 17-year veteran who was supposed to be lost for the season when he tore a triceps in a win over the Dallas Cowboys on Oct. 15.

Lewis, who will retire after the playoffs to cap a 17-year career, will play on after the Ravens stunned the host Broncos 38-35 in double overtime, a loss that goes down with the most devastating in Denver history.


“Certainly we did a lot of good things this season, but as of right now, it’s hard to think about anything besides the loss tonight,” Manning said afterward.

Manning did enough in regulation to help his team win, despite the first two turnovers. But he also was not perfect. He wasn’t at his best, whether it was due to the weather or the pressure of leading his new franchise to a playoff win.

“I probably wasn’t quite as good as I wanted to be,” Manning said, “and it probably cost us a couple of scoring opportunities.”

On Denver’s second possession of overtime, he stopped and threw across his body to the middle of the field and into the arms of Ravens cornerback Corey Graham at Denver’s 45. Baltimore ran five plays and gained 16 yards before Justin Tucker sailed his winning kick down the middle.

“Yeah, bad throw,” Manning said. “Probably the decision wasn’t great, either. I thought I had an opening, and I didn’t get enough on it, and I was trying to make a play and certainly a throw I’d like to have back.”


Lewis, who led the Ravens with 17 tackles over this nearly 77-minute game in 13-degree weather, kneeled down to the ground and put his helmet on the rock-solid turf when it was over.

“I’ve never been a part of a game so crazy in my life,” Lewis said.

At this point I am rooting for Ray Lewis to take the Ravens to Houston or more likely New England for a rematch of last year’s AFC Championship game where the Ravens came up short against Tom Brady and the Patriots. I don’t really think it matters to Lewis & his Ray-vens team mates as the emotion that usually carries teams to victory in the National Football League is most prevalent in the Baltimore locker room and personally I would love nothing more than for the Ray-vens to beat the Pats and then    have the Harbaugh brothers be opposing coaches in Super Bowl XLVII and having John the Ray-vens coach beat his snarky brother Jim in New Orleans on February 3, 2013. But that’s another story…

Hey! Are YOU ready to join a team of CHAMPIONS?

We have helped countless people prosper & excel in Online Marketing of all types of products from Art to Zippers and we’d like to help YOU too!
Here are some of our Prosperity Team only bonuses:

  • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
  • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
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  • Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

We also have a team community that is growing rapidly each day.

We are committed to your success and invite you to
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This True Story Will Amaze YOU!

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!







On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!
Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!
Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
Facebook Group Mastermind…
Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…
And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!
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Russell Brand Shares His Insight

Russell Brand Shares His Insight On Consciousness And BAFFLES His Interviewer

Russell Brand just adopted a new fan! I never knew how expanded he was until I actually watched this and heard the words he spoke here……honestly I never really pay much attention to Hollywood Hype but I have certain favorites and Russell Brand is a new favorite for me. I’m an avid for Conscious Expansion and always delighted to hear people express and be at one with this realization of our oneness in consciousness.
WATCH his interviewer after Russell says what he has to say……

“You cannot define yourself in reference to other external coordinates, you must define yourself internally with a relationship with a higher entity.

Think of yourself as a manifestation of some higher “thing”, some higher frequency, this is the visible realization.

And you know that because you can’t see atoms can you?

You certainly can’t see the forces that hold atoms together.

There in the micro quantum world Richard, lie the answers to everything.

We can’t understand it with our logical rational minds, but we feel it, intuitively.

Get yourself in alignment with that stuff and you BEAM like the sun.”

The interviewer Richard, makes the comment “jeepers creepers” as if Russell is mental and lost his mind!!! But has he?  People have the right to expand their minds to however they see it…..we don’t exist in this world to conform we exist to expand and grow and become more!

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Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”

We have helped countless people prosper & excel in Online Marketing of all types of products from Art to Zippers and we’d like to help YOU too!
Here are some of our Prosperity Team only bonuses:

  • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
  • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
  • 80 email auto-responder series for GVO or Aweber…
  • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
  • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
  • Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

We also have a team community that is growing rapidly each day.

We are committed to your success and invite
you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!








…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!
Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!
Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
Facebook Group Mastermind…
Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…
And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


If you enjoyed and/or gained value from this VIDEO post on “Russell Brand Shares His Insight On Consciousness And BAFFLES His Interviewer“, please post comment, like & share this page so someone else can benefit from it!


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By the way…..this is the same “Blog” that you will get
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Tools To Market Your Business On Facebook

FB Thumb

Facebook is rolling out another new feature for business owners – Facebook Gifts.

Facebook Gifts is part of a powerful suite of tools that lets you reach not only your current fans – but also their networks. Getting exposed to friends of your fans can extend your reach by up to 34 times more than if you market to your fans alone.

