Whether you choose to become involved in a MLM or affiliate marketing, there is one facet to becoming successful online that is more important than anything else in the networking arena and that is TRAFFIC! If there’s one thing you take from this book, it needs to be this simple truth;

Traffic + Good Opportunity = $ !!!

No Traffic + Good Opportunity = No $!

There is just no way around it. If you master how to drive traffic, you will succeed. If you do not, you will fail. Simple as that. When you embark on your journey of “Internet Marketing” you must fully understand that your number one goal is to drive traffic to your opportunity. There is NOTHING more result producing than this, and NOTHING will break your spirit faster than not having it. The reasons are obvious. Traffic means prospects, and prospects mean leads, and leads means sales and or business associates and that equals $$$. So let us get right to it. Let’s look into the deep, vast realm of Internet traffic, and how to drive some of it straight to your opportunity. We’ll start with social media:


Since the invention of Facebook the world has changed, especially the world of “Internet Marketing”. Thanks to the inventors of this social network, it is now possible to post your opportunity on your “Wall” with either a link, or an enticing ad copy, and attract untold numbers of prospects with a click of a mouse. Do not underestimate the power of this market place, for it stretches across the world and commands an unbelievably MASSIVE audience, one in which you can tap into within seconds! Where else can you have access to over 600 million people, with millions of possible prospects? It is a very exciting platform and it’s all FREE! As mentioned, you can post your opportunity on your wall, and on your friends walls, and in designated groups relevant to your niche. For example, if you are promoting a weight loss product, you would join specific groups on Facebook relevant to that product, and promote it to them as well.The only thing you should realize is that you have to be considerate when marketing on FB and here’s why:

It is easy to spam there (or at least what the administrator’s consider spamming) and they do NOT put up with it. It’s understandable, no one likes to check their mailbox and find a flood of gibberish and sales pitches, which is what happens far too often on Facebook. Eventually, their site filters will detect if you are spamming, and your account will be suspended. So, how do you go about promoting your opportunity without spamming? Simple: Number one thing is to post your opportunity in the manner described above, and when posting to YOUR wall, you want to post it between 3 and 4 hours apart (only post once a day in groups, and only once a week or more on your friends walls). Now, I know some of you reading this are saying to yourself; “Three or four hours apart? I work for a living. I don’t have time to do that!” Not to worry, there is FREE software that you can program to post your ads for you.

Personally, my favorite is “Hootsuite”. This program is super user-friendly and lets you post to Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Buzz, Chatter and more -simultaneously, or separately if you chose. Type in your ad, schedule it to run every 3 to 4 hours, and you’re done. You can be advertising in your sleep! ,Same deal there; 24/7 advertising! Yet another is “”. Any one of these programs will help you stay on a consistent marketing schedule while you are busy living your life. One bit of advice I would like to admonish when promoting on FB; don’t send to other people’s inboxes (although it is quite common a practice by many).

Unsolicited emails is “spam” in its purest form, and chances are, many recipients will mark it as such. As a whole, it is repelling, and counter productive. You’ll be wasting your time, and getting a lot of people very unhappy with you. Remember, many people on Facebook are there for the social experience, and while it has never made much sense to me to take a picture of what I’m eating for dinner and post it as my status, many people do just that. They are not interested in business opportunities, all they want to do is play on their virtual farms, and tell their friends what color socks they are wearing. That is their choice, and it should be respected. One very effective trick when promoting on Facebook is add likeminded people into your network of friends. Think of your friends list as your marketing base; it is where your prospects and potential customers will come from. It is easy to spam there (or at least what the administrator’s consider spamming) and they do NOT put up with it. It’s understandable, no one likes to check their mailbox and find a flood of gibberish and sales pitches, which is what happens far too often on Facebook. Eventually, their site filters will detect if you are spamming, and your account will be suspended.


So, how do you go about promoting your opportunity without spamming? Simple: Number one thing is to post your opportunity in the manner described above, and when posting to YOUR wall, you want to post it between 3 and 4 hours apart (only post once a day in groups, and only once a week or more on your friends walls). Now, I know some of you reading this are saying to yourself; “Three or four hours apart? I work for a living. I don’t have time to do that!” Not to worry, there is FREE software that you can program to post your ads for you. Personally, my favorite is “Seesmic”. This program is super user-friendly and lets you post to Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Buzz, Chatter and more -simultaneously, or separately if you chose. Type in your ad, schedule it to run every 3 to 4 hours, and you’re done. You can be advertising in your sleep! Another popular program is “Hootsuite”. Same deal there; 24/7 advertising! Yet another is “”. Any one of these programs will help you stay on a consistent marketing schedule while you are busy living your life. One bit of advice I would like to admonish when promoting on FB; don’t send to other people’s inboxes (although it is quite common a practice by many). Unsolicited emails is “spam” in its purest form, and chances are, many recipients will mark it as such. As a whole, it is repelling, and counter productive. You’ll be wasting your time, and getting a lot of people very unhappy with you. Remember, many people on Facebook are there for the social experience, and while it has never made much sense to me to take a picture of what I’m eating for dinner and post it as my status, many people do just that. They are not interested in business opportunities, all they want to do is play on their virtual farms, and tell their friends what color socks they are wearing. That is their choice, and it should be respected. One very effective trick when promoting on Facebook is add likeminded people into your network of friends. Think of your friends list as your marketing base; it is where your prospects and potential customers will come from. Now, here’s a challenge when promoting on Facebook; if you only have 50 friends on your list, then you won’t get much exposure. Remember, it is a numbers game. You need to add friends daily, but here you must use caution. A year ago you could add 100 friends a day and never worry about being stopped, but in the ever changing “Zuckerberg world”, they’ve lowered that number dramatically. Now you can send out about 10 to 20 a day (maybe a couple dozen more if you do it at a snail’s pace). Regardless of the tedious nature of building your list, you need to be consistent. Set a goal everyday to add friends (people) to your list. Tomorrow, we’ll tell you how to do it!


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