Here are four tools that can help you get better reach on Facebook – and better publicity for your business – at little to no cost.

Facebook Gifts

Facebook Gifts allows users to purchase actual, physical gifts from retailers and have them shipped directly to their friends. Users can purchase gifts for friends’ birthdays, holidays or other special occasions.

How Facebook Gifts Extends Your Reach


The receiver gets notified about the gift with a post on his or her Timeline – with a huge photo of the product and the store it came from. This means that instead of reaching just one person, you get exposure to the person who bought the gift, the person who got the gift, and the friends of both of those people. And they all get to see your goods.

Facebook collects a percentage of sales made from Gifts, but you get exposure to two people’s networks, which is pretty impressive reach.

Sign up for Facebook Gifts


Facebook Offers

Facebook Offers are sales, discounts, coupons or other specials offered by a business on their Facebook Page.

Fans of your page can claim an offer by clicking on it. The offer gets emailed to the fan, who can use it in your store or follow instructions to use it on your site.

How It Extends Your Reach
Facebook released statistics showing that for the most popular offers claimed, 3/4 of those claims came from friends of the fans who the offer originally targeted.

Facebook Offers have a viral nature. When fans claim your offer, the offer posts to their news feeds where all of their friends can see it. And when one of their friends claims the offer too, your brand gets exposed to a whole new network of people.

Facebook Offers requires you to set a minimum advertising budget of $5, but you can get some impressive exposure for your buck.

Set up Facebook Offers.


Facebook Social Plugins


“Like” and “Share” buttons for websites have been around for a few years now. If you don’t have them on your own site yet, they’re an easy – and free! – way to reach your visitors’ network of friends.

In fact, if your goal is more traffic and more time spent browsing your site, Facebook’s social plugins are powerful tools to add to your marketing arsenal.

How It Extends Your Reach
When a visitor “likes” an article on your website, that “like” gets published to their news feed for all their friends to see.

Other people who visit your site because a friend “liked” your article on Facebook spend 50% more time reading your content. They also click-through twice as many pages on your site than if they had discovered you themselves.

Facebook’s social plugins are free and can get you even more exposure to the networks of people who already like your brand and your site.

Get Social Plugins for your website.


Facebook Targeting


This last tool is less about reaching more people and more about reaching the right people.


Facebook has robust targeting for pages that can help you reach the right people with the right message:
Target by location. Have a local store and a web store? Target your fans by location to talk about your in-store sales so your online buyers won’t feel alienated.
Target by gender. Sell products for both guys and girls? Target by gender to make sure you’re hyping the right products to the right people.
Target by interest. If you’re a concert venue with fans who like a certain band, target them directly with an announcement when the band is coming to town. Appeal directly to your followers’ interests to make a bigger impact.

How It Extends Your Reach

Targeting your emails to your readers’ likes and preferences can get them more interested in your campaign.

Targeting your Facebook posts directly to their personal interests can have the same effect on your Facebook marketing, making them “Like” and comment on your statuses more, which gets that activity showing up in their friends’ newsfeeds more often.

Set up Facebook Targeting.


Make The Most Of Facebook
Facebook’s tools will help your page get better reach, spreading awareness of your brand farther than you could before. But that’s not all you can do with Facebook. Carry those connections back to your email campaign for even more ways to build your Empower Network audience.


Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”

I have over 3 years full time experience in Online Marketing.  Here are some of our team only bonuses:

  • Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
  • Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
  • 80 email auto responder series for GVO or Aweber…
  • Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
  • Team Facebook Mastermind Group
  • Monday-Friday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call

We are committed to your success and invite

you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

If you like this post please share it and comment below.


I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!










You hear this word a lot online when it comes to Marketing. Unfortunately, far too often

the “secrets” you read about are nothing more than well known techniques that perhaps

only YOU have never heard of.

I’m proud to say, what I claim to be secrets I share are just that; secret methods on

how to build your online business, and get ahead of your competition, and save yourself a

ton of money in the process. There’s no way to do it completely free, for the old adage is

correct; “It takes money to make money”, but I’ve given you a short cut that will keep

most of your dollars in your pocket. As a matter of fact, I even include a proven, time

tested method on how to help fund your business .

These are very exclusive tips, and Wayne Sharer’s SEO videos are a great example. I’ve

actually asked around about some of his techniques, and I was quite surprised how many

marketers were unaware of them. To me, that makes his program a true “secret” of

Internet Marketing.

Another fantastic example is Jamie Lewis’ program. While it is not free, and to some it

may seem a little expensive, it’s an awesome lesson on how to save you a small fortune

from future mistakes. Another one of Jamie Lewis’ programs, is an advance lesson

where he will actually work with you one-on-one and immediately produce income

with you via a web-cast!

These programs are a remarkable foundation in which you can build your online

business, and it’s told to you in very simplistic form, which is critical in order to avoid

“information overload” and confusion. Jamie is very down to earth, and has the fruit-on -the tree when it comes to his success.

Again, much advice online is labeled “secrets”, when most are mere “tips”. These

programs are far-and-away true secrets of the trade.

As far as tips go, I’m not going to take up a bunch of pages on this, for woven through

this entire series of blogs are tips, principles, and secrets, but I will offer this one piece of advice;

You cannot make a million dollars without making one dollar first.

I realize that sounds like a “DUH” statement, but it is far more relative than you realize.

It’s too easy for one to surf around the Internet and see opportunities everywhere – often

becoming confused. Many opportunities cost money to join, and promote (other than the

free techniques outlined in this book). At first, don’t work on too many opportunities at

once. When you have one business generating an income, then you can expand to others.

I know many people will disagree with this, but it is a simple Internet Marketing “tip”

that is not often shared. Focus all of your time and energy on ONE niche/business at a

time. UNLESS it is a business like “Easy Money Method” that has three great businesses

tied together in a single system, along with a marketing funnel that goes along with it. I

have to tell you however, that type of business is a rarity!

That word “Focus” is very underrated in online marketing. I see so many people doing so

many things, it’s hard for them to keep track of them all. This is silly to me, as it is better

to do one thing “great” then many things “fair” in my opinion.

If the primary business/niche you choose is not growing properly, then you can focus on

another. On the same token however, don’t start a business/niche, promote it for three

days, and then decide it doesn’t work. That’s not what I’m talking about.

Successful entrepreneurs (or “cyberprenuers”) are in it for the long haul, and they start

with the end in mind. They work toward their vision of what they want their business to

become. That is why, at the beginning of these blogs I talked about dreams and your

reasons why you want a successful online business. You need to see your business

already successful in your mind.


Take some time to decide exactly what you want your business to be over the next 5, 10,

even 20 years. Then set aside time, every day, to visualize the mental picture of your

success. This falls directly inline with the “Law of Attraction” and most successful

Internet Marketers know the power of practicing this technique.

Whenever you choose a business, you must keep a vision of what you want it to become

clearly in focus. With this insight, it makes daily decision-making much easier.

After all, with a clear-cut vision of what you want your business to become, you can

always ask yourself, “Will this action move me closer to creating the success I’m

visualizing?” If the answer is “yes”, you know you can move forward confidently.

Well, in order to avoid “information overload” like I mentioned, I think that will do it for

this ebook.

Naturally, there are many more aspects to Internet Marketing, and we have scratched but

the surface, however this is a VERY good introduction for you to begin your “Internet

Marketing Internship”.

These techniques and principles will help you begin to realize the amazing potential that

lies within you, and the power of the Internet, to turn your goals and dreams into reality.

Is there work involved? Absolutely. Are your aspirations worth it? Only you have the

answer to that.

These blogs are merely a guide to get you started, and if you have been in Network

Marketing for a while and have hit a slump, it is meant to get your creative juices flowing


To recap:


JUST DO IT! (To quote Nike). Start brainstorming and thinking of all the ways

you can get your message out, respectfully, and without spamming (because no

one likes that, and it is completely counter-productive).

Brush off the ones who think what you’re doing is a scam, or if they are not

interested. Let it go. There will always be someone who is looking for exactly

what you have, and you will find them, you just have to dig deep, and NEVER

stop digging!


Success Manual HERE!


Never give up! Never quit! Never surrender your dreams and aspirations; they are

true possessions in the ever-changing ocean of life. Never let go of them!

As you can see you have opened an entire world through these pages… I sincerely hope

you follow your heart and implement these teachings.

I believe you were not led here by accident… you were meant to read every word.

Of course, I cannot guarantee your success, for alas…it is up to you. Ultimately, it

depends on how big your “why” is, and rests solely on your actions and determination. I

can tell you however; if you refuse to let go of your dreams, and fight with every ounce

of your being for their existence, they will happen. Just remember, define

your “why”, and never look back. And, if you follow these lessons,

techniques, and instructions, I’ll bet dollars to dimes you find yourself on a crystal-clearbeach

one day thinking to yourself;

“I’m sure glad I don’t have to work that job for another 30 years!”

Remember, life is too short to accept mediocrity. It is far too brief to live in quiet

desperation, and not live up to one’s full potential. After all, we never know how much

sand we have left in the hourglass.

I leave you on this personal note;

In 2007 I lost my best friend…he was only 50. I think of him often.

Recently, a song came over the radio as I was driving home from a ball game that we used to go to that says it all:

“As the cold wind blows across the graveyard I think I hear… the voice of my old

friend whisper in my ear; I’m gonna stop looking back, and start moving on, and learn

how to face my fears. Love with all of my heart, and make my mark, I wanna leave

somethin’ here. I’m going out on a ledge, without any net, that’s what I’m gonna be

about; I wanna be runnin’ when the sand runs out.” ~ Rascal Flatts

God bless you…and may He bless all you hope to achieve.


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I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Here is where you may find NEW ideas for your posts Unique Article Wizard

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Many people chose to buy their traffic, instead of having to learn the ins-and-outs of how

to obtain it for free (actually, the term “free” is a misnomer because you will be spending

quite a bit of time learning the ropes and implementing your Internet Marketing


To be honest with you, this is a waste of money. It RARELY produces any worthwhile

results and to be quite blunt, you’re fooling yourself if you think throwing 25k hits at a

website will make you rich. The main reason behind this is, this is untargeted traffic that

is not relevant (there’s that word again!) to your opportunity or product, and most of it is

from dropped websites over-seas, that is funneled to your URL.

In the beginning I used to hurl as much traffic to my pages as I could through these sites,

thinking my business would explode, only to end up frustrated when nothing happened,

even after 50,000 hits! I began to question whether actual people were clicking on my

opportunity, or if it was a “bot” doing it. The later is likely the case, and in my personal

opinion the only one making any money off these traffic sites are the owners, and not so

honestly at that.

It takes TONS of this “redirected traffic” to gain any leads. I suppose if you hurled 1

Million hits at your site, then you might see a sign-up or two, but you are better off

spending your money elsewhere to promote your business.

I’m sure sales do happen, but if you chose this method, may I suggest while the hits are

being delivered, you implement the other means of free traffic that is emphasized in this

manual. That way you keep building while you are praying for the traffic you bought to

produce a result. = )

Here are some sites that may interest you if you think buying traffic will work for you:










To continue from the earlier segment, I will now explain further CPC & CPM marketing:

For those of you who are not already aware, CPC stands for “Cost-Per-Click” while

CPM stands for “Cost-Per-Thousand” (The “M” is not a type-o. It stands for the Roman

numeral “M” which represents 1,000).

“Cost-Per-Click” advertising is simple enough. Every time someone clicks on your link

on an advertising site across the web, it costs you a pre-determined amount of money.

This cost can be anywhere from $0.05 to $20.00 (and much more in some cases). It is

based on the amount of money you are willing to pay for certain keywords as I explained

in the earlier segment.

You can see how imperative it is for you to do the research I outlined before, so you

don’t end up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars in advertising with this


Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions Traffic  …

Is where you pay a pre-set amount for every onethousand

impressions that your advertisement is shown on the internet. This method can

be substantially less expensive that CPC, however, it all depends on how good your ad

copy is, and how well your product converts/sells.

With CPC, if your ad strikes curiosity enough to make a person click on it, but the

product or service is not very enticing and doesn’t convert well, then that click will likely

not produce a sale, but you still have to pay for it. On the same token, if your ad is not

very enticing while using CPM, then very few people will click on the link promoted, and

you will not generate sales that way either. A very big key to advertising this way is to

make sure your ad copy is sound (great even) and your product has a very high

conversion rate. If you feel that you are not capable of writing a solid ad copy, there are

many “for-hire individuals” and companies online that can assist you, but still, there are

no guarantees.

I strongly suggest that you read up on this advertising method, for as I mentioned above,

it can quickly become drastically expensive if you are not sure how to do it properly.

After you have mastered how to market with these techniques, here are some high

traffic places in which to advertise using CPC and/or CPM:















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 Free Offer Links:







Click to GET it FREE -3-day Stealth Marketing Course

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Here is where you may find NEW ideas for your posts Unique Article Wizard

10,000 Per Month Challenge FREE-Click Here!






We have all seen the viral “Youtube” videos with the kitty-cat being cute and going nuts,


Repeatedly the “Nightly News” shows a clip of a video from “Youtube” that has captured

the attention of the entire world.

Now, picture your business video getting just a fraction of that audience. Can you

imagine the potential?

“Youtube” is a FANTASTIC marketing platform! You can share promotional videos

instead of just posting words and links, and this has a powerful effect on your potential

customers/business associates.

As an example; within an hour on the first day I opened my account and posted a

promotional video, someone signed up to one of my opportunities. I’m not saying that

will happen to you, but as the saying goes; “you can’t score if you don’t take the shot!”

Once you have signed up for a MLM or affiliate program (or any other business for that

matter) there should be promotional videos with your opportunity (if not, there is plenty

of software online where you can create your own video explaining your opportunity).

Head on over to “Youtube” and open a free account by clicking the “Create Account”

button, and providing your information. Once that is complete, you need to begin adding

friends, just like on Twitter and Facebook.

Now, there are two ways you can do this. You can do it the mind-numbingly-slow-andtedious-

hard-way; by manually looking up videos that are related to your business or

niche, and subscribing to users and adding them as friends.


You can download “Tubetoolbox” and literally start building your “Youtube” base

overnight on autopilot!

This is a very POWERFUL tool! It is by far the most user-friendly and efficient method

for building a social media-platform that I have EVER used. I WISH they would come

out with a comparable version for Facebook and Twitter

You can download the program and try it for free here:

Build Your Youtube Account On Auto Pilot!

After the trail period is up, it will cost you $10 a month, with a one-time set up fee of

$20.00, but I have to tell you, of all the “tools” that are out there, this one is

simply the BEST, and so worth the money. In a month’s time you can literally

send out 15,000 friend requests! (It would be more, but Youtube has a restriction

as to how many you can send per day, fortunately it is nowhere near as strict as

FB or Twitter).

Not to mention, you can send an equal amount of promotional videos directly to each of

your friends AND to anyone, and everyone, who is on “Youtube” whether they

are in your friends list or not! This is just the tip of the iceberg with this thing!

It also comes with instruction videos to take you systematically through the process of

building your “Youtube” audience. Once you begin to use “Tubetoolbox” you

will see how efficient it is in getting your business videos in front of thousands,

with next to no effort on your part.

Again however, I can’t say this enough; keep in mind that as you search for videos and

people to add to your list, you must keep them relevant to your niche or

opportunity to be most effective.

It is so complete a system, there is scarcely anything else for me to say on how to build

your “Youtube” platform. Download it, learn it, use it, and SUCCEED!



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 Free Offer Links:







Click to GET it FREE -3-day Stealth Marketing Course

I’m Dennis and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group. We are growing daily, learning from our mistakes and others too! Experience & Education & Enthusiasm is HOW we grow.

 Taking Massive Action is WHY we grow!!!

Here is where you may find NEW ideas for your posts Unique Article Wizard

10,000 Per Month Challenge FREE-Click Here!

Economics 101 and The Fiscal Cliff

The Fiscal Cliff is NONSENSE!

I mean really, it makes no sense to me. But I’ll tell you something that does make sense to me. Our Country owes debt to other countries and other countries owe debt to The US of A. I don’t understand and I wish someone would tell me why Our Leaders in Washington are not making the most of our own natural resources and good ol’ Yankee Ingenuity and capitalize on what apparently is the greatest cash crops in the world, Marijuana.Fiscal Cliff indeed!

There I said it. Now you must understand that is not coming from someone who lives in Washington State where they have taken steps to decriminalize a plant that grows like a weed, has so many useful purposes industrially as well as medicinally, was grown or used by all of our country’s Forefathers and can be harvested anywhere cept’ where ice covers the ground. And even there it can be grown indoors. Fiscal cliff ?? It just doesn’t make any sense (I’m talking as an outsider looking in) that we are not taking advantage of the opportunities to put people to work,plant farms where there is just nothing productive happening on the land, and get out of debt. I make it all seem so easy don’t I? Well check out the video below to see how easy it’s gotten to handle situations in an entrepreneurial manner…

I give you…EZ Trim

Isn’t that awesome!!! Now the guy with the farm who was hiring out to roving bands of “Trimmers” whenever it was time to reap, trim and manicure his product, has now given way to the “horseless carriage” of his industry. I’m all for making a buck, but I’m more for “share the wealth”. Those roving bands of “Trimmers”need work too!

Can we Lower the Fiscal Cliff 

Can you imagine the suit’s and ties on Capitol Hill who refuse to work with another American because he isn’t as greedy as him or a number of other labels we can toss around and no matter which one I choose, I will still be politicly incorrect, getting together to put this pot deal into action. Not like they screwed up Prohibition ! But like they built Apple Computers or Apple Corps but that’s another topic.

We are still a few years away I guess from people born the late 50’s or 60’s take power in…oh wait they are there now! The problem is now their egos and affiliations change and it’s more about personal growth and wealth even though the idea of Public Service ie…Serving the Public became not so important. Come on guys this isn’t for me this is for my grandkids who I don’t want growing up in a world of corruption and greed. I mean what’s the worse that could happen? The Marijuana industry will turn into the tobacco industry??  or  or or maybe the distilled spirits industry????  or or or I got one even better the pharmaceutical industry….  Marijuana has way more uses than just getting you stoned.

I mean the Declaration of Independence was written on it.

Please watch the above video and let’s hash this out and discuss this.

Let’s face it, the fiscal cliff is real but there are bigger factors involved here and why the truth has to be just put on the back burner. I really thought that President Clinton who never inhaled or President Bush jr. who might have inhaled to President Obama who … well what is the real truth to why a product that grows like a weed,has so many uses and has never killed a person using it but many have died protecting the people who have profited from it’s growth and sales, is not being monopolized by the US Government.


Part Two tomorrow…
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Someone commented the other day about getting stopped out on Apple and joked that it would likely go up from there–which, of course, it did.

Using stop orders is one way to limit risk, and limiting risk is the way to stay in the game. Yet stops seem to get hit all too often.

One of the worst feelings in trading is being right but still losing money. That is one of the problems with stops, especially those that are set too tight when stocks are seeing large swings, as we noted in a special report on the flash crash of May 2010.

Some traders have the fortitude to get back into the trade once they get stopped out, but that can take its toll. And, in many cases, the move is a clear sign that you were wrong with your original thesis.

Jack Schwager makes this point in his new book, “Hedge Fund Market Wizards.” “Too many traders set stops based on their pain threshold rather than points that disprove their trade premise,” he writes.

Stops should not be set on just a loss basis, but rather at a point that makes sense–a price at which you are willing to say you are wrong about the trade idea. If that stop is too large in terms of losses, then reduce the size of the position.

Stopped Out Options


Options can provide a good alternative. Buying calls or call spreads is a limited-risk way of getting directional exposure without the worries of getting stopped out. But those who want to stick with stocks can use volatility data for better use of their stops.

There are two main types of volatility metrics. The first is historical volatility, which tells us how much the stock has been moving in the recent past. The second is implied volatility from the options, which can be used to compile an average–or volatility surface–for the stock. This tells us how much volatility is anticipated by option traders going forward.

Many traders may not be interested in how much volatility one expects in the next year, which is what this data usually tells us, but there are ways to break this down.

A VIX of 24 suggests that the S&P 500 will be higher or lower by 24 percent with a 1 standard deviation (67 percent) probability. This can be taken down to daily information by dividing by the square root of 252, the accepted number of trading days in a year.

So if the volatility is 32 percent, the daily move is expected to be 2 percent with a 67 percent probability. It makes sense to view anything within that move as noise, so a short-term trader likely wouldn’t want a stop within that band.

Volatility Chart

For example, we can look at the SPDR S&P 500 (SPY) exchange-traded fund just below $133, with an average implied volatility of 21 percent. That is pretty much in line with its short-term historical volatility but above the 30-day reading as shown on the chart here. So the expected daily move is 1.32 percent, or 21 divided by 15.87. So the noise, in this case, is essentially 1.75 points up or down.

Again, options often provide the best way to limit risk and allow positions to be held through choppy moves. But those who prefer stocks with stop-losses should at least incorporate volatility data to determine the best trading parameters.

Risk versus volatility:

Jack Schwager is renowned for his “Market Wizard” books, and his newest addition, “Hedge Fund Market Wizards,” came out recently. This series is a must-read for novice and veteran traders alike.

I have not gotten very far into the newest installment, which features interviews with some of my favorite traders. But I have seen a number of interviews with Schwager about the book that address the idea of risk versus volatility, and it is indeed a topic worthy of further discussion.

Many people equate volatility with risk. Yet Schwager is quick to point out that such an idea is not only false, but even dangerous. When choosing a strategy or a fund to invest in, people are drawn to smooth upward sloping P/L graphs. Schwager, however, points out that those graphs often betray the real risks:

“There are many strategies that make moderate money most of the time, giving low volatility track records. Once in a while, these strategies are prone to huge losses–they are highly left-skewed. They make money most of the time, but once in a while can lose a lot. These are strategies which are explicitly or implicitly short volatility.”

Case in point: The least volatile investment one could have made in 2007 was in Bernie Madoff’s fund, and we know how that ended. Many other funds and strategies that are not fraudulent still have low volatility that masks their true risk. As Schwager mentions, strategies that are explicitly or implicitly short volatility do just that.

Nassim Taleb discussed just this problem in “The Black Swan” and provided a nice example of low volatility and high risk in the life of a turkey, as shown on the graph below.

Life of a Turkey

Many traders are drawn into option-selling strategies for just this reason. They produce steady, solid returns most of the time with the P/L in a nice upward-sloping track.

But I know of one option newsletter/auto-trade service that provides amazing steady returns and then blows up about every four years. That may be OK for hedge funds and newsletters, which make money when things are good and don’t give up anything when they blow up because they can always start again. It’s a different story, of course, for individual investors and traders.

I honestly don’t have a problem with short-volatility strategies, as I use some of them myself. But don’t be fooled by the low volatility levels, especially when looking at returns that don’t include steep drops in their respective markets.

In one of the most infamous examples of this problem, Long Term Capital Management supposedly did not include 1987 in the risk models of their strategies when they blew up about 10 years later. So using protection and limited-risk selling trades is the appropriate way to approach such strategies, even if the returns aren’t necessarily the most impressive.

The upshot: Don’t be fooled into thinking that low volatility is low risk. And, by all means, don’t be a turkey.

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Bulls' Effort Too Little, Too Late as Dow Retreats 104; Index Suffers Third Straight Triple-Digit Drop

“The market declined pretty steadily since the opening bell, as lackluster earnings on the domestic front took the spotlight,” explained Schaeffer’s Senior Equities Analyst Joe Bell. “Rumors also surfaced around midday that Greece may not be able to meet some of its commitments related to economic aid they received. European markets finished near their lows and certainly put pressure on U.S. equity markets.” Indeed, at its lowest point of the day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) had pulled back some 199 points.

Keep reading to see what else was on our radar today:

And now, a look at the numbers…





After the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI – 12,617.32) tagged its session low of 12,521.84 just after 2:30 p.m. EST, the index bounced higher and made up for a big chunk of its losses. Ultimately, the Dow tallied a 104.1-point, or 0.8%, deficit. All but four of the 30 blue chips closed lower, as Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO) paced the 26 laggards with a 5.9% drop. On the flip side, JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM) led the winning issues with an 0.8% gain.

The S&P 500 Index (SPX – 1,338.31) and Nasdaq Composite (COMP – 2,862.99) also took the road south today. By the time the dust settled, the SPX gave up 12.2 points, or 0.9%, while the COMP sawed off 27.2 points, or 0.9%.

The CBOE Market Volatility Index (VIX – 20.47) turned higher for a third consecutive session, posting a 9.9% rise and an intraday best of 21.00. Today marked the highest daily close for the market’s fear gauge since June 15.

Today’s highlight: “The market experienced a slight late-day bounce, as we finished well off the lows,” confirmed Bell. “Apple Inc.’s (NASDAQ:AAPL) earnings report has finally arrived, as the company is set to report after the close. All eyes will be on the tech behemoth tonight, and will certainly be a focus for market participants tomorrow.”

Turning to today’s major market stories…

Short Sales on NYSE Top 2011 Peak as September Bets Lost 21%

Short sales on the New York Stock Exchange have climbed above last September’s peak, a level that preceded a five-month rally and heralded losses for bears.

Shares borrowed and sold reached 5.35 percent of stock available for trading last month, according to data compiled by NYSE Euronext. (NYX) That eclipses 5.28 percent on Sept. 15, when bearish bets peaked last year and the 25 most-shorted companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) began a 21 percent advance, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

Investors speculating on declines have pushed up short sales each of the last two years only to see the trades fizzle as actions by central banks helped stoke rallies. Photographer: Jin Lee/Bloomberg

Weeden's Purves on U.S. Stock Outlook, Strategy


July 12 (Bloomberg) — Michael Purves, chief global strategist at Weeden & Co., talks about the outlook for U.S. stocks and his investment strategy. He speaks with Pimm Fox on Bloomberg Television’s “Taking Stock.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Koesterich on Investment Strategy, Emerging Markets


July 12 (Bloomberg) — Russ Koesterich, global chief investment strategist for the IShares unit of BlackRock Inc., talks about the stock market outlook. Koesterich speaks with Stephanie Ruhle and Scarlet Fu on Bloomberg Television’s “Market Makers.” (Source: Bloomberg)

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Investors speculating on declines have pushed up short sales each of the last two years only to see the trades fizzle as actions by central banks helped stoke rallies. Bulls say the same thing will happen in 2012 as European leaders work to contain the debt crisis and companies beat earnings projections for a 14th straight quarter. For bears, slowing economies from China to Germany mean the bets will finally pay off.

“To the extent people have gone short U.S. domestic equities, I think they’re kind of wasting their time,” Michael Shaoul, chairman of Marketfield Asset Management in New York, which oversees more than $2 billion, said July 11. “As I said last year when Europe was falling apart and the U.S. was going down, once this panic is over we’ll go straight back up again.”

Stocks fell four straight days last week, before JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s quarterly earnings report boosted the S&P 500 on July 13, giving the index a gain of 0.2 percent for the week. Earlier losses came as companies from Applied Materials Inc. to Cummins Inc. cut sales forecasts.

April Peak

Almost $1 trillion has been erased from U.S. equities since shares peaked this year on April 2, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The S&P 500 declined 0.4 percent to 1,351.12 at 9:47 a.m. New York time today.

Concern that recessions in Europe and slowing growth in China will kill the global recovery helped pushed bearish bets to levels seen in 2011 and 2010. Short sales crested in September as the S&P 500 approached 1,099.23, its lowest level of 2011. The index surged 29 percent in the next six months.

“A pattern that appears to be unfolding again is a third year of weakness during the summer,” Eric Teal, chief investment officer at First Citizens Bancshares Inc., which manages $4.5 billion in Raleigh, North Carolina, said July 11. “But as in the past years, the U.S. market remains attractive. I still believe it possesses bullish fundamentals: earnings and valuations and potential for growth versus the other markets.”

PulteGroup, Whirlpool

Investors making bearish bets in September suffered as stocks such as PulteGroup Inc. and Whirlpool Corp. (WHR) with the highest short interest rallied 21 percent on average through April 2, 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The advance is about 3.4 percentage points more than the S&P 500’s climb.

Gains in the most-hated stocks have hurt returns for professional money managers. Hedge funds with a short bias have lost 8.3 percent in 2012, the most of the 19 strategies tracked by Hedge Fund Research Inc. in Chicago.

Applied Materials (AMAT) and Cummins were among the 100 stocks in the S&P 500 with the fewest short sales. Bearish investors missed out as the stocks tumbled 10 percent and 9.4 percent, respectively, since September.

Cummins, based in Columbus, Indiana, cited weaker demand and a slower economy when it cut its revenue forecast last week. The maker of truck engines plunged the most in almost a year July 10, after saying it saw “demand in some markets weaken recently as growth in the global economy has slowed.”

Forecast Cut

Applied Materials, the chipmaking-equipment provider based in Santa Clara, California, cut its fiscal 2012 sales and profit forecasts last week amid weakness in Europe and China. Advanced Micro Devices Inc., the second-biggest maker of processors for personal computers, said second-quarter sales fell for the same reasons.

“Both China and Europe are quite weak,” Mike Splinter, chief executive officer at Applied Materials, said last week in San Francisco. “Both markets are worse than they were at this time last year.”

China’s gross domestic product expanded 7.6 percent last quarter from a year earlier, the slowest pace in three years. In Germany, the largest economy in Europe, business confidence has slumped to the lowest level in more than two years last month and retail sales unexpectedly decreased in May.

In the U.S., the unemployment rate has remained above 8 percent since 2009 and fewer jobs than estimated were added in the past four months, according to Labor Department figures. The world’s largest economy is expanding at its slowest post- recession rate in six decades, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Most Shorted

Investors betting on losses since the S&P 500 reached a four-year high on April 2 have been rewarded. The 25 most- shorted stocks have fallen 12 percent in the past three and a half months, almost triple the S&P 500’s loss, according to the median return compiled by Bloomberg.

“Bearishness spiking over the last month or so is really a function of the global slowdown and the global fear that China continues to see downward adjustments to their GDP,” said Chris Baggini, a fund manager at Berwyn, Pennsylvania-based Turner Investment Partners Inc., which oversees about $18 billion.

Short sales are climbing while another measure of investor concern holds below its historical average. The Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index (VIX), derived from prices to protect against losses in S&P 500 shares, has declined 28 percent this year to 16.74 and hasn’t exceeded 20 since June 25.

Earnings Beat

Four out of the six S&P 500 companies that reported results last week beat analysts’ earnings estimates while one missed, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Overall, profits probably decreased 2.1 percent in the second quarter, the first drop in almost three years, according to a Bloomberg survey of analysts.

The U.S. economy is forecast to expand 2.1 percent in 2012 after growing 1.7 percent in 2011, according to the median of 72 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. Reports last week showed the U.S. trade deficit narrowed for a second straight month in May.

PulteGroup was the 12th most-shorted S&P 500 stock in September as reports on new home starts and sales signaled weakness in the U.S. housing market. The largest U.S. homebuilder by revenue, based in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, has more than doubled since then as its first-quarter loss narrowed and it reduced costs and sold houses at higher prices.

Stronger Demand

“It was the first quarter in several years that fundamental demand came in stronger than expected, allowing us to beat our forecast for the period,” Chief Executive Officer Richard Dugas said on a call with analysts in April.

Whirlpool gained more than twice the S&P 500 from September to the April 2, 2012, high. Almost 12 percent of shares available were sold short in September, making it one of the 25 stocks with the most bearish bets in the S&P 500.

The world’s largest appliance maker beat the average analyst projection for profit in the fourth quarter and the first three months of 2012. On Feb. 1, the Benton Harbor, Michigan-based company projected full-year earnings that exceeded analysts’ estimates.

The ratio of bullish positions to short positions fell to 11.3 this month, down 12 percent from the 12-month high in April, according to Markit, a London-based research firm.

Higher profits have kept the S&P 500 trading at a discount to its historic mean. The average price-earnings ratio this year was 13.8, 16 percent below the average since 1954 according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“The healthiest spot of the economy is ironically the corporate sector,” Russ Koesterich, the San Francisco-based global chief investment strategist for the IShares unit of BlackRock Inc., said in a Bloomberg Television interview last week. His firm oversees $3.68 trillion. “Equities are reasonably priced, arguably cheap compared to bonds.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Whitney Kisling in New York at wkisling@bloomberg.net